And. Here I Am.

I’m sick.  Dehydrated and I feel like I have 104 degree temp…. my body aches, I’m cold… last night I fell asleep curled into a ball; I was shaking so hard I kept waking myself up. 
I’m also just about mentally destroyed.

I’m not real sure, but I may have stumbled upon the meaning of trying to handle things and not being okay.

Either way it doesn’t matter… there’s nothing that can be done. 

Except stop throwing up.  It’s really, RIDICULOUSLY, bad and yes, I know that’s half the reason I’m so physically messed up.  The other half is just that I’m so overwhelmed and I can’t handle what’s going on inside of my head (heart).
Honest, it’s so bad that I might die before Kelly even thinks he’s going to.

My back is messed up and I’m still shaking so hard that dancing is pretty much out of the question. 

Why am I doing this?
Why am I letting this happen?
I don’t like where any of this is heading.

I am getting everyone’s notes.  Thank you so much.  I always read them.  Always appreciate them.  But I can’t seem to respond.  I don’t know why. 
Maybe because in responding… it’s me accepting that there is a problem? 
And I can’t accept things right now, let alone deal with them?
I don’t know.  But all of you reading this, all of you who have left notes that I haven’t responded to…
You are WAY too good to me.
Thank you.


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February 25, 2008

I’m unsure about what’s going on with your situation but I hope that you get much better. I really do.

February 25, 2008

hope u start to feel better

February 25, 2008

not way too good, you deserve good.

February 25, 2008

oh no! i hope you feel better soon!

February 25, 2008

i hope you feel better hunny

Dude … you and Kelly sound like awesome people who are really good to each other … despite whatever else is going on. Sometimes, the best things EVER come out of the worst possible situations. I could make an analogy about manure and fertilizer growing roses … but I think you get the idea 😉

February 25, 2008

I love you and am thinking of you and praying for you. Keep breathing, sister. Slow, deep breaths. Super big hugs to you.

February 25, 2008

*Hugs* Praying for you hun, hoping you get through this.

February 26, 2008

wow, there are high peaks and low drops. I hope things start to make sense.

February 27, 2008

I hope you’re feeling better!

February 27, 2008


February 28, 2008

I’m sick, too. D: LET’S GET BETTAR, K?

February 28, 2008

[Insert title of this entry]… ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE!!! D:<