SYTYCD… 3rd time’s the charm! *EDIT*

Exhausted.  Had dance convention through the weekend again.
Went as a teacher though and I was the youngest one in the room.  It was a little odd… teachers have a tendency to get old and out of shape and stuffy.  I was all bouncing around like I normally do. 

RUN RUN RUN RUN SET DIVE ROLL!  RUN RUN RUN.  Rather like Sonic the Hedgehog, now that I think about it, since I’m so short.
The other teachers were probably like, "Who let THAT freak into the teacher room?" 

The hip hop teacher, the first 8 counts he taught, pointed at me, freaking out and had me come up on stage with him. 
I kept forgetting it when I was performing right next to him.  Well, more so it was just that I wasn’t on.  My brain went on automatic overload.
Eventually he kicked me back off the stage but he watched me throughout the rest of the class.  At the end he said he really liked my dancing. 
That was GREAT. 

So You Think You Can Dance auditions are being held in DALLAS in January.  It’s the first city on their list.
You bet your ass I am GOING. 
If not for myself, then for Shane Sparks.  Because I am praying he will remember my dancing and be like, Hey.  I remember you.  Welcome  back.  We’re going to put you through this year.
Watch… Shane Sparks won’t be at Dallas.  It’ll be Wade Robson or something.  Well, I took class from him at the Pulse so I’ll be less nervous now than if I saw him for the first time judging my performance. 

I am going to do hip hop.  That’s what sells, eh?  Me standing around my hands, too.  Yep.  And I am going to be the shit. 
Maybe if I go into it being slightly egotistical it will give me the edge I need.  Heh.  Isn’t dancing great?

I KNOW I can do it.  I KNOW it.  I just have to trust myself and stop THINKING about it.  When I think about things (or think about thinking about things)… that’s when I get into trouble! 

This is my last week of classes, so it will be relatively lower stress.  THANK God.

Kelly is back in town for a few weeks!  I saw him yesterday.  : )  It was happy.  I was exhausted, running on about 3 cups of coffee and a Rockstar (and like, half a Papa John’s pizza…) but I had to see him! 
It was great.  I missed him.  Lots.


Wearing::  Black sweatpants with IMAGE down the side, hot pink shirt that says ‘THE PULSE’ on the front and ‘CREW’ on the back.
Last ate::  A cup of coffee.  And some more pizza.  Hawaiian BBQ.  DROOL
Feeling::  Alright.  Tired as all get out.




Once again, I just haven’t had the energy, haven’t had the heart or the character to really note or respond to notes.  With everything going on, sometimes it’s just all I can do to write an entry.  You know? 
So just… thanks.  A big hug to all of y’all who still read my random drivel…
Plus, I don’t have a computer at home.  I told my dad that my Xmas present from him is that he can find me a really awesome deal on a good laptop and then he can take me to go buy it.  And that would be all I would need.
He agreed… but I don’t know if it will happen.  I hope it does.  I don’t have the patience, nor know enough about computers to get something that will excel in the areas that I need.
I told my dad that I need to burn/edit music, have internet connections, and play the SIMS.  That’s it.
He laughed at me.  Both my parents think the SIMS is silly.
But I have the SIMS Rockstar version!  😀  How awesome is that?  I mean, REALLY now! 

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December 17, 2007

your pink shirt sounds awesome! As does your weekend 🙂 I can relate about the “thinking about thinking about things” and “thinking about things” part of your entry, big time. When I think about writing and think about thinking about writing, it just does NOT want to flow at all. It’s best to just do what you do, and try not think about it… or whatever lol Ha ha, Sonic the Hedgehog! Awesome 🙂 I used to love the cartoon.

December 17, 2007

You are going to be amazing, as always. And now, you know what to expect, and you have the high-pressure experience, so you can just go out there, be yourself, and wow them. *already cheering for you*

December 17, 2007

your gonna do awsome.

December 17, 2007

LoL, hey a fellow SIMS addict!! I always had fun with that game. Sadly I can’t run it on my laptop, I got too much junk for school on here. ;p Go you girl, kick some butt! Whip those little kids into hardcore dancers! (ROFL)

December 17, 2007

You are soooooo going to be a star, baby! It would be the bomb to see you on t.v. dancing your little heart out. Makes me all teary-eyed just thinking about it. I love dreams! And, no worries about noting, silly girl. We’ve got your back. =)

December 18, 2007

Oh if you try out let me know when the show is on! Maybe they’ll show you!

December 18, 2007

Random noter: Break a leg at your audition!

December 18, 2007

hey, thanks for the advice! prehaps we could keep in touch? i was just kinda being a whiney bitch in that entry. although things werent the best at that time. lol your a dancer? a hip hop dancer? cool! love n peace ~ JAKE

December 21, 2007

If -I- were Shane Sparks, I’d remember you! I know you just said you suck at noting lately, but I have a question…that’ll make me seem so old… What does ZOMG stand for? OMG, I know. But with a Z?

December 31, 2007

To semi-quote the great Yoda, “Don’t think about it. Just DO it.” Even if you’re only half as good as you say, you’re going to be tops, so don’t put too much thought into it. You know your stuff, so just go out there and show ’em. If they’re smart, they’ll love whatever you do. If you need to work on anything, the smart money says that they pick you so as to work along side of you.

December 31, 2007

I believe in you, Inmate. I really really do. With all my heart. On a side-note; I don’t get the SIMS. An hour and a half just to shower and eat breakfast? Maybe I’m doing something wrong…

January 2, 2008

Good Thoughts & Prayers for you to make it through this year will be coming from me! Good Luck. I’ll also pull for Shane Sparks to be there, since you know it always helps to catch good breaks with people who may remember you….