Procrastination makes it happen

I’m trying to decipher my stock options.

Of course I’m writing on Open Diary.

Duh.  ðŸ˜›

There’s something to be said about my parents making me do everything myself.
Good… and damn miserable, lol.

Example #1: "Hey, Dad, can you teach me to drive?"
One week, later, "Well, drive."
You can bet I was sweating bricks and pooping rivers in the driver’s seat, with him glaring at the side of my head.
Just around the neighborhood. Several yards and he says, "No, no, you’re all wrong. Stop."
"What!?!? What am I doing wrong?"
"Back up."
*backs up a few yards* "Okay?"
"No. All the way down this street. And stay on your own side of the road. You can’t drive forward til you can drive backwards."
That was our first and last driving lesson, my best friend picked up from there.

Anyway, I’m not really a gambling sort of person and that’s all I see stock as. But Starbucks stock shouldn’t be a bad investment. If I grow a pair (theoretically, I DO NOT want to grow a pair).

Stargate SG:1 is my favorite show. They’re taking it off Netflix August 14 and I’m only on Season 8. NOT PLEASED. Jack O’Neill is my all-time favorite hero. I also appreciate Teal’cs arms, especially when engaged in laborious activities.
I will be out of town and sacrificing my ability to finish the seasons in my allotted time.
The out of town is for a big shindig for my boyfriend’s grandpa so it should be a blast. He’s a high roller and a big sweetheart on the inside.

Ehhhh… my boyfriend and I had an awkward argument the other night where we mentioned we weren’t going to be together for a long time. There are irreparable trust issues on both of our parts… unfortunately, especially mine.  He’s simply "waiting" for me to "trade up" and we no longer have much in common.  He accused me of always trying to sabotage our relationship with my childishness and he has started needing a few days a week to go out at night but he freaks out when I go out with a girlfriend once a month.  
The next day he pretended nothing happened. 
It was so freaking weird and I don’t know what that meant.
Seriously.  Can I be any more laidback?  I have an awful 30 hr a week job, cook, clean, workout and play a ton of Call of Duty.  I don’t even bitch when his tattooed underwear models make their way onto his wallpaper.  I’m a girl and the other half of his serious relationship… I could definitely bitch about that because he always complains I don’t get tattoos.  Apparently they will make me "hotter".  …whatever.
Oh well, I guess we’ll resume that weird argument later when my childishness concerns get the best of me.

I play COD with a guy across the country and we use a bluetooth for battle strategy.  He told me, unbidden one day, that I change completely when my boyfriend gets home from work.  I turn into a completely different person.  Huh.

I’ve decided I want to cut my hair off.  Part of it is that I am just sick of it- it is always in a ponytail and I’ve even found I get less male attention the shorter I’ve cut my hair.  On TOP of that, it’ll mark a change between who I was and who I am now.  For some reason, I see the long unkempt hair and I see the girl that I was in my parents house.  That’s enough to make me cringe and walk away.  
Yep.  Chop it off=Win.  

Ummmmm.  I suppose I should go back to this stock bullcrap.  

Jack O’Neill is still being sarcastic about life and that makes me feel better.


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August 8, 2012

I would send you the rest of the seasons but, you know. My dad has them =3. It sucks they’re taking them off. That’s not really fair… maybe you could find them somewhere used for like, really cheap? Maybe? I’ve missed reading you, Inmate =)

August 9, 2012


August 10, 2012

Dock of the Bay is a classic song, but I think it contains it’s own solution. He’s waiting for something to change in his life, but it doesn’t work that way– A person has got to be more active about it. Davo