Poptarts and relationships.Well, maybe no poptarts

Xmas.  There was much food, much cheer, much laugher (especially on my part).  I received assorted items such as a pedometer, coffee grinder, and socks!  There was an epic family Uno battle that lasted until 0200 (which I lost miserably).

Kelly has been home for the holidays.  I’ve seen him, geez, almost every day for the past week or so.  He leaves next week already.  I demand to know where my holiday went! 
Well, I DO know that I went to see I Am Legend starring Will Smith.  I HATE that movie.  Only because that poor dog.  I couldn’t watch that scene.  I plugged my ears, closed my eyes… and when I peeked to see if the scene was over, James (from a long time ago!) had his hat in front of my face so I wouldn’t see.  Horrible movie.

Today Kelly and I went to see Sweeney Todd.  I wanted to see it so bad. 
It was awesome.  I would totally watch it again.  I don’t think I would own the movie, because it is so disturbing, but I would LOVE to see it again.  I missed so much of it the first time.  : )
Kelly and I also dropped by my grandparents house.  I swear, after we left, my grandma was telling the whole neighborhood that me and him are going to get married.  Psycho grandparents. 
And we went to Sams.  The two of us played hide and seek for the longest time.  Not entirely purposefully but… you know.  He’d randomly text me, "I found diapers!"  or "Pop-tarts!"  I was like, "GAHH!"  Heh. 
I had to buy 2 cartons of cigarettes for my mom… and I went the rest of the night with him calling me a smoker.  In fact, he pulled out of my drive way, rolled down all his windows and hollered, "BYE SMOKER!"  (It’s because I’m always harping on him he needs to quit smoking and I hate cigarettes and I hate smoke.  And there I am, walking around with 2 cartons of cigarettes.  LOL.)
One of my friends, whom I’ve gotten to know from sampling food lol, asked me if he was my boyfriend.  I stared at her for the longest time before I said no.  Then she asked if we were brother and sister and I said, "No," then added, "Well.  We basically are." 
Kells said he might take separation from the USMC (because they’re completely fucking him over, still) and go to college.  The first thing I asked was where he was going to attend.  He said either here or Southern California and there ensued a really weird moment.  I swear I could hear him thinking, ‘And then we can still hang out,’ but it could have been because I was thinking the same thing so loudly…

New Years I plan on getting crunk at Austin City Hall.  Should be fun.  I have a hip hop freestyle with one of the groups I teach.  It might even be televised! 
I don’t know what I’ll do after that.  We’ll see.

So… I could totally date Kelly.  Totally.  I’ve said this many times but I’ll say it again- our relationship feels like the kind that in a few years one of us is just going to turn to the other and ask calmly (because they already know the answer), "Will you marry me?" 
But he’s so defeatist.  He’s a complete pessimist.  And, considering that the USMC has practically corrupted his life (well, leg, kinda.  It’s called nerve damage.)… I don’t blame him.  It drives me NUTS though!
I’m just trying to see it through.  Hopefully… he’ll get it all out of his system. 


Wearing::  Black and red parachute pants, red tube top, black bra, black athletic baseball shirt and red and black socks!  RED AND BLAAACK!
Last ate::  Green Kool-Aid.  : )
Fingernail polish::  Dark purple with silver glitter.  Toenail polish::  Light purple.  Hehe.  PURPLE!

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December 28, 2007

Ugh, military life sucks. But I can totally see it now, one day you’ll post going “So I’m getting married and you’ll never guess to who” LOL 😉 Hope you’re still taking care of yourself girly!

December 28, 2007

i can so see you kinda being a miltary wife

December 29, 2007

i saw i am legend. it was so good, but the dog thing killed me. blaaaaaah! but it was SO GOOD. anyway my brother read the book and it sounds much better, even though i already know what happened.. etc etc. but i want to read it still. and there are 2 other remakes of it in film and i’d like to see them too. something like omega man and last man on earth. of course the cg on this one is the best.

December 29, 2007

I’m glad you had a great holiday. Kelly sounds like a good guy. BYE SMOKER!

December 29, 2007

Thinking of you! =)

December 31, 2007

I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on the internet, but has there been any news about viewing you on YouTube? It is quite likely that I won’t have access to the internet again for a few more days (hopefully not weeks) before I can access all that stuff. Lemme know.

January 2, 2008

He didn’t stay to give you a New Years Kiss or was that left out? hmmm, I think you would know the answer if he proposed. It also sounds like he is posed to go to college wherever you end up. Here if you stay, or Cali when you move…..don’t they say people marry their best friends? 😉 That would have the best chance for success, m’dear. Good Luck! Hope all is going well out there! Be safe. {X}