
Well I ran a Spyware Doctor check and I have over 11 threats and (get this) 136 infections! I have 53 fake Trojan virus alerts, adware advertising, tracking cookies, etc. I am clearing those up as we speak. Well….as I type I should say.

Today was my brother’s b-day and oh well…it’s too bad because the weather was really bad. Black ice all over. The plow never came. We got like 10 inches. Not good. Luckily I had the day off from work, otherwise we would have never made it. I would have had to call in or stayed at work or something.

I got like 10 more packages from UPS today. Most of my Christmas presents arrived. Some still have yet to do so. I bought so much junk. I don’t even remember all of it.

As far as school, I finished the financial aid process and I took this online course assesment that I had to pass. My advisor is going to call me tomorrow (even though it’s Saturday) and let me know how I did. Wish me good luck there. I am excited about going back to school. Classes start on January 7th.

It was an uneventful day. Didn’t do much. Waited for the phone to ring so I could finish up the final processes to go to school and then I learn that I have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully that will be before we go celebrate Nate’s b-day.

Love Always,


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