Burnout! BOOM!

::Fizzles out::

Only two more days of this.  Then a normal workload week, and then a weekend intensive and then oh shit.  I forgot about all the camps.  >.< 

…Best of all, boot camp is coming up.
(I only think I’m in shape now!)

Well.  I can say one thing- I don’t think I’m going to make it to LA for classes the end of August.  I’m going to be too burnt out and whacked to move.

Like right now.
::takes fifteen minute nap::

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black booty shorts, humongous baggy black pants, red top.
Feeling::  Tired, thirsty, hungry, sunburnt.
Last ate::  Cinnamon Toast Crunch and peanut butter.  O: )
Reading::  A collection of "Spooky Stories" put together by good old Alfred Hitchcock.

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July 24, 2007

whoa whoa whoa i miss you boot camp girl

July 24, 2007

RYN: ** drooling ** You take red potatoes and cut them up into bite size chunks, add a chopped up onion (I usually cut an onion into 4 slices and then peel the onion petals apart), grab a couple things of garlic (what are they called, bundles of garlic? sections of garlic?) anyway, chop ’em up. Add cherry tomatoes. Then drizzle with olive oil and thyme. Crank your oven up to 450 and no peakingfor 20 minutes. Fabulous!

July 24, 2007

Oh, you can also add asparagus, little baby carrots, I’ve even done this with broccoli! Some of the items get a bit charred, but they taste so yummy, who cares?!

aww good luck! ryn: you can have a cookie if you guess the reference for twitterpated 😛

July 24, 2007

You need rest. I’m gonna dart you like an animal just to make sure you get some rest!

July 24, 2007

i’m a moron for liking a girl for over a year after knowing that nothings going to happen. so are u dance training, physical fitness or what? and why does the navy suck? because its the military and they all suck. its a prerequisit that everyone in it is an asshole and if you dont meet that your life is shit until you become an asshole. and then because of karma everyone is misrable.

July 24, 2007

when i wrestled for a short time in high school. it got to the point that i couldnt sleep because i was soo sore.

July 24, 2007

Thank you for your support. It means the world. 🙂

ryn:: i didn’t think of it that way… thanks! <3

July 24, 2007

Wow, about two seconds after I post my first entry someone has left a note! Thankyou soooo much! 🙂 I’m going to add you to my favs, and my friends if that’s okay (dude, I don’t remember if OD even has a friends’ list anymore… maybe that’s only myspace LOL) thanks again for the note!

July 24, 2007

RYN: I was going to ask if I could pick your brain. Thank you for the offer, sweetness. =)

July 24, 2007

Never give up hope. Keep pushing yourself. You can do it. 🙂 ryn: Hmm, gallons, eh? Do they make the GOOD salsa in those gallons? 😉 lol. Mustard? ugh. It depends. The only good mustard is the ones they give you with subs. lol. You or cookies? You are a better friend than cookies, but cookies touch my mouth. lmao. Oh, shit, gotta be careful there. You like still having sexual ineundo over going to

July 24, 2007

Hawaii with me? lol. It’s okay. Maybe your man can take you. You’d have more fun with him of course. lol. Funny thing is I DO picture your parents living with you & Him & going on the trip to Hawaii. lol. Sorry, might be a nightmare, but at least it’s YOUR nightmare. 😉 But again, it’s okay. They can lay on the beach right next to you & have the room in the hotel next door. 😉 Sorry to hear your

July 24, 2007

albertsons closed down. They’re still better than any other store. Except for raising prices & getting rid of good shit, but I blame vendors for that. lol. Coffee is atrocious. UGH. Congo is kiddie. Limbo is adult. lol. I was supposed to get a gift card for winning. Where is it? DAMN THEM. lol. Hope you get to travel the world. You will when you become that HUGE world reknowned Dance star. I know

July 24, 2007

you will, hun. Keep working hard. And don’t stop cardio because it’s boring/repetitive. Isn’t that the nature of working out? It’s a chore, but the results are invaluable. And you feel so much better, post haste. 😉 I got rain & then danced, instead of the dancing first. Nobody wanted to dance with me. lol. Tho, I wish some could send some more often. If you catch any more, send it over. 🙂

July 24, 2007

Alright, Special K. Have a good Week & catch ya later, cutie. Take Care of yourself. Peace. {X}

July 24, 2007

RYN’S: That D-Didee, he did a re-cap episode, too lazy to do something new, he had a piece about not drinking & krumping…coz you’ll spill your drink, doing the jitters with a stubbie of beer, I couldnt see it on youtube, but funny as! As for the salsa, it was like a small jar, its bound to be in my entries somewhere *lol* MCL

July 24, 2007

& dont wear yourself out too much…Your entry titles give it away too! L8eRz!

July 25, 2007

RYN: thx and yep 🙂 good luck!!

July 25, 2007

whoa whoa whoa…whoa… What? uh ok i’ve learnd english from cartoon network so uh… try and ”break it down to me” or something cause i don’t get what ur saying…

July 25, 2007

ohhh have fun with boot camp. 15 minute nap?! how is that possible? i just took a 2 hour nap. haha