
Number One.
I miss Open Diary. 

Number Two.
I miss the people on Open Diary.  With a passion.
But…  I haven’t talked to very many people since I’ve left Austin.  It feels as if I shut a door on that past life and moved completely forward, trying desperately to throw open doors along my way.  I am starting to get back on track and become strong enough to move backwards, open up a few important doors that have been shut.  Like friends.  I miss them.

Number Three.
I can’t return to writing in here yet… I don’t have internet at my apartment, therefore usage is scarce. 
However, I do plan on writing more often very soon!! 

Number Four.
Nothing impressive to report yet… I hate Starbucks, have 10 resumes sent out for modeling, an interview for a fitness/nutritionist trainer on Tuesday, and take dance classes as much as I can in order to get known. 
My boyfriend has only the basics of a job right now, despite opportunities stuck in the gears of beauocracy.   
Let me tell you, living in California is incredibly expensive by yourself.  My savings, which have been stock piled since I was 13… are dwindling rapidly.
I don’t regret moving out with him though.  🙂

Number Five.
There will be more updates. About my escapades.  My adventures.  Very soon.

Before I go though, I’ll leave you with a small anecdote thing. 

Inmate’s People Adventures
I have a magnetic personality.  For those who don’t know, these aforementioned personalities are those which attract the opposite sex, flying objects, and things made of metal. 
I mostly attract the opposite sex. 
Here are a few, only the barest minimum, of the most colorful examples that come to mind.
*)  One of the maintenance men at my apartment complex.  Was found the first couple of weeks we’d moved in running up to my apartment as soon as Kelly left for the gym.  This stopped when Kelly "talked" with him about how uncomfortable he made me feel.
*)  Car boy #1.  I go to work at 0345… when you make eye contact with another poor soul awake at this hour and he smiles real big.  Umm, beware.  He followed me about half a mile into my Starbucks parking lot where he barricaded my car in with his and proceeded to get me out of the car and into his.  I wouldn’t hear it and he stormed off. 
*) The mall day.  Between the guy insisting he had to play with my hair (even though I’d JUST got it cut, styled and dyed), the one who insisted he NEEDED a white girl to work in his bail bonds store, obsessing over my nails, and just the everyday appreciative
*) Mexican mafia.  There’s a guy that makes me a little uncomfortable who parks his car directly across from mine.  He’s super friendly and Kelly couldn’t understand why I like to avoid him.  Until a few nights ago.  Kelly and I were watching tv in our living room with the blinds open.  I’d fallen asleep; I wake up when he suddenly throws a blanket over me and storms out of the apartment.  Apparently this guy had come to the blinds trying to peer into apartment.  Yes, he’d found out where I lived and he knows my boyfriend usually works nights…
*) Even today, in order to get out of work I had to ditch some dude who kept insisting my hair was gorgeous.  Then thought he said something wrong so he started insisting he was completely straight.  Then, as I was trying to leave I hear him yell at me through the door, "Maybe we can go to the beach someday?!"

That’s it from Los Angeles, folks.  God forbid if I actually show some skin when I go out.
Thank the Gods my boyfriend is a marine.  And very, very patient.  😛

Hope all is well.

PS.  I wrote this entry yesterday and my computer crashed- OD autosaved it.  As I left Starbucks (my internet source), I was involved with a hit and run on my poor Cavalier.  I was not a happy camper.  Still am not.  Things could have been much worse but I still can’t open my passenger side door. 
I couldn’t file a police report cuz I didn’t have the full license plate number and I couldn’t take it to my insurance company and… so goes life.

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May 24, 2010

Welcome back (:

May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010

Glad to see you’re thinking about writing in here again! That’s great. =D

May 24, 2010

Aw, miss reading you, glad you’ll be coming back soon. What jerks the guys out there seem to be. Either jerks or weirdos but then it’s Cali, what do you expect? haha

May 24, 2010

Welcome back! You’ve gotta figure out how to turn off your Jedi mojo, K. =)

May 27, 2010

…its nice to see your still around!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6sejTVlz8E

I haven’t been on OD for quite some time either, but often wonder what you are up to. I miss the random notes of encouragement we’d exchange. I hope all is still well with you in L.A., and I hope to hear from you again. Someday soon, perhaps. Who knows? P.S. It’s ironic how the “City of Angels” is so full of evil freaky f*ckers, huh? Stay well, Juggalo! -ToontownJuggalo

July 28, 2010

OD has had updates within the past few years?

July 28, 2010

welcome to SoCal. Oh the funny part is. It sounds like you haven’t even met the real freaks yet. Also, being a hottie, you might want to buy a stun gun or tazer. Don’t do pepper spray, many people will take it and its a double edged sword.

January 3, 2011

RYN: HEY! Thank you for the kind words and well wishes. Let me just say WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? =) *sweeps you up in a big spinny hug* I demand updates!