With Every Cloud, There’s a silver lining

GUESS WHAT???????????? Jay was at work today! I gave him my number! AHHHH! I can’t believe that but it happened. Okay, it was around 1:10pm and I went down the service hallway to take a garbage bag outside and to see if I couldn’t catch him. Amazingly, he went to the bathroom and I waited outside the door for him. Then I followed him as he went out the door. He said, "Are you following me?" I said "Oh yeah I am!" When he came back in the door, I said, "Hey….I have something for you…." and he was blushing and he said, "Yeah….." and laughed. I handed him a note that I made this morning. My hands were trembling! I was sick to my stomach all day long from trying to figure out how in the world I was going to do that! I was so scared. So scared. But, you know, I also thought of the other side of the coin too. And that is: do I really wanna deal with the regret from NOT giving him my number and whatnot? NO! Not after what happened on Friday and with Justin! My cell phone is on and I’m waiting….for him to call! I am so estatic! Oh yeah! The note went something like:

Hey! It was nice meeting you! I think we hit it off great! Give me a call sometime. I’d love to chat! 31*-***-***4. Steph P.S. I LOVE Boston!

He had a Boston t-shirt on! So it was him that put the Boston music on the other day. I am so excited. So excited. I went outside my comfort zone and actually did this! I was sooooo embarrassed after giving Jay the note. I ran down the hallway. My face was so red. I was jumping for joy in my janitoral closet though. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! I am so glad. Thank God for 2nd chances, right?! He probably won’t call. He’ll probably be too nervous. Oh well.

I found out Jay’s real name today. And I had my annual review at work and I got a 50 cent raise! OH YEAH! How cool is that?

Nothing can get me down today!

Love Always,


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