Nervous breakdown.

Yep.  I had one last night and I’m not sure why- I didn’t think I was too stressed…
And I haven’t had one for a long-o time.

I DO know my dreams had a lot to do with it.  I know that for the past couple of days every time I see an object I’ve seen in my dream, I would see the accompanying nightmare.  Dun dun dun. 
So they weren’t
ACTUAL hallucinations -they were imagined- but were still quite real.

I think that finally helped break me down.

Last night, after my mom succeeded getting me into bed, I laid there for a long time.  Eventually, my mom came back with my cat. 
Midnight, purring away, jumped onto my bed and curled up next to me.
It was then that I fell asleep cuz I felt that she was protecting me. 

My mom said that Midnight waited until I was asleep, then went to finish eating, and came right back to sleep next to me.  (Usually she plays for an hour or so after she eats.) 
I felt so loved. 

*Shrug*  It was really freakin’ scary.  But I’ll be okay. 
I’m really exhausted and dead-feeling now but…

I’m nothing like I was.  Hopefully tonight will be normal.

I don’t know.  I’m going to respond to notes and read other entries.  Y’all make me smile. 
Peace and skizzo-s.

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Black leotard, bright red sweatpants, bright red stretchy top, one red hoop earring.  Oh yes.
Feeling::  *Scratch head*  I don’t know yet.
Eating::  Sonic Blast, Reece’s peanut butter cups.  I deserve it, lol.

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March 28, 2007

Uhg! I hope your feeling better, and I hope tonight brings you dreams of happy things…rainbow like things…puppy dogs licking your nose type things. Maybe have a nice hot long bath before you go to bed tonight, let your mind drift instead of thinking of whats going on in your life? Have a bath, do a face mask, drift off into a book perhaps. Spend time with your loving Kittie! That seems to help! Feel better!

March 28, 2007

I am having an inferior-for-no-good-reason day. We should get together for virtual ice cream sundaes. 😉

March 28, 2007

RYN~ *L* It is a written version the a verbal expression of overwhelming excitement and/or joy. “You just won the lottery.” “I did? SQUEEEEEE!” 😉

March 28, 2007

*hugs* If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.

March 28, 2007

RYN: the last time we dates was almost a year ago and i’m sorry baby-=hugs her tightly=-

hope you feel better soon ^_^ -kimbuhly-

feel better!!!

March 28, 2007

i had a major break down – check out my latest blog

March 28, 2007

RYN: Horrifying thought, isn’t it? =)

March 28, 2007

ryn: I’ll colonize the northern part of the state if you can find me a mate. lol. Otherwise it’s damn expensive. I’m Sorry 2 hear of ur breakdown, but get better & stay strong. If you ever need someone to chat with or someone who can empathize w/ dealing w/ internal & external factors, I’m always here 4 ya. Hope u feel better soon. & thx 4 letting us know what you are wearing so we can fantasize.

March 28, 2007

I’ve sometimes 1-der’d if dreams were our reality & our reality was the dream. If that’s the case, Y is this “dream” so damned long? I hope U feel better. I know having a loved 1, such as a pet helps volumes. I wish I had a cat. Someday, I hope. RYN: I don’t mind hockey. I prefer 2 C it live, rather than televised. As 4 playing, I think I’m the only Canadian who can’t skate. 🙁 Sweetest Dreams!

March 29, 2007

I never had a nervous breakdown before, but doesn’t mean I won’t either. I hope you feel better, if not just think of me. As for your question about everyone not believing in god. Its everyone’s personal choice. I don’t look down at people who believe. And would it make the world a better place?? I highly doubt it, cuz we will still have sane, crazy, and lunatics in the world no matter what.

March 29, 2007

I swear cats protect us from something we dont notice or cant see. did i ever mention i love your stick figre picture.

March 30, 2007

how you described seeing things from your dream sounds a lot like how i’ve felt since moving to MA; it’s like constant dejavu. i hope you’re feeling better =) peanut butter cup blast = excellent choice

March 30, 2007

Hey, babehs! I loves you OODLES. Lemme tell ya, OODLES. <3 It blows dead bears that you had to go through that, but if it helps, I've had a few breakdowns. Sometimes you just gotta let go. Frequently, I've noticed that just breathing; your breathing patterns can "realease" all the crap inside that just churns your soul and makes you go sour. you know how you hold concious thought over things?…

March 30, 2007

… you may associate it with being “mentally stuck” to things, so you won’t forget chores, or whatever. That’s kind of like a boulder on your shoulder, a burden. Wouldn’t it feel good to just unclench your palms, and drop all responsibility? Forget your duties (or do them first, then forgetaboutit xD). Man, I’ve been having rough times. We gotta start Meditating again. :] Open us a Yoga shop.

March 30, 2007

Loves j00, babeh. <3 STAY Foxay. :B Kukuku ~

March 31, 2007

Ugh. I hate breakdowns. I usually end up cryin’ like a lil’ biatch with a skinned knee. *huggles* Glad your kitty knows you need lovins! Animals are so cool that way. 🙂

March 31, 2007

I hate that feeling that everything is just spinning out of control… 🙁 Hope you feel better, love.

March 31, 2007

“i” could mean a variety of things. “i”nspiration! I was inspired by this entry of yours. “i”, the Roman numeral for 1. Or “i” in reference to myself. I thought it a clever title. I don’t know much about imaginary numbers, but this suggestion has inspired me, yet again, to write on a subject. Thank you ever so much. Sweet Dreams, Inmate…

March 31, 2007

Ahhh. That sucks. Get better. Drink fluids. (do fluids help with mental breakdowns?) Dance happily when better.

May 10, 2007

say hi to Midnight 😉 thanks for your note… bye bye, Tammie