Coming Home…

I found a ride in the morning!  Yay!  Which means I don’t have to travel the subway at 0200 and get no sleep at the airport while I wait for my plane for five hours!  Yay! 

Instead, I get to ride to the airport with a couple of robust Italians at 0500 who are the most colorful personalities you can imagine.  They’re hilarious.  I mean, the man has been known to drive down park sidewalks for the "Scenic view"- but it’s okay, he’s friends with all the cops so no worries, eh? 
I don’t know for sure but I believe that their relatives are in the Italian mafia. 

Tomorrow morning will be VERY, VERY interesting, LOL.

I bought some cheese curds.  Shit they’re good.  I miss them so much in Texas.  I also bought my Dad some hot sauce- it’s called "Burn in Hell, Osama- have a nice trip!"  I laughed my ass off when I saw it in the Mars Cheese Factory.  My dad’ll love it.

And the handle on my suitcase broke.  Thank God I’m getting a ride.

And I love my Grandma but no lie, I’m glad to go home.  Most of y’ all know how Grandma’s house is… I’ve been stuffed so full of crap, I couldn’t run a mile right now if someone paid me two grand.  Thank God there is no scale.  XD
She has definitely boosted my faith in old people though because the grandparents that live near me in Texas don’t do anything, they have no sense of humor and argue constantly.  It’s NOT fun and it’s always made me scared to get old. 
I like this Grandma.  I’m not so scared anymore.  : )

An Ipod found its way home with me from the Chicago Theatre.  I feel a little guilty yet a little euphoric at the same time.  I’ve wanted an Ipod forEVER but never been able to afford one… now I just have to figure out what connections I need and go buy them.  Yep…
AND get rid of most of the shitty ass salsa music that’s on it.  Blech

I guess my faith in my datability has been reinforced as well, judging by the times I’ve been hit on this trip.
Maybe sooner or later I’ll look/find me a boyfriend.  Ehhh.  Maybe. 
Oh yea, I almost forgot about Chris. 
Heh.  Oops.

†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Red pj pants, blue and white collared TX Rangers shirt.
Feeling::  Accepting and thankful as the end of my adventure nears.
Listening to::  the end of CSI: Miami
Reading::  ‘Ghost Soldiers’ by Hampton Sides  (GREAT book, btw)

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March 12, 2007

I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you this time around, but in all honesty, the television show would have likely conflicted with your schedule when you go on the road with Beyonce {fingers crossed} In all honesty, I believe in you, which is kind of funny when you think about it. All we ever do is pass notes back and forth. Truth be said, I’m glad your coming home, too. Later, gator!

March 12, 2007

Oh come on. You’re such a catch. The boys will be beating down your door soon enough. =)

March 13, 2007

you should flirt with your eyes today so they can carry your bag all the way home lol

March 13, 2007

*huggles* I still love you..and I usually HATE most chicks. LOL

March 14, 2007

RYN: Im now on the hunt for an Oompa Loompa outift…& post it on youtube!!!

March 15, 2007

well the teachers tell us our leaving countdown and my birthday countdown is on my calander xxx

March 21, 2007

I be a Guinea. :O <3 Oh snap. Lucky you! An iPod. x] All you have to do is get a USB for it, which you can get at a Mac store, or on the web. :3 Then just hook it into your comp. I think you could download iTunes or something from Maybe. but most Media programs let you hook your music up into “EL DEVICE” xD AND YES, YOU GOIN’ GET YOSELF A HUBBY. D:< You SEXY FVCKING BEAST. YUM YUM!