An Exclamation of JOY!-

I did a full revolution hand spin this morning! 



†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black strappy bondage pants, white Malibu Grand Prix shirt and my ballin new Nikes.
Feeling::  Pumped.  And hungry.  I woke up early this morning so I’m way over my calorie intake but means I’m still hungry… : /
Last ate::  3 WAY TOO SMALL pieces of pizza. 
Ohhhh, and I went to Savers yesterday and bought 2 CUTE halters and 2 books for $7.  YAY for thrift stores!  And BOO  not having enough time to go through the entire book section! 

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May 19, 2007

Congratulations. 😉 Would love to see a pic of the hand spin. 😉 ryn: Thank you for the comments on the poem. I’d love to hear your thoughts that were stirred up from it. 😉 And yes, I added some interests. I need to add some more if I had the time. 🙁 Watching the Sox vs Cubs. Sorry, still cheering for the Cubbies at this point. We need the wins more. 😉 And of course the Heroes marathon

May 19, 2007

i don’t kno what that is but i’m excited for you lol

May 19, 2007

Congrat’s. However, I seem a little confused. What exactly are “black strappy bondage pants”??? Intrigued & confused –

May 19, 2007

random noter….just checking you out….I like your colors here…

May 19, 2007

Awesome! Hardkore!

May 19, 2007

Thrift stores rock! =) RYN: Thanks for your kind note.

May 20, 2007

hey thanks for the note, i didnt really know what you meant by it though.. lol. anyways take care and congrats on revolution hand spin!<33

May 20, 2007

I’m not sure what a full revolution hand spin is, but it sounds amazing!!! Congrats to you. 🙂 Did you manage to get a picture? 😀 and also Yay for thrift stores…Have a pleasant week. *hugs and smiles* ~Randi

May 20, 2007

I love sparkly too. Yours is all green. Green is a good color that I don’t see enough of. lol TYN