add sMore, no, MORE! :O

I’m torn between the desire of wanting to do MORE, MORE, MORE and knowing that I can’t fit much more on my plate.
I’m already gettin’ sick.

Today I had to chart out all 16 hours in my days, crossing off all of the hours I have to work so I can see how much time I have left to still add stuff. 
What remained was pretty pitiful.

Kelly’s back.  Things are weird with him.  I’ll give it time.
I hardly even have the time to hang with him.  I have to be in bed by 2300 AT LEAST (sometimes I don’t make it…) in order to wake up in the mornings so that cuts into my nights…
I just don’t know.

Well, I do:  I’m tired.  I’m running on caffeine… caffeine only, I believe.

I wonder if one day I’ll regret not having been a teenager.  Probably not if I get where I’m going.
Hmm.  where am I going? 
Besides to iTunes for some good music therapy.


Hehe…  Suspense… 



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November 3, 2008

i highly suggest taking some time for you. constant full-steam ahead leads to crashes. BTW: HIIII!!!

November 4, 2008

As long as you can carry some of the silliness and reckless abandon of your teenage years with you, you’ll be just fine.

November 4, 2008

i think you need to slow down. it will be good for you health wise. you need to also face what you are running from. it will just get worse if you don’t give yourself time to figure it out.

November 5, 2008

Caffeine has the direct opposite effect on me. It puts me to sleep. I remember once upon a time, when I was snacking on some chocolate covered coffee beans… Mmmm. Chocolate covered coffee beansss. Huh? Oh yeah! I was snacking on these tasty treats when they suddenly put me straight to sleep. It was weird and strange… I think I should go buy some more of those. They’re great! L8er G8er!

November 17, 2008

we share alot of interests, its yours more than any there where i go ‘ooh i should add that interest to my list’ and wtf did i say about coffee? i may not have said anything… well drink more water and you’ll be better off. stop and smell the roses tomorrow seriusly, its almost winter and you’ll miss out until next spring.