A shrieking, furious tantrum.

I have a migraine. 

So life doesn’t really make sense right now anyway.  And it’s really oober hard for me to function what with my whole body being irritatingly unresponsive and throbbing fuzzily from neck on up.

But I’m up at the studio.  Don’t need to work until another two hours or so, but here I am.
I didn’t have time to shower before I left or anything and I look fairly like the dead.

I just got so sick of being at home with my father that I had to leave.  This morning was the final straw (of course, this might just be the migraine talking). 

The tension in my house is intolerable.  I was trying to set up cables to my DVD recorder so I could record last year’s solo to send it off to various companies. 
I was struggling with the audio because, I admit, I’m not so hot when it comes to technical gadgets.  And, you know, POUNDING migraine doesn’t help the thinking process much.

Out of nowhere, my dad stands up from the computer, turns around and starts yelling at me.  Which I knew was going to happen.  It’s inevitable nowadays.  I’ve been yelled at for everything.  Pacing.  Eating.  Making too much noise opening a package of something on the counter.  It’s constant.  I practically dread leaving my room.
Anyway, this morning he started yelling about how I have no idea what I’m doing and how he has to do everything in the damn house and I’m going to break the equipment anyway and holy shit YADA YADA YADA.

I packed all of my work up and went into my room.  My mom came in and asked if there was anything she could do. 
I said, "Yes.  Please take me to the studio with you."

So now I’m kinda just sitting here.  I can’t dance because I’ll make my migraine worse (my mom has already been in to scold me over that, heh) but I’m so emotional right now that I need to let it all out. 

It’s eating me. Completely eating me.  

And, alright folks, let’s face it.  The whole reason I’m still at my fucking house is because I loaned him $7,000- all my life’s savings.  And that’s not including what he drained out of my meager college fund.
He won’t pay me back (not that he’s making any money to).  Says he deserved all that money as payback for him taking care of me for 19 years of my life.
…Yes, he actually said that to me.  To my face.  Seriously. 
It almost set me off (which has happened only once so far in my life).  Almost. 
Not just because I have been taking care of myself (except for most groceries) for SIX years.  But also because suddenly, I owed him $7000 for him deciding to have me.  WHAT!?
Yep.  So where most 19 year olds have had their parents buy them their first car (shitty or no), have helped them to drive, helped them into college… I’ve got to pay him back for putting up with me and then I get to teach myself how to drive and buy my own car.
And my mom works 11 hour days at a $7 an hour job with no health coverage or insurance.

As I said, and this could still be the migraine talking but FUCK you, Dad.  FUCK you. 
Stay home all day and play Solitaire on the computer.  Insult your family on a daily basis.  Complain about having to do mundane things like feed the dog.  Refuse to get a job.  File an abuse case against my mom.  Drink a 6 pack every day. 

But could I leave the house, even if I had the money?  Could I leave my mother with him?  Who knows what would happen. 
With his alcoholism, there’s no telling.  And they’ve been together for, blast… *thinks* almost 40 years.  This is so hard on my mom.
There’s so much tension between them that it hurts me.  Most of the times when they try to talk to each other it turns into an arguement.  So they both just yell at me. 
I’m SICK of it. 

I can’t believe I have to deal with this shit.  I never thought it would be me that is sitting in this situation right now.  It makes me want to cry.
Plus, you know… there’s a tsunami going on inside of my head.

But my brother’s in love with a hippie and they’ve decided to move in together around March.  I’m so happy for them.  : ) 
I should probably call him tomorrow when my parents leave for the store (I’m staying home so I can work on the DVD recorder…) and explain what’s going on.  We texted for a few hours this morning but he doesn’t even know about my dad’s affair. 
It might not be a good thing because my brother, Kyle, isn’t particularily fond of my dad to begin with.  My bro is supposed to come down after shoulder surgery in November and if Kyle knows what has been happening and sees firsthand what has been going on…
Shit.  My brother is big and my brother is deadly. 
Just shit. 


Wearing::  the same sweatpants I always wear and a green t shirt that has "Little Miss Trouble" on it, with the character from Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Happy books.  : )
Last ate::  Chocolate Chex and peanut butter.  I’m not even eating right at the moment.  My self esteem is about the size of a lima bean.
Feeling::  Downright shitty.

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October 18, 2007

-=hugs=- i’m so sorry this is happening your dad is a prick .i hope everything goes well

October 18, 2007

I’ve often wondered why my Mom doesn’t leave my Dad. He’s such a jerk most of the time and treats her so poorly. Maybe they figure it’s better than being alone or how would they get along with them? I don’t know. I wanted out of my tension-filled home as quickly as I could get out. I feel ya, sister and am so sorry you’re having to go through this AND having a migraine, too. Blech.

October 18, 2007

wow. reading this made me realize that we have excruciatingly similar lives. except my moms the alcoholic, my dads the one working long hours and my dads the one with the affair. and my brother hates my dad. hmmm, are you me?

October 18, 2007

sounds like a complete piece of sh^t dad

October 18, 2007

Hey sweets, want some pie? (pie – being ice breaker). Yes, Im sure we’ve been in simular situations, IE: the arguements & sh*t, your last entry was telling us how your making a name for yourself, career wise you look like you’re headed in the right direction. Do what it takes to keep you sane in the mean time. MCL chicken

October 18, 2007

I’m sorry things aren’t going well. I hope things get better. I can’t imagine what you are going through…

October 18, 2007

-huggles- That’s horrible, hun. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this.

October 19, 2007

I saw a movie some years ago, where the underlying message was, “It’s better to be alone for the right reasons that together with someone for the wrong reasons” Perhaps this is something that your mother may have to consider. Granted there’s not much money coming in now, but together perhaps you both could get a new start on life. (Without Dad!) Just a thought. Stay happy!

October 20, 2007

wow, what a frustrating feeling, that you can’t leave your room. Cruise ships?

October 26, 2007

awe i hate migranes :p get better =]

October 31, 2007

Ugh. I’m so sorry, sweetie. You know there’s always a way out. All you have to do is muster up the courage to do so. I’d take you & your Mom in a heartbeat if I had the room wherever I move. And I’d squeeze you in here if it got so bad for you. But I know you have other options & moving isn’t the thing. You care & love your Dad & hope this passes, but he should never treat you that way—> EVER.

October 31, 2007

You have a career you are shooting for, you do need a stable living, job & support system to get to that next level. But ya know, dear, you also have to have the courage to risk the comfort level to get to the next level. If you get a job offer or opportunity, but still feel guilty with your Mom, then take her with. I wrestle with the same stagnation now, but my own worst enemy is myself. The hard

October 31, 2007

hardest part is leaving loved ones & my comfort zone. And when you are all alone & it’s just you, it gets harder & harder each day. But I did it 10 years ago & may have to again at some point. I love my family & will always be there for them, wherever we all may end up. But I also know that I can’t get to that next level here, either. I need to light the fire under myself, I need to focus myself

October 31, 2007

And I need to be my own rock solid support since after my family & a handful of friends, that’s all I have ever had. It’s tough, but reach down deep, kick yourself in the ass & know you are not getting younger. Opportunity is there for the taking & everything I hear from you, I know you are one mega talented kick ass ninja who will succeed when you get the opportunity or break. ORRR–> You just

October 31, 2007

May have to kick down that door & kickyourself in the ass & MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN & that break yourself, you smell what I am cooking? But, if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. If your Dad wants to take your $, make excuses for it & drive you away, then have that inspire you to succeed even more. Hope you feel better dear. If you need me, hun, I am ALWAYS here to talk, thru e-mail, too.

October 31, 2007

And as my final note for today goes, if you need inspiration even tho this entry/day was in the pits, all you need do is go back one entry & read what a difference you make to all of those kids lives & how awesome you are. That should always give you inspiration to fight the other shit & keep moving to move if you have to & succeed. Your students love you & You are freakin’ awesome. Remember that.