ZOMFG Roooock ON!

The Pulse Dance Convention with (holy FING shit my NUMERO UNO favorite choreographer EVER) WADE bad-ass ROBSON and (FLYING SHIZZLE STICKS, my SECOND favorite choreographer and most GORGEOUS man alive EVER) SHANE SPARKS and MIA MICHAELS and and… who else… BRIAN FRIEDMAN!?!?  Laurie-Ann Gibson!?!


I’d been SO stoked to attend Pulse this year and the event stupidly SOLD out like two months ahead of time… and I was sending in an application to assist SHANE AND WADE AND BRIAN AND MIA AND WHOA!  I was put on the (NUTTING CRAP) WAITLIST!?  I just about cried EVERYWHERE.  Cried me an OCEAN I almost did!

And today… *chokes up all over again*… today… not 30 minutes ago… I checked my inbox… and I had two e-mails waiting for me…

I jumped up, DARING to hope as the first e-mail loaded and…

Let me say this again… I’m REGISTERED*SQUEALS like a girl and a pansy and an angry panda all at once!*

I ran out of the studio room, doors slamming, skidding into walls, and ran screaming into the lobby.  "I MADE IT I MADE IT I MADE IT I MADE IT I MADE IT!" and told everyone there and jumped three feet in the air for 30 seconds straight while my mother tried to pretend I wasn’t there.  (She knows it’s pointless to talk to me when I’m that excited.)

I am so ZOMFG excited right now (if you can’t have told by my oh-so curious French in this entry).

I just e-mailed the person in charge of the crew applications and said that I was now registered for the convention and to PLEEEEASE review my application now.

PANTS ON FIIIRE!  I hope I get a phone call.  I am attached at the hip to my cell phone for the next two weeks.  It’s going with me into the bathroom, into the shower, into classes, right beside my bed alllll night.  If they want to call at 0200 that’s A-OK with me… Ha!

I am so squallin’ STOKED! 

::uses the Force::  The Pulse wants me to assist them…

WOOOT!  TOADSTOOLS!   I wonder if Shane will recognize me from So You Think You Can Dance!?  PIZZA AND PINEAPPLE, I have to cornrow my hair for the convention.  And wear purple.  O.O

LORD!  Thank you!  I love you!  Thank you so much!
This has been the best day of my life and I haven’t even taken the classes yet!

(Oh, this means that there will be no movie auditions or fighting stunt workshops- the dates clash.  Oh well!)


This is my second entry in like an hour.  Hmm.  Oh well! 

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November 8, 2007


November 8, 2007

Yippee! Yea! Wowza! Outofsight!!! Fabulous!!! I’m so thrilled!!!!!!!!!! =)

November 8, 2007

That’s phenomenal, and I bet you a whole stormtrooper squad that Shane will remember you. You’re hard to forget. =)

November 8, 2007

Congratulations! Things happen for a reason. Perhaps the dates clashed so you can NOT do that & be alive & well for this. Best of luck, sweetheart! Keep rockin’ {X}

November 8, 2007

*calm & straight faced* Congrats!

November 8, 2007

…& we all know the story about the ginger kid…NEVER GIVE THE F*CKER FANTA!!!…Have you ever tried catching the ginge kid on fanta???

November 8, 2007

RYN: Caleb is a guy from my high school with the Army, we hooked up a couple years back just before he was posted in New York and about 6 months before he shipped out for Iraq. He just got back from a 14 month tour. Congrats on getting a spot to go!! ^_^

November 8, 2007

Thats awesome and stuff!!! Congrats! RYN: There is a link to tanga on my mainpage, click on it, and sign up i get sponsor points its a site that sells geeky related things and stuff,everywhere from board games to george foreman grills to coffee machines to things like that. Have fun at your dance convention and stuff sounds like a lot of fun 🙂 Chris

November 8, 2007

wow i guess there wasn’t a tanga link on my main page. http://tanga.com/?sponsor=LordJunon er. there you go. and new coverings? Thou mean my booties? haha. Chris

November 8, 2007

Congratulations. I am both happy and proud for you. I don’t know exactly what ‘pulse’ is, but I’m sure you’ll fill me in as soon as you return from the moon. You come across as just that stoked! I mean, I assume you’re happy. I couldn’t tell from your blog. Later on, in my kitchen, when I’m all alone, I’m going to dance a jig just for you. Have a really good day, my friend. You deserve this!

November 9, 2007

RYN: **LOL** #3 was when I was 18 when I started here, & pretty f*cked up with all the alcohol abuse at the time. #22 *lol* I have no intentions of meeting & greeting, but its based on my answer for #19…#29 makes me want to lean into the computer screen & slap them senseless sometimes with those entries, but each to their own. Oh yes #39 sum’s it all up!!! If I could only put that on my bebo!

November 12, 2007

what a fast rythm of life! thx for the note)) Glad for u!!

What’s so great about ICP?

hi inmate, hey i know you didnt want any notes on the last entry so i figured id say though i dont know exactly what you are feeling for iamnot you…i know the pain you know.. iam still dealing with my probs but i would never not listen to you if you need to talk. all i can offer is a hug over the internet ((()))) i hope that today is better for you… bty thanks for the notes too! cont.

but iam still as lost as ever… i hate the 400 character limit here….arg… if you ever need to vent or yell at anyone… iam here my email is lost_in_america23185@yahoo too…just hope you dont spam me! lol take care my friend!

November 18, 2007

I’m sending you a big hug for the entry after this. I know I’m breaking the rules of no notes.