God Bless America, China, and Mexico!

Hope y’alls 4ths were badass. 
I went watch the big fireworks display downtown because I haven’t ever seen it.   ::sings loudly::  BLAAASHPEMY!

It was me, Craven, Jeana, Logan, Holly, and Random Chick (Jeana called her Buttcrack Chick.  I didn’t ask.  Actually I did, but please pretend I didn’t.) sprawled out on some blankets in the middle of a high school football field.

There was food.  I’d brought much food and there was salsa and chips which I ate almost all of.  Oops.   
Forgot the chips in the car initially… I had to go run the field and jump the fence.  I was pissed.  Had to get my EFFIN chips.  *Mean face buuuuut breaks down into giggles*

I was totally hyped up on frappacino and cookies.  REAL healthy, I promise.  But it was a blast.  XD

There were many jokes about rappeling ninjas, and ninjas coming quietly in bed. 
*Whistles and slowly walks away*

When the cannons began sounding, Random Chick screamed "Terrorists!"  but didn’t have the balls to stand up.  If I were wearing shoes I would have stood up and ran around but… the grass was wet.   *Sad face*

The fireworks were bad ass (I made my own sound effects during most of them- I was a little bitty kiddy again…!) and it was awesome I got to watch them with Craven.   
Awww, it’s cute, yes I know, now shut up.  Hehe.
When the fireworks ended, I yelled, "God bless the Chinese!"  *Pause*  "Fuck†, AND America††!"

† profanity uttered quietly
†† no one was hurt or meant to be offended by the hilarity of this statement

As everyone was getting ready to leave (Craven and I were still sprawled on the blanket eating chips and salsa, go us!), Holly discovered a Cinderella soccer ball near our food.  She tried asking a few people if it was theirs but NO! 

  Heh heh heh. 

So… it was on (after I carefully protected the salsa).  Our game of soccer consisted mostly of Logan and Craven and myself running after the ball and the rest of the girls flailing wildly whenever the ball would approach them. 
It was quite entertaining…

But then some lady approached and asked, "Is that a princess ball?"
And we were like, "Ummm.  Yes.  Here you go.  We were just, um… keeping it busy for you… yea…"

Then we left to go shoot shit off in good ol’ East Austin where the cops are too busy deciding if those BOOMS resounding through the darkness are the result of fireworks or gunshots to do much about either. 
It was Craven’s cousin’s house and he was pretty cool.  We lit off fireworks and had Roman Candle battles- Craven’s cousin pegged Craven in the head with one.  LOL.  It didn’t do any damage though.
Annnnd, I ate more chips and salsa.  End of story. 

Jeana and Craven dropped me off at my house at 0200ish and I was too hyped up to sleep so I was working out and doing cardio (!?).  0300 Jeana calls me, "Hey, I don’t want to go home… can I stay at your place?"
"Sure!  Why the hell not?  We got a sofa, my parents won’t mind." 
0400 she shows back up and we don’t get to sleep until 0530. 

Now!!!  End of story!
Happy Birthday America, I celebrated it like a teenager!

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Dark blue cut off sweatpants, white athletic top, Nike wristband.
Feeling::  Like I didn’t get much sleep last night.  XD  And hungry.
Last ate::  A giant pickle. 

P.S.  I’m in the middle of changing up my diary again.  It’s not finished yet,  nor do I like it… so… just be patient. 

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July 5, 2007

Why Mexico? Because of the salsa?

July 5, 2007

RYN: You are genius. =)

July 5, 2007

Luvin the new pikky, with I saw that b4 I got my tat

July 5, 2007

You crack me up!!! Sounds like a fab 4th! I spent most of the day watching a Twilight Zone episode. ** giggling ** Every time another episode would come on that I remembered, I’d go, “Oh! Oh! I LOVE this episode!!!” I didn’t do a worthwhile thing all day and I loved it!!! ha ha

July 6, 2007

The best fireworks are when the weather cooperates. It was dry for the rockets this year yay!

July 6, 2007

my friends beat a group of britts at pool! yeah we stuck it to them again!!

July 6, 2007

Yay fab fourths with equally fab boys. We layed in bed til like 3 and ate ice cream. (Also healthy.) Then I threw a spoon at him, and he got mad. Then we watched fireworks. No princess ball though. 🙁

July 6, 2007

RYN: Heehee, babeh. XD You so crazy. <3

July 6, 2007

It rained on my fourth. XD I saw Rattatoullie (sp?) However the fvck you spell it. XD The Disney movie about the rat. It was kinda cute. :3 HOWEVER, maybe it was just me, but I noticed TONS AND TONS of innuendo. xBB You gots ta see it with yo mang.

July 8, 2007

RYN: *LOL* f*ckin eh! Although I do, I do my biz, stink out the neighbours & pat the dog…I sometimes try to see how many of the dogs I can get to come in.

July 10, 2007

what kind of cookies? 😉 Again with the chips & salsa…you know you are what you eat, m’dear. So you are one big chip with salsa for blood in your veins. lmao. What’s a princess ball & did you steal it? tsk tsk… CARDIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. Jumping rope to get back into wrestling shape & numerous stretching. Work had a congo line for a contest, I did 2’5″, the record when I left. 😉

July 10, 2007

I had to beat the limber fat guy who had the record when I left. lol. He prolly beat me tho because if he was that good & had time to keep trying, I had to leave & didn’t go for any lower since I would have had to get someone to witness & record all my attempts. lol. I’m sure being as small & limber as you are, you would have blown us all away. 😉