Brief Reasons to Date an Imperial Officer:

  • No chance for competition- all male workforce, remember?
  • It’s all about the belief in a cause.  (Single minded, determined, myopic.  Sure, you’ll have to compete for his attentions but at least your man knows exactly where he stands in the grand scheme of things.)
  • Straightforwardness.  No pussy footing around the consoles.  (Tip-toe throooough the tuuuulips… sorry, ignore everything within these parantheses.)
  • Travel benefits!  ‘Join the Imperial Navy; see the universe!’ type thing.
  • Life is never boring.  There’s always a world population or capital ship to search and destroy. 
  • Proper posture.  It’s not over-rated.
  • The buddy system is thought upon fondly- at least when surrounded by that honor guard.
  • Joy is found in the simplest of things.  You know, correctly identifying the difference between shield generators and a harmless abode… pleasing your superiors… surviving a meeting with your superiors.
  • Mr. Coffee!  Wait, wrong movie.  -.-
  • Promotion is a brief, intense, no frills, no regrets, no thank-you-card-needed event.  You aren’t even required to attend the wake (and sewing on patches?  Who does THAT!?).
  • Strict structured schedule.  Not too much leeway to get dangerously confused.  Plus, free tour guide (Yes, I am referring to the mouse droid).
  • Nonexistent yardwork and/or allergies.  Transparisteel anyone?
  • Minions.  Need I say more?

-†   INMATE   †-

Wearing:: Black plaid boxers that say DANCE, pink Fall Creek Vineyards t-shirt.
Last ate::  The same thing I last ate in my last entry.  Well, no, I dipped Kashi protein cereal in my coffee.
Feeling::  Pretty damn good.  *Brushes dirt off her shoulders*  I’m SO ready for my 4 hour substitute teacher marathon tonight.  O.O
Listening to::  Ninjas building a house next door.

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found you on random lol might stop by again who knows

September 27, 2007

Kashi protein cereal… why does that sound so unappealing? lol and why are ninjas building a house next door? At least it isn’t the Amish (heh… just kidding)

September 27, 2007

You are truly insane. I love you!

September 27, 2007

Wow, maybe for the guys you could make a Brief Reasons to Date a Mistryl Guard. =)

September 27, 2007

Funny stuff. Did you see the Family Guy 1 hour reenactment of Star Wars A New Hope? It had some funny moments. Ninjas are building a house next door? Don’t you mean a temple or dojo? lol. cereal in coffee? I guess our meal agreement only lasts one entry. We better just stick to sharing cookies. lol. ryn: All dancers are gorgeous was a direct link to you of course, too. 😉 Thx for the echoing of

thanks for the tip… i didn’t realize cold water would help!

*snorts* Funny. 🙂 Got me some giggles for the day. RYN: Yeah, it’s super fun dancing with my husband. If you want to see some shots of us dancing, go to this entry:

September 27, 2007

Sorry, the above note was from me, for some reason OD signed me out. 🙁

September 28, 2007

wow, why don’t I get this? I feel like such a blond.

September 29, 2007

The Mr. Coffee joke was great. ~DK

September 29, 2007

RYN: You are exactly right. Everyone is capable of anything, some of us just have to work a little harder at it. ~DK

September 29, 2007

p.s. Hmm, I just seen your jedi mind trick comment was on the wrestling pics entry. What were you going to say? lol. Tell me. 😉

September 30, 2007

Mr. Coffee was a good joke, I have to agree with “The Heretic” on that one. I just noticed that you’re sitting at 199 entries. Anything special planned for “episode 200”?

September 30, 2007

i used to eat my cereal with coffee but now considering my health i dip it in very old, very expensive scotch. i never want to miss a chance and i don’t plan on leaving any behind for someone else to drink!!

September 30, 2007

i think it’d suck to be on an all male ship. however i’ve heard good things about it. K-STATE WON DOWN WITH TEXAS

October 1, 2007

Your entries always bring a smile to my face and I can’t help but chuckle..Hope you are well. Please take care. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

October 1, 2007

RYN: i have been writing for a couple of years now and then just words last night everything had music. tonight i cannot find the music it is silent. thank you for your notes. :>)