
Once again, my doggedness knows no bounds.

I’ve been afflicted with fever, a migraine, a breakdown, allergies, and an infection all within the past not-so-great week.

Tomorrow, I’m still planning on traveling to Atlanta for So You Think You Can Dance auditions.  In fact, I made reservations for our hotel today! 
I am heavily drugged and haven’t had any time to practice my solo but FUCK. 

I don’t care, I’m GOING.  I deserved one of those plane tickets, dammit!  I just hope I don’t puke like that one poor girl.  Ick.

Wish me luck to survive… I’m going to be so wiped…

Hopefully I’ll feel better by Thursday since today is Monday anyway.  : ) 
And it’s not like I’ll tax myself by riding in a vehicle. 

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black booty shorts, white sports bra and muscle tank.
Feeling::  Horrible.  But I’m at work!  I haven’t skipped a single duty so far since this bout of sickness…  but yesterday I actually got to stay home!  Of course I had to pack and clean the house but I did watch Star Wars as I was folding clothes last night.  : )  Right before I fell asleep…
Last ate::  Cabbage/carrots/sausage.  I’m REALLY hungry right now and I don’t know why…

A little later:  My eyes are completely bloodshot.  My mom said I need to save my money for Atlanta for a trip to the doctor’s.

Actually, all I want to do is go to sleep.  I’d go home and sleep a bit but I work tonight…
Oh Lord, what do I do…?

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April 2, 2007

Will you be well enough to compete?

April 2, 2007

Everything is going to work out fine, don’t you worry your pretty little head about anything. Worry while your sick will only make you sicker. Throw all worries aside and just concentrate on getting better so you can have all of your energy for your audition! Rest up baby, Your in for a RIDE!

April 2, 2007

RYN: Then rest up, see how you feel in the morning, and if you’re up for it, go for it.

April 2, 2007

Go to the Doctors!!!! When you are ready to travel, come out by me in Arizona, we’ll have a great time & you can personally dance for me & I’ll give ya the plane ticket! 😉 lmao. Get better. Weren’t you feeling sick during the last auditions, sweetie? No matter what, your health comes first. I always love your descriptions of what you are wearing. How about some pics? 😉 hmmm? Get better soon!

April 2, 2007

Hmmm, sci-fi geeks & comic geeks get along all the time. 😉 We are welcome at conventions together. 😀 I love the sci-fi channel, lots of good stuff & comic stuff on there, too, so we’d get along fine. 😀 So, I can’t like them both? I’m from Chicago! lol. I have merch for both teams. People have worked thru worse. We can always make bets for favors on the games. 😀 At least you like baseball.

April 2, 2007

And both of them lost. 🙁 Crap. lol. Hey, at least we love the same team, since i have friends on here & myspace who like the Cardinals. UGH! You like Heroes or Who Wants to be a Superhero on Sci-Fi? Good shows. 😉 And, Exorcist, eh? hmmm….I want to see your moves. 😉 Do both surveys when you get better. Hope you can still dance, but take care of yourself, first, gorgeous. Health FIRST!-M

April 2, 2007

Hmmm, so do you WANT me to disappear from the U.S.? lol. I think you have to come save me here in AZ before it turns into Mexico. lol. That should be your first sci-fi mission. 😀 “ESCAPE FROM AZ”

April 2, 2007

Here’s a hug and I hope you feel better. Good luck with your audition in ATL…

April 2, 2007

Awwww..yeah, I get sick pretty often but not like that! I hope you feel better, and Good Luck!!!

April 2, 2007

Well, this crazy chick says don’t let a little cold drag you down…it’s a lifetime opportunity…go for it. But, then I stock up on Benadryl and go to work sick too. LOL *huggles*

April 2, 2007

oh god thats disorientating your entry i mean..all to the right…. anway! i’m forced to workout tue,wed,thur ouside. and it hurts like a b^tch to do knucle pushups on asphalt. I grew up with cats but being off in the military and away from cats i’ve found out i’m allergic to them.

April 2, 2007

Thank you for your excited note on my page. I don’t know how to break the bad news to you though, so I’m just going to spit it out. If you read on to the bottom of that page, just above where it reads “Leave A Note”, you’d have seen my “HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY”, to which everything becomes painfully clear. In simpler terms, I did not win the lotto. So sorry to disappoint. Have FUN in HOT-LANTA!

April 3, 2007


April 3, 2007

ryn: i DO have a thing for muffins =) i often think there’s definitely more baker in me than physicist. speaking of muffins, i made a rather delightful batch last night – light, fluffy, refreshing flavor, sprinkling of poppy seeds . . . sorry about that, i get carried away.

April 3, 2007

good luck with resting and the audition. give them all you’ve got, and if that includes the contents of your stomach, then . . . j/k, but seriously, best regards, and go do what you love! that’s really admirable =)

April 3, 2007

ryn: oh, and i don’t believe in past lives. may i ask why you ask? just curious =)

April 3, 2007

RYN: always stealing the moon from my sky darlin lol. anyway yeah people are bitches and nope their not hood like me. Cause i can busta cap yo

April 3, 2007

well i’m suddenly glad the most i can complain about is a sore throat i picked up this morning.

April 4, 2007

Ahhh. Sleep it off. I wish you luck with the dance tryouts.

April 4, 2007

What a trooper. :] I hope you’re well enough to get to Atlanta to do what you wanted~ DadadadaDANCE. <3 xB That was corny. Oh wells. m'babeh, I KNOW you can do it and pwnz everyone! and babeh, you don’t need luck, you’re gonna round house kick them away!