It all started one year ago….

Okay, so today…..I didn’t end up going with Ellen due to some snow storm we are supposed to get. Good! I can’t imagine going to ******* with her now. I’ve done enough today.

It all started one year ago. I got hired at work one year ago today!


Um…..hmmmm…what else? Oh, so Jay wasn’t in this morning. Actually, to make a long story short….Ellen saw me in the hallway this morning and told me to get a move on because we had several rooms to clean. Okay. Fine. I did. I rushed through everything! I made sure I got to my service hallway at quarter of 8, which is the time that Jay comes in. I usually start that hallway around 8 on the dot. Anyway, I ran down as fast as I could. Saw who I assume to be Jay’s boss. No Jay. I waited and waited. And waited. But I only could wait so long because of what Ellen had told me. So I finished and came down the hallway and Ashley says something like, "Boy! You finished your work fast today!" I said "Yeah, Ellen said that I’d better hurry up." I was mad that Ellen never said anything to Ashley. Don’t I go and start to clean the laundry room when Ashley comes by and says, "You should clean the men’s lounge. That’s a better thing to do" or something like that. I did.  Ashley vaccumed and Ellen did nothing (like usual). No patients packed their things which meant that we couldn’t clean their rooms which meant also that I hurried my fat butt for no reason. Oh well. Too bad. But, of course, I had to hear Ashley’s problems like how every job that she applied for never called her back and how her b/f has this problem and that problem and whatnot. I hate that. I have to be honest, Ashley constantly asks me questions. It’s none of her business. For example, she asked me if I had credit cards one time and then the next question was how much money was I in debt. Excuse me?! That’s none of her business. Today she asked me if I was allergic to anything (which I didn’t understand why she would do that) and I lied and said no. Then it was did I have a learning disability? That’s none of her business. Excuse me?! Oh, I don’t know if I told you this or not but I think it was last week Ellen pulled me aside and said she wanted to ask me a question. I thought Oh no….what is it this time?! She said that "someone" wanted to know if I had autism. WHAT?! NO! I said "Not in the least." So what if I did?! That’s no one’s business! Talk about prying! What difference would it had made if I DID have autism? Why would that matter to Ashley? Anyway, sorry about all that extra information. Okay, back to Jay, so Bill walks into the room that we are cleaning later and says that we are having a fire drill after lunch. Okay. No biggie. After lunch Ellen and I cleaned another patient’s room. She told me to come with her down the service hallway. So I did. We were all waiting on edge for the fire drill. Sure enough, I go down the hallway and guess who is standing there waiting for the fire drill. JAY! Of course, I never got to say anything to him. He was talking to his co-workers and Ellen was talking to me. Oh crap.

Oh, yes, my mom’s friend got stuck in the tub last night! Well, I guess she’s a family friend. She’s really heavy. She was in the tub for 24 hours. She’s an older lady. Anyway, my mom tried calling her and calling her and she wouldn’t answer. Finally, my mom decided to go to her house. She knocked on the door. She yelled and the woman said that she was in the tub. My dad had to go and get her out! We were all afraid she was dead. My mom spent all last night with her and all day today. She has to have bed rest because she’s so sore.

So tomorrow I have big plans. I am going to really strive to start a conversation with Jay! Oh yeah! I am going to make an effort.

Life is great, still. I’m happy. Last night was stressful after worrying about my mom’s friend and everything else that happened. A bill collector called me. And, as soon as my mom left to go check on her friend, I took a shower, but halfway through the shower, my dog was barking like crazy. She never does that unless someone is at the door. So someone was knocking at our door. I didn’t hear that part. I rushed as fast as I could to see who it was. Obviously I had to get dressed. And cut my shower short. I looked out the front door window and saw nothing. So I have not a clue as to who that was. It scared me though.

Bryan got stuck in a ditch today and had to call Bill Jr to come and haul him out. LOL! He ruined his new SUV. Not a bright idea.

As far as SAZ, I am honestly thinking that I can’t do it. It’s too time consuming and too much like work but I am going to go through with it. The papers are not filed yet. I don’t really care either. LOL!

I might apply for another position at work. They are looking for someone to do clerical work for outpatient and I might apply. As long as it’s full time work. I don’t think I can stand much more cleaning and Ellen and Ashley.

I miss the summer time. Everyone here is so sick of the snow. I agree. I’ve had enough. I would so love to go for a walk outside again. But that won’t happen until the spring time.

I don’t have much more time with Jay so I’m going to try and make the most of it. Oh, I know what I can do! I know! I just thought of it too! They have a CD player on all the time. Lately, it’s been playing Boston music! EXCELLENT! I love Boston! I saw them at the fair last year! YEAH! It’s obviously something that we have in common! YES! I can’t wait to see Jay tomorrow! I am so happy!

Love Always,


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