Unexpected dinner.

I went out to dinner last night with my married ex-boyfriend who is also one of my best friends.  If that sounds super awkward to you, you will remain correct even after I explain the situation.  Heh.

He called me about a month ago and said excitedly, "[Inmate], I’m moving back down to TX."
I asked him whether or not he told his wife this, since she’s lived in NC all her life.
"Yea, I did." -defensive- "She’s excited about it." 
Even with that said, I doubted he’d make the move, especially with a month deadline.  So I wasn’t worried. 


Well, I stopped having contact with him last week- that was when he was supposed to have moved down here.  A few days ago I realized, ‘Holy crap… he DID move down.’
And yes…  He called me up yesterday and we decided to go out to eat after he got off work.  2100.  Not too late.  Haha, I was freaking out.

BACKGROUND STORY:  We dated seriously a long time ago.  He was the first guy I ever truly loved.  Unfortunately, this was around the time I had more mental issues than I could handle- I was a complete disaster but he loved me anyway and saw me through it the best he could.  To this day I will admit that I would not be here if it weren’t for him.  I broke up with him because I eventually couldn’t handle the relationship on top of my emotional wreckness.  We went through obsessive talking/ignoring spurts but true emotions don’t go away.  Time passed and he entered the USMC.  Before he was deployed, we still had plans to marry one day. 
He returned from the Middle East and got married a few months later to someone he’d just met. 
My best friend, Jeana, was the one to break the news to me.  Me and him, we never even broke up.  He just… got married.
What’s funny is that the two of us are like 2 halves.  I know him almost as well as he knows himself and vice versa.  It’s creepy because I feel like I’m talking to myself sometimes.  Thus, I knew a few things without him even talking to me.  1)  He loved me and that wouldn’t change.  2)  He may not have loved her at that moment but he saw himself as being happy with her.  3)  He chickened out from trying to make it work with me- yes, it would have been EXTREMELY difficult.  4)  He didn’t tell me himself because he was scared he’d lose his resolve.

I saw him once since he got married.  It was supposed to be just him, me and Jeana for dinner.  We were about to walk in the door when she slammed her hand against it to prevent me from opening it and said, "[Inmate], he’s here with his WIFE and his MOTHER.  If you want to go home now you can.  You DON’T have to do this."  
Well, we went in.  Neither wifey or mother like me OR Jeana.  -.-  I tried, I promise!!

Anyway, since then, we’ve gotten a lot closer.  This year especially, we’ve really been talking again.

Which is why, including the events of last night, that I have a nagging suspicion that he’s here in Austin only because of me.

I’ve needed one-on-one time with him for years because I need that finishing talk.  That hokey "We live different lives now but we can still hang out every once in a while cuz we’re great friends." speech. 
Unfortunately, he wants to continue where we left off.

I wasn’t having it last night (because I want to move on!).  And I was super proud of myself.  I love him (I can admit that here) and it’s not easy to push that to the back of your mind.  But it was something that needed to be done because I will also admit that while I’m not the world’s best individual… there is no way I am getting in the middle of a marriage.
That was HIS decision.  While he may not respect it anymore, I do.  Marriage is life.

I don’t think we connected last night.  We had too many different agendas and so many different things going on inside of our heads that we only scratched the surface of what we needed to discuss.
There will be a few more dinners before we get things worked out.

But tomorrow Jeana and I are going canoeing.  Neither of us have ever been so it will be the world’s biggest adventure.  Haha.  My dad said he’ll pay me just to come watch our first 15 minutes of trying to get the boat thing in the water and get it going in a straight line.  I blew him off.  Punk.  Lol. 


Wearing:: Black sweat shorts, black and white sports bra, vivid orange mesh tank top.  And socks! 
Feeling::  Adventurous!!!!!!!!!

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June 19, 2008

Very wise not to get in the middle of a marriage. Enjoy canoeing!!!

June 19, 2008

Hell yeah it is. When I got injured in the desert they were like, “ooh, we gotta give you first aid!” And I was like, “Ah, hell no, give me second aid cause first I want me some kool aid, its fucking hot out here!” Dude should know better than to think he could have his marriage cake and eat it, too. You make wise choices.

June 19, 2008

I often dont name things. so i havent even though of a name for the mantis. if it sounds cool i’ll probably just use its latin name. thats what i did with ‘my pet’ skunk in SD. peas and carrots i got from forest gump, him and jenny went together like peas an carrots. my definition of dumb? it can only be explain on a case by case basis of what I consider a dump action or idea. to be continued

June 19, 2008

It sounds like U have a good head on your shoulders, so you’ll do what’s right. As 4 the canoeing… If I can weasil out of work, I’d pay U gladly 2 watch the first 15min. It sounds like it’ll be hi-lar-ious. I remember years ago some friends practicing in a small lake in a residential area. They were practicing for a race. Everyone surrounding the lake were watching as they sank in the middle.

June 19, 2008

It was grand. And funny as all heck. Be sure 2 wear your life jacket, as I want 2 hear all about these funny adventures 4 the years 2 come…

June 19, 2008

and as for school your one of the special exceptions because you have worked very hard and dedicated your life to the art of dance. i tip my hat to you on that. i list school as mando cuz most people in kansas are lame a$$ people who just waste their lives away working @ suck-mart. its amazing the bonds that can be built over cyberspace. I have grown to really care about what happens to you

June 19, 2008

d@mn i got interuped and now my computer is acting up, totally lost concentration. so…. Have Fun

June 20, 2008

If he’s unhappy with the wife, I mean, she HAS to know that she was second choice. Really. That’s why I don’t talk to my ex. I don’t think that either of us could handle it.

June 20, 2008

So, he is willing to leave her for you?

June 20, 2008

oh wow. yeah sure you guys could get back together.. if he GOT A DIVORCE. what a douchebag.

June 23, 2008

You know what this shows? That you can love, you can move on, and you can make the right choices. You are a star.