Time out for *BOOOOM!* : D -EDIT

I am so happy I’m about to explode. 

My dad keeps staring at me real funny like, "Why is she so giddy…?"  I wish I could just blurt it out.  Go stand in the middle of the fucking road and tell all my neighbors.

Because I’m not just happy… I’m giddy.  I feel fucking nuts!

Story:  Kelly will separate from the USMC.  Summer will come.  We will move out to LA, together.  I will dance.  He will pursue college and inking.  Life will be good. 
I even told him that I would be auditioning for jobs in other places.  Out of town.  Out of state.  Out of country.  He said he didn’t care.  I said, "What about if I move to Tokyo?"  To which he calmly replied, "I don’t know if I could handle being the tallest person in the room but if I have to, I don’t care."  I almost died.

Scary?  Hell yes.  Almost terrifying, even.  Of course there are doubts, there are fears…
But I am so full of just… complete bliss… that I’m about to explode.  I have never, ever felt this way before. 
Inside, I know it’s right.  All that’s happening, all of it is right.  Maybe it isn’t meant to last; maybe things will fall apart in a year or so.  (Nahh…)
But I don’t care.  Right now, it is PERFECT; things are set in karmic balance.  And that’s what I am going to live for.  I am going to live for the here and the now.  I am going to live my fucking life for what makes me happy.

Speaking of which, my parents are going to go apeshit… and I have to deal with that (which makes me feel horrible).  But Kelly already said he’d be there with me and if so, then I think I can do it.  He’s on my list of people I trust… a list that is so short (and getting shorter) that it’s pitiful. 
Besides, we’ll both be 20 this summer.  I have to get over the fact that, while I’m not even really an ADULT, that I am not a kid anymore.  I can do this.

This is such a turn around- for both of us.  We had both hit terrifying lows lately… honestly, with all of my emotional/psychological problems I’ve been developing I’d even considered suicide, the first time in YEARS.  I couldn’t even comprehend going back to the dance studio, going back to teaching classes… even thinking about it made me want to curl up in the corner and cry.  And I did so.  Lots of times. 
Now, I can’t wait for classes again.  I can’t wait to move out to LA, to do my research, to find a place to stay.  I’m no longer petrified and I know I don’t have to do all of it by myself.

I could actually cry right now but it’s only because I’m so stoked.  Oh my God.  I can’t even express. 


Wearing::  Overlly ginormous camo pants, black dance t-shirt.
Feeling::  I’m sitting on a cloud.  But I don’t like cloud 9, I like cloud 77.  Capiche?
Last ate::  Today was the first day I’ve eaten where I didn’t compulsively feel like throwing it all up.  Opening up my mouth to Kelly saved my dancing career and maybe even my life. 
Listening to::  ‘The Anthem’ by Lil John and Pitbull.  I love this song.  : D



I’m showing signs of returning humanity. 
A) I’m tired.  I feel like I’ve been going and going on not enough sleep and too much caffeine.  TRUE.
B) My stomach hurts.  Probably from me not eating the right amounts/healthily.  TRUE.  As a matter of fact, I just now made a protein smoothie- can’t remember the last time I drank one of those and purely enjoyed it!
C) My self-esteem has returned.  I’m not looking at myself through the judging eyes of other people but into myself; I am looking into what makes ME happy, not everyone else. 
D) I can sit down again.  I can lay down.  I can relax without feeling the disastrous need to KEEP GOING!
E) I’m enjoying everything I’m doing again.  Dancing.  Drawing.  Writing.  I can do it now because I enjoy it.  TRUE!
Wow.  Life is truly grand, isn’t it?

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January 5, 2008

*hugs tight* I’m so glad he has this effect on you. Just make sure you take care of yourself for yourself too.

January 5, 2008

good. you deserve it. now just remember, you can make yourself happy, its not kellys fault your happy, hes just a piece of the game. so you made this for yourself. good job 🙂

January 5, 2008

i’m so happy your happy hunnny. kells seems cool he seem wonderful is more like it …good for you healthy. take care of your self and him.

January 5, 2008

wow, just reading thismade me giddy, too! WOOOOOOOO!

January 5, 2008

This is awesome news! Living in the moment is truly a fabulous thing and you seem to be doing just that. Super big hugs to you!!!! =)

January 6, 2008

That is AWESOME!! Good for you, and the best of luck!!

January 7, 2008

Good luck with all that! When doyou plan to move?

January 12, 2008

good for you and dont kill yourself just yet, things always get better and theres much in life to experience. if i remember right you havent even left the country yet. much to do. good luck and have fun…oh and fvck those who try raining on your parade

January 12, 2008

**HUGS** I’m glad you’re feeling better. I never knew that you felt so low before. I’m glad your back on top though. Here’s a quote that I read the other day which positively describes me and it sounds like it does you too. “I may not’ve had the happiest childhood, but I’ve certainly had the longest.” -Anonymous Pretty cool, huh?!? Take care, Inmate. Talk atcha soon!

January 18, 2008

What a great entry to read. Awesome to hear you doing so well. 🙂 See how things work out? It really sounded like many moons ago that LA is where you wanted to be & that sounds great for you both. 🙂 77 cloud is a good cloud. That’s my favorite #. Capisce <— is spelled like that. 🙂 I'm Italian. I know. Trust me, dude{tte}. Suicide is never the answer. Focus, determination & never giving up is.

January 18, 2008

Almost forgot you are so young{almost 20}. Sometimes it’s easy to forget when talking with you. Stay grounded, keep working hard & good things will happen for you in life, kid. 🙂 The sky is the limit, no matter how hard it is or how down you get, you are AWESOME. Always remember that. You can, will & MUST bounce back. Keep eating & stay healthy. Remember what I wrote to you a few weeks ago. 😉