The Week in Review

So….this week was crazy. Friday, especially, Ellen was in another one of her moods. She was driving me over the edge. To begin with, she yelled at me at like 7am for putting my garbage bag (that was full) in the hallway. Oh, whatever.  I’ve only put my garbage bag in the hallway for the last past year! I don’t know what’s eating her but something is up. She got really, really mad at me on Wednesday (or Thursday or whenever I wrote in here last) when I told a patient who asked if I’d clean their bathroom because it was such a mess yes. Ahhh! Oh seriously, I could find a million other things to be concerned about. It’s all I’ve been thinking about. I really don’t see what the big deal is. And then Ashley is on my back about this, that and the other. Ashley, by the way, may be on her way out. She applied for another job last month. Never heard back from the place. Obviously, if you submit your resume and application and don’t here back from a job that you applied for, then they aren’t interested. But I guess she called them the beginning of the week and they said that they weren’t interested. So she applied for another job. Ellen may be on her way out in March, but I’m not holding my breath.

I’m thinking about joining Curves again. Maybe Monday. I was a member there a long time ago. But never renewed my membership.

Oh! You have no idea just how nosey everyone at work is. Honestly. Okay, I got a call yesterday from Kaplan University (after I told them time and time again to quit calling me!). I got a call from them at work. That really ticked me off. I’m at work! Don’t call me there! Anyway, I was cleaning bathrooms when I heard "Stephanie! Stephanie!" and all this. So I came out in the hallway and saw Ellen and another woman. They informed me that some "Joshua" was on the phone. I thought oh great. I knew it was Kaplan. Ellen asked me if I had a boyfriend that I didn’t tell her about. I said no. She asked me what my brother’s name was. I told her. I picked up the phone and said, "Look, I’m not interested." and Joshua kept pestering me…"You’re not interested?! Really? You’re already signed up and accepted and registered and everything…." Nope. Sorry. I was so mad! Ellen and this other girl were standing right there listening to every word. When I hung up, Ellen said, "I thought it was a phone call about your mom. Maybe she fell down the stairs to the basement or something." I thought Yeah right! I hate how people are so wrapped up in my life at that place. It’s none of their business. None of their business!!!!!! I’ll give another example. The other day a lady (who was a patient) was whisked away on a stretcher to go to the hospital and all Ashley and Ellen did was stand there and stare at the paramedics and the patient and the whole scene that was occuring right in front of them. It’s not what it used to be….Work. When I first started there, I ALWAYS had a smile on my face and was so very happy. Now I never, ever smile. Oh well.

I hope to be able to get counseling come March. Because I first signed up with my health insurance of March of last year and I had a one year waiting period because I never had health insurance before signing up with them. Remember that big fiasco that happened in September? Yeah….so I hope that I am eligible.

On a lighter note of what happened at work, I did manage finally to say good morning to Ted for the first time in my life. LOL! And, I spoke to Phill. He can’t be much older than I am. He’s married. So, no worries there. J/K! You know how it is. Ashley can think of myself as boring but I don’t really care. I am so NOT boring. Phill seems geniune to me.

Um, hmmm….what else do I have for you? Let me think a second….I don’t know as if I should apply to Kinney Drugs or not. If I submit my application and get a job there, then obviously there is no turning back. But if I don’t….then there’s no extra income coming in but I could go to Curves and do extra things. It’s not like I’m going back to school and don’t have the time….I don’t know.

I still have all of my digiscrap elements that I need to sort…I’ve only been waiting to do that for 2 months now! LOL! I just don’t have the time of day.

Speaking of, not having the time of day….ha! I haven’t even finished the SAZ lawyer application paperwork yet. Yeah right! Are you kidding?! I don’t have the time of day!

Love Always,


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