Decisions. Too bad I’m indecisive!

The more I stare at my entry title, the weirder the spelling looks. 

Two weeks ago I e-mailed a film corporation (I read a notice that they’re looking for action actors and martial arts experts) detailing my dance and performance experience. 
I received an e-mail back with detailed information on their upcoming audition for two new films.  Woo-hoo!  (Even though on the application it asks two questions- prior martial arts experience and prior acting experience to which I have little.  OOPS!  But dance and martial arts are like siblings- I pick up new styles quickly and if I approach martial arts like a new style of dance I should do well.)
So, decision #1- do I attend the prior workshop and get certified in fighting stunts?  One of my secret dreams has always been to be a stunt double.  (I’m athletic, brazen, and have an exceptional pain tolerance.  Why not use my "special" qualities wherever I can?)  I don’t know how often I’d use that certification but I’d definitely put it on my resume.  Who knows when the upcoming pop star might need someone who can fall from a second-story window or fake a punch? 
It costs $150; I’m going to spending lots of money here real soon for training and such…

And decision #2 Kelly’s family is going out to spend Thanksgiving with him.  Kelly’s offered to have me go as well.  He wants me out of my house before I go apeshit, he knows I’ve been trying to get to LA, he knows I need a vacation, and we would both LOVE some good company.
The grandma of one of the girls I teach has already offered to pay my airfare to LA whenever I want- she gets tons of air miles.  So if Kelly and his family can just get a hotel room (which they will have anyway, whether I go or not), I get to Los Angeles free and stay there for free.  Voila, my two biggest expenses GONE!!
PLUS, Kelly can probably take their car (a mode of TRANSPORTATION!) and drop me off a couple times to the Millenium or the Edge so I can take a few classes. 
Even if he couldn’t do that, I would still experience LA (you know, since I have never even been there before) and experience it with a really good friend before I am there alone and strictly for my career. 
And if I don’t go now, I don’t know when I’ll ever get out there… thus landlocking me in my house forever…
HOWEVER, I don’t want to be a burden on their family vacation.  Kells says his parents love me and wouldn’t mind but still…
Also, it would be a little awkward because I don’t know Kelly’s family too well.  On top of that, Kelly’s family has a fair amount of money and are probably going to eat out a lot and visit places I normally wouldn’t even dream of going- I can’t afford that, and don’t want them to pay for me.  (Even though they may be perfectly happy doing just that…)  And I don’t want all of them to get something in their head (ESPECIALLY Kelly himself) that Kells and I are more than just friends.  AND… (this one makes me laugh) from what I hear, Kelly’s family is renting two hotel rooms- one for Kelly’s parents/brother, and one for Kelly and a homie of his from rehab.  So I would be staying in a hotel room with two Marines.  O.O
LOL.  WOO.  Talk about an adventure!
I’m really leaning towards going though. 

I don’t know.  What do y’all think?  ^_^


Wearing::  My favorite cut off, battered, chlorinated sweatpants, white/green/black sports bra, a black/white/red baseball jersey over and Vans.  Did I hear a kindred spirit say matching is overrated!?
Feeling::  Pretty decent.  Save for a mild migraine.
Listening to::  ‘Take a Look Around’ Limp Bizkit.

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November 6, 2007

1. I am a HUGE ICP lover. So congrats to you! Kudos! Any who, I took a bit of martial arts, :] I love it! But it is really not something that you can do over a short period of time, it is something that is perfected in parts, which implies that it is something that takes time [years] to learn, and understand. There are THOUSANDS to stances and positions to learn, much of which you HAVE to learn…

November 6, 2007

But Dance will help you a lot, dance helps teach balance and grace, to flow through moves which you will appreciate in the long run. :] Okay welp! Reply! :] -Rachel

November 6, 2007

RYN: I like my spices too much. Mmm. Garlic powder, season salt. 🙂 I think you should do the stunt double dilly thing. 🙂 sounds fun 😀 Chris

November 6, 2007

Hmmmmm……. decisions, decisions, huh? I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no clue what you should do. How about a corny, Disney-esque piece of advice, though: follow your heart? lol All I can say is to go with your gut feeling. If you think it’d be a great idea to go with Kelly and his fam to L.A., then I would go… after all, you just said you have no idea when you’ll ever have the opportunity. But I’m not good at giving advice, I suck at making decisions myself, so… *scurries away* oh, ryn, thanks for the happy dance! ^_^ hehe

congrats and good luck ont he movie thing ALso … are you nuts??? You have a chance for a FREE TRIP to LA … GO 😛

November 6, 2007

Go, how often will you get the opportunity? Plus if you stay you’ll probably just be miserable. And you sit there going, “I should have gone, why didn’t I go?” Save us all the trouble and just go. lol

November 6, 2007

DO THE M*THAF*KIN NINJA WORK!!!…..even if its fake…Then I shall call you Naruto

November 6, 2007

Yes! To both things! These are great opportunities that should not be passed up!!! The only somewhat regrets I have in life are the things I did not do when I had the chance. Do it! Do it! Do it!

November 7, 2007

If you are really worried about taking money from people and hanging with people you don’t knoow well, don’t do it. But this could be the opportunity of a life time if it works out in your favor. Good luck with your decision Ms. Indecisive!

I think you should go for it!

November 8, 2007

#1:Have you seen “Deathproof”? One of the stars, Zoe Bell (plays herself), is a stuntwoman with a background in gymnastics & martial arts… Food for thought. #2:I know exactly what you’re saying.You want to go to LA, almost NEED to go, but how to pay once you get there. That’s a tuffy. I’d say go anyway, and when you hit it big, pay them back. If they understand why you need to go…

November 8, 2007

#2(con’t):.., then they’ll understand. Plus, it’ll only be for a few days. Not like a full-fledged two-week vacation. Besides, all the shit you’ve been put through, you need to get away, so god-damn-it, GO! Have a nice trip, and PLEASE! PLEASE be careful out there. There’s a lot of crazee’s in LA. Caio! –