
I’m 21.  I’ve had a glass of wine since I’ve turned legal.  The few friends I have are already over the drinking stage.
Not that I want to be a heavy drinker.  not that I even want to be a drinker.  I just wouldn’t mind having a few drinks.  But I’m still the little kid when it comes to that and I’m not a fan of getting talked down to about drinking.  It’s just easier to say I don’t want to by now.

I’m moving out with my boy the end of August/beginning of September.  We’re movin out to LA together and by now I don’t give a FUCK what anybody says different.  We deserve it.  It’ll be tough… I’ll basically be working 3 jobs and he’ll be holdin’ down the house.  There’ll be fights but… it’s about time we make our unit.

I can no longer handle my alcoholic father.  The other night I told my mom, "I love you and I’m sorry but as far as I’m concerned I am already gone-I am no longer in this household."  Which is funny cuz I still can’t drive myself anywhere alone.  I haven’t had a morning off to go get my license in forever.

I’m making 20 hours a week at Starbucks with full benefits.  In the summer I will be teaching at two different studios as well as planning a move halfway across the country.

My to do list seems to double every time I cross something off.

Everyone my age (even my  boyfriend) seems to have free time on their hands and I can’t lie-it irks me sometimes.  Sometimes a lot.  I don’t think it’s fair that I’m always swimming in tasks and chores and work.  *Shrug*

I still can’t complain.  I have a man who loves me more than anything else he knows, I have passions, a dedication, a god-given talent, a future.  That’s a lot more than some.

I am blessed.  Sometimes it’s just hard to remember that.  : )



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June 6, 2009

Drinking is worse..

July 15, 2009

the most important thing ever in the history of your life will be to make ‘you’ time. Everyone needs time to relax and be alone.