Swiss chocolate shuriken- ill with weak handshake.

::assumes Socrates pose::  I feel sickness coming on. 

Fun, fun, fun! 
I’ll know when I try to sleep tonight.  If I am destined to be sick, I shall dream krazily and sleep talk and continually wake up sitting ramrod straight in my bed.  It always happens. 

UMMMM.  I had ice cream today- chocolate swiss with chocolate chips in it.  HOLY shit it was grand.  You never know how amazing treats like that actually are until you deprive yourself of them for months.  : ) 
Makes the splurge OH so amazing.  : )

Kelly is coming on leave August 6.  Hooray!  He finally got his surgery and it went well.  It’ll be completely awesome to see him again.
And my mother, tactfully like always, says, "So how are you going to work this?  Craven and Kelly aren’t going to want to share you."
Kelly and my relationship is nothing of the sort of mine and Craven’s so I almost jumped into that one but it was 2300.  I was too tired to get into a conversation like that. 
But both of my parents have finally accepted us dating (note accepted, not approved of).  Woo- it’s a start!!! 

I don’t like it when my handshake is firmer than a dudes. 
Bothers me something fierce. 
I shook hands with a dude like that what was it… yesterday?  Today?  And I almost felt his bones move underneath my grip.  Indeed, I felt a smote bit awkward…

Jeana and I went to the mall today and I found some shuriken that I liked.  I didn’t have much money on me at the time but I’m definitely going back to get them as soon as I can.
Not pointing any fingers, but a significant other of mine managed to get my previous star confiscated during the high school years.  *Mock glare*

It has rained here, after how many years of severe drought… 35 days out of the past 38 and it’s supposed to rain the majority of this week, too. 
It’s pretty awesome, I ain’t gonna lie. 

Aight.  I’m out.  I’m reading the new Harry Potter book, so that might help my sinuses and all.  : ) 
Have a badass week! 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Red silk boxers with pink hearts, and a light green cami.  I don’t match- AGAIN.
Last ate::  Potato/egg/sausage skillet on tortilla chips, and refried beans on turkey.  ::waits patiently and good-humoredly for an exclusive X-Plosion smart ass comment on her diet::  Hehe.
Feeling::  Content, except for the whole under the weather thing…

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July 29, 2007

Hope the illness passes you by. I hate weak handshakes. Ick! It is a very good start for your folks! =)

July 29, 2007

Man, you ARE a ninja!!!

July 29, 2007

Gosh, I hope you feel better. I hate feeling sick (how redudant… who actually likes feeling sick? lol) I envy you reading HP7. I don’t know when I’m getting mine… probably not until my birthday *grumbles* I have been walking on pins and needles trying to stay away from spoilers, though lol

July 29, 2007

so why dont your parents like craven?

July 29, 2007

I am gonna make up for getting that thing taken up. Trust me I felt really bad about it

July 30, 2007

i know what you mean, guys just kind of assume i cant shake hands and they’re all like meh then i handshake kick their ass and they’re like oh.. my bad.

July 30, 2007

Shuriken are okay, but throwing knives are where it’s at. =) Feel better! *pours you some bacta*

July 30, 2007

Whats a shuriken?

July 30, 2007

RYN: Hey, I’ve thrown both and I prefer throwing knives. Properly tassled, they throw clean every time, and you can cleanly fit four in a dress shirt pocket. =) I would like to see you skulking about and tossing shuriken, though. RYN2: Because my friend Jimmy Di Wolf and I invented a new candy called Super Happy Lemon Hello. =)

July 30, 2007

Oh lord….Ice cream. -drools- It rains here constantly. And yes…Co-own.

July 30, 2007

Back again! I hope u don’t get too sick! feel better soon! and i know how you feel with the parents and boys thing! I totally feel ur pain

July 30, 2007

RYN: I think I actually had a hat I dedicated as my drinking hat, & I dont mean the empty box *lol* I cant remember, too much alcohol makes many gaps in my memory. I saw ICP on DVD of their wicked wonka tour…GIANT OOMPA LOOMPAS!!!!!!!!

July 31, 2007

RYN: Thanks so much for your encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to leave me a note!

July 31, 2007

RYN: My birthday is this Saturday, August 4th. Buy me lots of presents XD just kidding.

July 31, 2007

awww, you poor dear, I hope you get to feeling better soon…I’ve been insanely sick the last 2 days and every time I lay down to sleep, I feel like I don’t sleep at all because of the weird crazy dreams I have…It’s awful..Feel better fast ok? 🙂 I hope you enjoy the last Harry Potter book..I’m reading Order of the Phoenix now…it’s so good. 🙂 anyways, you take care of yourself. 🙂 *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

August 8, 2007

Swiss Chocolate with Chocolate Chips??? I’m in pain just dreaming about it’s creamy chocolatey goodness. :{ Handshakes:I hate pansy handshakes 2. Some people almost feel like they’re going 2 kurtsy when they do it. Mine is good & firm though! I’ve received compliments. 🙂 Shuriken: Isn’t that a NINJA THROWING STAR? Wouldn’t U cut your lips & gums when you tried 2 eat it? L8er! –

August 9, 2007

It only took me 11 days to read this entry & see this next food choice. ya know this isn’t nearly as bad as the subsquent entries you will write. lmao. Refried beans on turkey? skillet on tortilla chips? WHO is cooking this? lol. My stomach is doing somersaults just reading this…You might be tough, but I’m hoping I can outgrip your Darth Vader death grip. speaking of which, you would have loved

August 9, 2007

the Saga Collection figures that went down to $2.98 at Target on the clearance racks. Not sure if yours is ghetto & still has ’em but damn, these cards freakin’ rock & what a damn good price on these figs. 🙂 soooo, you’ll have a guy fight soon. Another reason to have a video camera following you at all times. Ya know, I’d love to see Inmate vs Suburban Ninja. He’d soooo whip your behind. 😉