Good news

Ahh well….another day, another dollar, right? Yeah…….Ellen asked me to go to the thrift store again this week today. I really don’t want to go. I get to work today and the first thing I hear is that Ashley called in. Oh great! Ellen told me that she would be late to work today. So that meant that I was alone for the morning. Ugh.

So this meditation thing is really helping me out. Really helping me. Wow! What a positive change for the better. I’m feeling more at peace with myself. I never in a million years thought it would work.

Oh! About Jay…well….it didn’t go exactly as planned. Another one bites the dust I guess…I was going to say "HEY! How are you?" and then wait until he answered and say "How was your weekend?" But I never got that far. Why? Because I was talking to Bryan!!! Stupid me. My brother came over on Saturday and brought a bag of ties that he didn’t want home and I thought of Bryan right away and I was asking Bryan if he wanted them. He does. Wait until you hear this! Okay, remember that patient who likes me who said that he wouldn’t rat on me for not mopping the floor? Well, today he said hey to me in the hallway and then he went to his room and I went in to get the garbage. Ellen had to come too of course. But, he kept talking and talking. "Hey! How are you guys?" and all this. Then, a little later on, he passed me in the hall and said hi again. He went into another patient’s room and I saw him go into the patient’s desk drawer and pull out some Axe deodorant spray or something like it and spray it all over him. Then he went past me again. Hahahahaha! That is so funny! Like I wouldn’t notice that! I was right there! I went into the linen closet and on the way I passed him and 2 of his friends sitting on the table and the way they looked at me…! No guy has EVER looked at me like that. Passionately….I don’t know how else to describe it. They just stared. Then they all went up the men’s wing hallway past me (I was at my closet) and all said "Hi Stephanie!" LOL! Oh my! Oh my!

 And, speaking of Jay, he didn’t say one word to me today. So I am wondering if there’s anything there at all. You know what? I found Wilson Phillips’ song "Hold On" on You Tube and I’ve been thinking….give it one more day. Let’s see how tomorrow goes. Maybe he thinks I’m not interested? I don’t know. But goodness, I hope that’s not the case. I finally got a good look at his face today and saw how HOT he is! Ha! Hahahahahahahahaha!

By the way, I told Ellen that I was going to go on a cruise to Costa Rica (LOL! Yeah right!). She told me a while ago that I should take a cruise. I don’t have the money to go and do that! And I never would anyway. Even if I did.

It was another good day! A really good one! I went to the gym. To be honest with you, I am really starting to get sick of Curves. But I am NOT giving up. It’s only been a week! LOL!

Oh that’s something else I have to do…..I have to call and make my first counseling appointment. I can go in March! I honestly can’t wait for March! Ellen is supposed to be leaving then! Pretty soon Ashley will be leaving.

Love Always,


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