Insert clever title HERE. …POOF.

So, I received my SPACE update e-mail for this week. 
One of the major articles explained that humans began walking on two legs because walking on four legs was too difficult.  It went on to explain the experiments performed on both chimps and humans but all I could think was, "Uh, no SHIT.  Have YOU ever tried walking on all fours?"

Have you ever realized that your ears are the only open cavities in our bodies that don’t leak oober amounts of fluid?

Also, I really want to find a bottle in the spice aisle at the grocer labeled, "Natural flavoring" or "Artificial flavoring".  I’d use it in everything; it would be the magickal spice.  If you look at ingredient labels, it’s in everything.  I want this miracle spice! 

By the way, I’m feeling 100% better and I’m gung-ho on everything (until I burn out and get sick again, lol- I really need to learn to pace myself).  I’m still pretty hungry, though… Oomph. 
AND I even made an eye appointment tomorrow for contact lenses!  So I can even SEE while I’m dancing!  It’s so exciting it makes we want to dance in circles!  Dance circles!!  You know, like crop circles.  Maybe dance around crop circles?  OOH!  

I’m going jump rope. 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black capri satin pants with blue undersides, black short sleeve shirt that says "Dance is my happy place"
Last ate::  Lettuce/salsa and pepperoni/corn.  I’ve begun eating REALLY weird…
Feeling::  Happy.
Listening to::  History Channel.  Weird weapons of the Axis.  : D
Nail polish:: (fingers) Ruby Red w/nifty designs on the ring fingers. (toes) Midnight sparkly purple

P.S.  I’ve eaten almost an entire jar of salsa today.  Hehe. 

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July 19, 2007

Crop circles are caused by dancing? I KNEW IT!

July 19, 2007

haha, this entry made me laugh. it’s so random, but it has so many cute little parts about it. thanks for the note and your opinion. appreciate it!

July 19, 2007

Yea for contacts! I love mine. Good things: No more fogging up glasses or having to clean glasses! No more raindrops on the glasses. No more opening the oven door and having your glasses steam up! No more trying to read a book in bed and hold your head in your hand around the glasses! And those are just a few!!! Not to mention having sex and actually being able to SEE everything you want to see! 😉 wink wink ha ha ha ha ha

July 20, 2007

hilarious as always. your on myspace eh, got a name? i was going to explain the flavoring thing until i realised what your talking about…i’m slow at 4 am. couldnt think…too busy thinking of a certain someone. proof reading that almost sounds like a come one. its not.

July 20, 2007

Man, nothing wrong with salsa…I did that once…but I must’ve drunk a dozen beers before hand in the rain at a rodeo…drunk doesnt quite mean the state I was in by the time I was eating that salsa *lol*

July 20, 2007

What’s up salsa girl? 😉 I ate a whole bag of tortilla & salsa combos, if that’s any comparison. Do you buy salsa by the gallons? lol. 😉 Hope you are able to see soon. I never could get used to contacts, that’s why I ended up getting laser eye surgey years ago. They have even made improvements on that, too. Jumping rope is HUGE for cardio. Keep it up. Have a Good Weekend, cutie. {X}

July 27, 2007

Recently I read the ingredients to a bottle of Dr.Pepper. It lists both artificial and natural flavours, which prompts me to ponder, “Is there really something out there that possesses the natural fizzy goodness like that of a Dr.Pepper. Tell me more!” I would plant it in my garden, if I had a garden, then sneak out everyday to snack on my precious Dr.Pepper plant. It would be grand. Peace! –

August 1, 2007

>w< Gotta dig teh monkies. :]