A step in the right direction.

Saturday I auditioned for a local dance company.  It’s not a major co. or anything but it would be good experience- plus, the more auditions I face the better.

With that said, I think I was a bit much for them.  Hehe.  My initial audition was a piece of our own choosing, so I performed a 1 minute hip hop solo to ‘Reload’ by Rob Zombie.
I showed up (the co. is manned by the director of one of my rival studios, heh), wandered into the room and made my cheerful hellos.  I think I scared everyone there. 
If you don’t know me… I guess I’m intimidating, ridiculously hyper and friendly or not.  Ehh.

I was #1 and so performed first.  The first thing you hear searing through the studio was, "RELOOOO-AD." 
I almost laughed it was so awesome. 
Anyway.  The judges/directors liked it.  At intervals (the gymnastic parts where I could have easily busted my face open), they even started making excited cheering noises.

Everyone else performed lyrical or modern/jazz solos.  Ehh.
Then we learned some combos. 
I decided it was a bad sign when they split us into groups… and the two girls I was designated to dance with exclaim, "I can’t dance with [Inmate]!  She’s too good!" 

I DETEST when people say that about me.  I mean, what are you supposed to say to that?
I learn best when put with someone whose abilities are stronger than mine and I work my ASS off. 
Yet, if I told them that, I think it would be rude. 
And if you just said "Thank you", it’s almost like agreeing that you’re too good.  And I am NOT.
See what I mean?

Then the judges kicked us out of the room to talk. 
While us auditionees were outside… the other dancers freaked out over me.  It was really disconcerting.

Started talking about how professional I was and were arguing over who was to take me to LA and get to be my manager.  They were even arguing over who would get to drive me around. 

Someone asked, "Girl, how old are you!?"
"19," I said, jumping around (probably in circles).
They gasped collectively.  "I thought you were like 25!!!  DAMN You are RIPPED!"

I blushed scarlet and felt the abrupt need to go put some pants on.  I’d been self-conscious since I was the only one wearing booty shorts… but… ehh…

I just decided that I’m not going to be "in" the company, persay, since they practice 30-45 minutes away and are not very good.  However, I made sure that they know how to contact me and that I’d be willing to do guest performances, choreograph, and maybe even be in a number or two with them. 
Great exposure without the full commitment.


Wearing::  Cut off gray sweatpants, white dance tank, white sweatband.
Last ate::  Peanut butter and animal crackers.  And cold chicken.  And potato salad and tomato bread.
Feeling::  My body’s not right.  I think I might be getting a migraine so the lights are all off.
Listening to::  ‘Stand Up’ by Ludacris.

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September 10, 2007

That’s awesome. Way to kick ass! And I think you could have said, “Thanks, but I’ve still got plenty to learn.”

September 10, 2007

It seems pretty cool that you were the only one to play a rock song, while everyone else picked jazz type of stuff. Way to make yourself look unique! 🙂 As if you aren’t already lol Maybe the other dancers will get motivated by you! that would be cool, right? I like how you say you were jumping around in circles lol It seems like dance is a great way to move around when you’re feeling excited.

September 10, 2007

I’ve been in that position before, where people are basically praising you up, and you don’t have a clue what to say. Especially when they talk poorly about themselves by comparison. On the one hand, it’s nice to know the work you’re doing is be appreciated. On the other hand, I hate when people do the whole comparison thing. I want to the be the best I can be. No the best Joe Blow down the street can be, ya know? I usually say something stupid like, “I really enjoy writing (or whatever it is that they are complimenting me on.” Feels weird, though. You need to start getting used to it. When you’re all famous and junk, you’ll be hearing it all the time. Woot! Woot! =)

September 10, 2007
September 10, 2007

wouldn’t turning off the lights for a migraine be defeated by staring at the computer screen?

September 10, 2007

RYN:Hmmm…those are good questions…personally i think love is one of the major happiness things in life…but maybe thats because i lack in that department…being constantly alone and the such…its just a matter of i am happy..just alone…and that would make everything just that much better…hmmm…very good questions…i should really think on those kind of things more…well peace…MCL..

awesome!! congrats, chica!

September 10, 2007

RYN: Become Superwoman????? I AM SUPERWOMAN!!! ** giggling madly ** You just reminded me that I need to get some more spinach at the store. I’m out. Eeek! Popeye would not have anything to eat at my apartment right now. hee hee

September 10, 2007

I think that sounds like the right thing to do to lend your expertise without committing if you didn’t feel right. Funny story with your groupies. 😉 heh heh. Did you eat the peanut butter & animal crackers WITH the cold chicken? lol. Can I make a note without a food comment? 😉 maybe. ryn: Did you make that massage comment OFFERING or just reminding me of how bad I need one again? lol. {X}

September 10, 2007

RYN: You most certainly should have your own soapbox. I’d listen. ~DK

September 10, 2007

Damn it girl, invest in a f*cking video camera! Show me your krump & I’ll show you mine? 😉 *lol*

September 10, 2007

thats awesome

September 11, 2007

well i know breaking i woudnt like to go after certain people. the difference in skill was just too much. capoeira, not really a problem, since you mostly work on coordination with your opponent/partner.

September 11, 2007

Kick ASS! That’s exactly how I feel about auditions, I’m going to a LOT but I don’t neccessarily want to make them all. I just want the experience right now. Good for you for getting out there and I love how you let them know you’re available for guest appearances. That’s fantastic 😉

September 11, 2007

RYN: for your information, your diary name is the FIRST thing I thought of when I wrote that 😉 I was like “Damn… ‘Inmate’ is so creative and cool….” I also like another of my Faves, her name is Shroomi. She has a cool name too. Prinzessin is a little strange sounding to me, I like Hime better lol

September 12, 2007

You go girl! Show those dancers who’s boss. lol

September 12, 2007

So how many years have you been dancing and how old were you when you began…? I guess common mathematics could tell me how old you were when you started. I’m just being me, I guess.

September 13, 2007

thank u so much!!!! 😀

September 13, 2007

RYN Thznkyou very much . that’s nice. I ll try to be more cheerful from now on

hope all is well :]

September 13, 2007

ryn: That is an awesome video. I love the Darth Homer scenes with his light saber being the carbon rod & him screaming under the Vader mask. Mr. Burns as the Emperor was great, too. lol. Glad I could get you to turn down your music to watch it. 😉 Hope you & your family are doing better. Keep us updated, sweetheart. Be good & stay out of trouble. {X}

ryn. blogthings are awesome. m/ well have fun. =] x

September 22, 2007

this is why you’re hot. 😀 <3