Writing. Part 2: The Poems

These are a few works of mine.  I found at least one halfway decent work from almost every year to post.
Your opinions as whatever they are- criticisms, encouragement, advice- would be appreciated, but don’t think you can stop me from writing.  : D 
Not anymore, HAHAHAHA!!

****One last word- please don’t take my works- it’s been done before and I don’t want it to happen again.  Enjoy!****


Headache – 2002


The sky darkens

Horror lines the streets

Incapacitated, I stare from my window

Entire houses crumble into dust, leaving behind unceremonious piles of ashes

The trees take to fire

The blood runs like rivers through the gutters

Drums beat throughout the night

Despondently echoing messages to the survivors of Hell’s toy box

Harsh words left unspoken bubble with my voice

Scratching at my throat like a beast raw from hunger.

I pull my knees to my chest, my eyes watering with fear

Outside, the sky begins to burn, throwing lava into the chaos that was once a city

Inside, on the floor, neon lights dart back and forth like demons unleashed from hell

Preparing for the worst, I close my eyes against delusions unspeakable

Thus lured into an eternity of endless pounding,

Locked inside an endless migraine.



Déjà vu  –  2003


I am speechless;

There is a secret here, nearly revealed…

It’s naught but a mark scratched into my head yet

It’s of something before,

Something of long ago.

I barely see the sun shining through my bedroom window

For inside I have been transported through my past.

Suddenly I am somewhere far away in time

To when I had a future and perhaps a thought for love.

It was a peaceful time, laced with quietude…

It was before the dark storms came.

And now, standing alone in my room,

I encounter once again the eye of my misery…

A wistful memory, so far away in time.



Untitled 2004

Age had taken away most of his sight

But his hands, rough and forever calloused from manual labor, served a double purpose

His manipulating fingers fe

lt the protection of his heavy gloves and

They saw, gliding his tools along the burning metal

He plotted, making another distinctive sword of the samurai

A sword of the legendary ninja master

His face was scarred by turmoil

His psyche scarred with the knowledge of his calling

No one else understood of his secret destiny

One that was formed from eons of practice, eons of struggle

Striving for perfection, he would now create the very essence of the master

He was the other half of the mythical power, the creator of the steel

A bead of ancient sweat snaked rivers across his face

It sizzled into oblivion on the burning, smoldering metal

The metal burned and pulsed, glowing with the strength of his soul

It was almost tribal, barely ethical, but beautiful

Heat waves emanated from his body underneath the protective coveralls he wore

The muscles ripped through his skin as he hammered the sword into shape

This was to be his final masterpiece

He had no successor; no kin

Only legend,

And dedication to his fate.




Midnight Vigil  –  2005


Patiently waiting, I sit on the pier

Dawn will come soon but so far it is just past one

Patiently thinking, I circumspect on the pier

Wisdom will come soon but so far it is just lies


I wave my feet over the endless waters,

Watching the tide pull the glittering moon towards me

I like to think of the moon as you

And that you can’t reach me only because of the distance between my feet and the water

This way, neither of us can be at fault for the damage we’ve caused.


Still, at times I find I almost hate your presence,

So vile with your hands so full of blood,

Yet I am still patiently waiting,

This night by the pier,

Where once more I will faithfully wash the guilt from your hands with my pain.


I believe we will make love, this night on the pier,

And then swim in the ocean below to cleanse our sins.

Together we will bathe in the tide that brought you so close to me,

As though I would feel your long lost touch.


<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt” align=”center”>But, as dawn breaks, I am still alone,

Reminiscent of the memories you left me

And dully aware of your distant love.

Slowly standing, a tear falls down my face and into the water.


For a moment, I think I can feel your touch

But it disappears,

Like my tear in the water.

And now!  Written yesterday on the triumphant return to my writings…



Untitled  –  2007

The human body,

Swathed in effervescent light.

Staccato rhythms,

Tapped into the wood.



Spun throughout the wood.




Cherry Tree  –  2007

The cherry tree

Alone upon the hill

Peering sternly o’er the land

What a silent vigil

Held by one so high…

O Cherry tree,

Alone upon the hill



Untitled  –  2007

Glowing star,

I emulate your courage bright

I pray you,


Console me,

So one day I might be

Next to you,


Holy Grail,

Goddess divine.


†   INMATE   †

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January 19, 2007

De javu….i get those freakin every day i SWEAR?!

Those are beautiful…they invoked a lot of emotion from me. 😐

GOOOOOOD stuff. I blow at poetry. So good for you. 🙂 *huggle* –

January 20, 2007

DJV – mostly at home…but the other times around town or runing into people..*shudders*

January 20, 2007

Thanks for the comment, gays are afraid to come out because of how people react towards them. People look at them so much different then a normal person. If i was gay i sure in the heck would be afraid to say somthing due to how people act and treat them.

January 21, 2007

Pwntsome poems~ 😀 <3 I like. Very effing nice! I like the Untitled poem about the star.

January 22, 2007

These have such earnest passion. Terrific heartfelt stuff.

January 23, 2007

Wow. Your earlier work seems dark in comparison to your latest creations. I liked them all, but can see the difference. You wrote the last three on Thursday? That’s amazing! I, myself, tend to fight for hours just to come up with a blog idea. You’re truly multi-talented. Can you send me an autographed copy of your first book, please & thank-you! I imagine it’s only a matter of time…

January 23, 2007

oohh..deja vu was a good one..that got me thinking about my life