Conformity blows balls and raspberries. >.<

NO nail polish!?!?  There goes my multi-million dollar nail polish collection.  Well, perhaps not multi-mill but it is quite extensive.  I’ve done my nails consistently since I was a pre-teen. 

Explanation:  I went into Starbucks today to fill out my initial paperwork… that included reading the information books. 
The dress code blows monkey nuts AND wrenches like a tsunami on GHB.  Bah!

No nail polish almost made me consider walking out but then I was like, [Inmate], really?  Is it THAT important to ditch a new job for? Even though you just did them up in gold and red designs…?  (YES!  *TANTRUM!!!*)
Black shoes. The manager already denied my DCs because they have hot pink on them, so except for my 5 inch stilettos I own no such thing.  Moving along to black or tan khaki slacks/skirts:  Ok, I found a pair of black slacks in my closet and I think I found an acceptable skirt.  White or black collared shirt or polo:  I’ll admit, I had no idea what a polo shirt was but it didn’t matter, I don’t have any anyway- as for a collared blouse thing, I found one from 10 years from The Limited Too with stains on it… but it’s a white shirt and it’ll have to do cuz it’s all I have.
Bottom line… I need to go shopping for dull, stuffy clothes.

I’m a dancer.  My job is to be as out there as possible.  I’m finding this dress code really hard to adjust to.  I tried my blouse thing on with my slacks and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out how the fuck to tuck my shirt in. 

As for hair, it stated no OUT THERE colors and named Purple, Green, Blue.  My hair, when done, is orange-red.  I’m considering that natural. 
I’m gonna go out and get my tongue pierced or something.  Seriously.  I have to get away with SOMETHING in this code or else 35 hours of my week are going to be HELLLLLL. 

Anyway, my schedule looks like this:  Monday 0500-1200 Starbucks,1730-2030 teaching.  Tuesday 0700-1400 Starbucks, 1530-2000 teaching.  Wednesday 0700-1200 Starbucks, 1830-2030 teaching.  Thursday 0700-1200 Starbucks, 1630-2030 teaching, Friday 0700-1400 Starbucks, 1500-1600 teaching.  The manager was like, Are you sure you can handle this schedule?
I GET FREE COFFEE, woman, I can do ANYTHING with free caffeine.  LOL.
But I’m not really not sure all I can handle.  I’m doing good with my driving, even starting to enjoy it!!

I’m super stressed right now but once I have a set schedule I think I’ll fall right into it.  And the freedom of having a car is undeniably appealing. 

My mom doesn’t seem happy about me having a 2nd job.  She’s definitely not happy about Kelly coming home.  I mentioned he had 2 weeks left and she got grumpy as all hell, ruining MY happy mood. 
If it’s not one of my parents grumpy at me, it’s the other.  I’m always the one trying to keep everybody in a good mood but sometimes I think it backfires… they get pissed off because I’m always happy and just have to slam me down to feel a little better about themselves.  Most people aren’t immune to it
Just sucks cuz I’m NOT always happy and it really ruins my self esteem.  And then when I share that I’m not happy, I get yelled at for always being in a foul mood.  Whatever.  So goes living in a broken home when you’re 20.

CHA CHA, biyatch!  XD 

Even after the longest night, dawn will break.  -African proverb


Wearing::  My comfy bleached out sweatpants, one leg rolled all the way up, gray shirt that says DROP BEATS NOT BOMBS in purple with blue rhinestoned music notes.
Feelin::  Pretty baller. 
Last ate::  Chips, salsa, sour cream, some ham.

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September 22, 2008

I don’t know if you were reading me at the time, but I entered a writing contest where I wrote about being a farmer. A farmer who farmed beets. Fat beets. My neighbor was also a farmer, but he made jam. Sometimes, I’d drop those fat beets, and pump out the jam. =)

September 22, 2008

That dress code does suck! But alas, what can you do?

September 23, 2008

I’m glad, but a little concerned about the level of caffeine you’ll be consuming daily. I imagine your voice raising a couple octaves and speeding up considerably. Sounding a little like Alvin and the Chipmonks (one of them, anyway. You decide which.) I’m also content that you’ll be able to explain to me why it is that they don’t call the “small”, “medium”, & “large” “small, medium, or large”.

September 24, 2008

your not working 12+ hours and u have a good break before each job. u also have two days off, you’ll be fine. however you are on your feet for both jobs. make sure you get awesome ‘pillow’ shoes for buckys. i find standing in place alot harder than running around. your right, we artists cannot be pinned down by the mundane rules of the man.

September 24, 2008

Free coffee?? Dude… best job EVER. 😉 I think you’ll do just fine!