
Oh, am I glad to be home! What a long day! We had our work cut out for us today! Woah! 

All I thought about all day was this new apartment situation. That’s all I ever think of now. I am going to get some furniture from Rent-A-Center. I’ve given much thought, and, since I am afraid I going to be lonely, I am going to get myself a dog! All my life I’ve wanted a lab but I can’t get one because, according to the website, labs are not allowed. There’s a list of dogs that you can have though. I think I am going to go with a German Sherpard. I am sick to death of them because all of my life we’ve had them (my dad loves them) but he/she would be a good dog for protection. A good watch dog. I think I’m going to name him (and, yes, I want a male dog) Jester. I have to get to Pet Co like right after I move in. I want like 5 cats too. LOL! I love cats. I decided that I am going to take a whole week off so that I can get everything together when I move in. I am shooting for September. I figure it will take like 2-3 days to clean the apartment. I am going to clean EVERYTHING with bleach and water to try and kill the AIDS virus and whatever else might be in the apartment. Get my carpets shampooed and everything. Then Rent-A-Center can came. I am going to order a plasma TV, an entertainment center, a table set, a sofa, and a dining room set from them. After that, I can go and get my pets. I am so excited. I’m saving as much money as I possibly can for this to become a reality.

Oh, and if and when I have a dog I can take him with me when I go for my walks. We can go to the park and whatnot. Maybe some nature trail walks and things like that. He will go everywhere with me in the car. Well…wait….maybe I’m reading this wrong and maybe German Shepards are NOT allowed. I don’t know. It says: "Breed Restrictions on Dogs" and then lists a few breed names. It also says, before that, that there are no weight restrictions. Who knows? I bet you I’m reading it wrong. So maybe I could have a lab. I want 2 labs. One black and one yellow. I want the yellow one to be named Cookie and the black one named Cocoa. But I don’t know as if that would be a good idea because I read online they like to play a lot and if they don’t get enough playtime, then they can be destructive. And they aren’t watch dogs. So….that’s something I will have to take into consideration. I will have to research dogs online. Maybe I won’t get one. I’m not really a dog person to be honest. I just, like I said, want a companion to keep my company. I will let you know. I also like Siberian Huskies but they aren’t allowed in the apartment either….I think I just may go with the labs. They are so cute!





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clean the AIDS virus? Insensitive and misinformed.

What’s the rush on moving out-only to do so with assistance from Charities and rented furniture? Seriously…all that stuff from Rent A Center will likely cost you 200-300 hundred dollars a paycheck-not a month, a paycheck. You need to be a big girl-save up the money, pay down your exsisting debt and move out like an adult does-without charity and assistance. MAYBE start by going to school…

going to school to get an education so that you can have a better paying job and a future that will provide you with a plasma tv and fancy furniture the right way-paying for it yourself. Also, dogs are VERY expensive. Big dogs eat a lot, require at least $500 a year in vet bills, and will need a LOT of time and exercise.

Get yourself emotionally stable, pay down your debt, save some money….THEN move out, buy yourself some nice things. THEN think about adding in a dog.