A Piece of Writing I Found…

It’s an introspective, future piece from an outsider’s point of view.  Or something.  o.O  *Shrug*  You writer people can tell me what it is. 
I think I wrote this draft late last year sometime but I found/read it today and liked it.
I’m feeling very off at the moment so instead of rambling on on some sort of half-defined, maniacal tangent, I’ll retype this piece (I suppose its meaning has a lot to do with what I’m feeling at the moment):


        It had been a while since I’d seen her but one glance sent me into painful awareness of her. 
        The dark brown eyes, framed by shoulder length brown hair, were exactly as I’d remembered them… all at once ancient and youthful in the same gaze.
        They were deep set in a face that seemed rather untouched by the ravages of age; what did affect her- wrinkles creased the corners of her eyes and the sides of her mouth- merely added a careworn good-grace to that cool gaze.
        Indeed, as she smiled (at me!  Oh how I’d longed for this!), her face melted into the warm humor that I’d gotten to know so well.
        The sudden rush of nostalgic emotion overcame me so suddenly it was several seconds before I realized that I was holding her in my arms.
        Her head rested easily on my chest- the years must have taken an inch from her height- and I could feel the sudden pressure of her breasts against my ribs.
        Before I could remember further, I let her go.
        As she stepped away, I saw the slow, cautious lilt to her step that she had acquired sometime in the past.  Her eyes moved away from me briefly and for a moment I felt lost and disconnected without that innate intensity inside of her to keep me from floating off in sheer visual ecstasy. 
       When her eyes returned to mine, for a moment in time I found that I could not draw a breath.  There was no denying the strength in those eyes, the power and the resilience that had kept her alive through so many years.
       My breath came to me again and I felt as if words were necessary to break the spell she had just cast upon me.
       "It’s good to see you," I offered, then blushed as I realized how lame my words sounded.
       Her soft smile became a full-fledged grin, exposing teeth whose few flaws made her amazing beauty seem more natural, and I was glad I had spoken.  I smiled as well, enjoying the moment. 
       So perfect was she and so ready for action, it was completely without surprise that I felt her small, soft hand in mine.
       I knew that if I looked down, the nails on that hand would be painted black- a tribute and reminder to her darker days.
       Yet it was with a sigh that I led her to a set of hard, plastic chairs nearby.
       She was so familiar to me but one didn’t need to know her at all to understand that everything had changed.

†   INMATE   †

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May 26, 2007

You paint an elegant picture. I’m speechless and full of wonderment all at once. I needed something to snap me out of this funk I suddenly find myself in. Thank you for sharing this with me.

May 27, 2007

Very powerful. It made me wonder less about her and more about you. What I mean is, ya know the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” — well, your love for her obviously guided how you saw her. Beautifully written.

May 27, 2007

Love rekindled? Very well written.

May 27, 2007

Oh SHIT, son. That was epic. <3 I love it. I want to raep it with all my lurve. <3 :3 I'm too afraid to post any of my shiznat on the internets because of fear of teh pirates. . . even though I cannot deny my own work as one.

May 27, 2007

VERY badassly done, my good womanz0r. <3 *humps thine majestic leg*

May 27, 2007

RYN: And I’ll be the brain surgeon if you be a daffy pediatrician and scare teh kiddies~ ;3

May 28, 2007

I’m not a juggalette, but I do love their music. My ex-boyfriend got me into them. But I don’t know enough about them to be a juggalette. They r still awesome though.

May 29, 2007

Hey Im watching So you think you can dance…Are you on it? Should I be watching for a certain outfit?? lol.

May 29, 2007

lol guess I better wait for the show in Chicago eh..

June 9, 2007

i’d have to say this is pretty amazing