
There was this really nice male patient who left yesterday. I was going up the hallway to my closet and he said, “Steph! Steph!” and I turned around and went into his room. He thanked me for doing what I do! He said that he did the same type of work. What a sweetheart! We have a lot of really nice patients now, especially male patients. I love that! LOL! The other day (it was Tuesday) a male patient gave me a rose for all the work I did! Yeah! I really appreciate little things like that.

Ellen told me that I was self centered today. Oh whatever. Who asked for her opinion? How in the world did she ever get to the conclusion that I was selfish anyway? That just confirms what I heard before. A while ago, maybe 2 or 3 months ago, I was cleaning a bathroom and I heard Ashley and Ellen talking and Ellen said, “What it boils down to is that she is so self-centered.” I wondered if they were talking about me. They were. Now I know. So, folks, there you have it….not only am I “boring”, but now I am “selfish”. Whatever. I have to get out of that department. Doesn’t Bill Sr. call us into the linen closet (of all places) today and tell us that we have to search the rooms for cigarettes because some of the patients were complaining that someone was smoking. Okay. No biggie. Well, then he says that he designated Ashley, Ellen and Bob Jr to search the rooms. He said “I hope your not offended, Stephanie.” Oh please. I really have to get out of the cleaning department. I mean give me a break. All Ellen does all day is get after me over the stupidest things. The other day, I had left my cell phone in my pocket at work. Were aren’t supposed to have cell phones but Ellen and Ashley always talk and text all day long. I’ve never used my cell at work in the year I’ve been there. Anyway, Ellen saw it and told me to never have it with me again. She said that another co-worker put up signs all over that said no cell phones. Oh yeah right! How come I didn’t see them then! And why is she allowed to talk on her cell phone at work and not me? Ashley was using her phone today! Talk about double standard!

Love Always,


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