~Exhaustive Music Survey~

They say the music you listen to represents the real you…


((Any Juggalos out there… you can feel free to try to identify what song my fav lyrics are from.  ^_^ 
Or, of course, anyone who is a fan of any band that I mention.))

P.S.  I’m avoiding writing a real entry.  I’ll update eventually, promise…
BUT thank you to everyone who noted on my last entry.  I had come on after writing it to delete it because I was so ashamed of what I’d written… yet when I’d seen all of the notes and support y’all had given me, I let it be.  I can’t thank y’all enough…




Name 15

music artists you like
*Your Favorite CD
**Your Favorite Song
***Your Favorite Lyrics
****The First song/cd you heard by this artist

1) Insane Clown Posse

*  Well, my favorite Jokers card is the Ringmaster.  In all practicality, I AM the Ringmaster.
**  Questions gettin’ tough already.  Probably ‘Posse on Vernor’.  The ultimate groove song to scream at the top of your lungs alone in your room.     My 2nd favorite is probably ‘Wizard of the Ghetto’- note the new diary title.  ^_^
***  "We all gonna die, but I’m not gonna fry.  Even though most never try, I’m not gonna let this pass me by, no…" 
****   The first song I ever heard I BELIEVE was the ‘Neden Game’ off the Great Milenko… it was about five years ago… beginning of 8th grade.  The first cd I ever listened to all the way through was ‘The Amazing Jeckel Bros’.

2) Twiztid

Man’s Myth Vol. 1
‘You’re the Reazon’
***  "It’s the incredible edible white chocolate rappers.  We came on the scene busting the cabbage patch backwards!  D-I-T-Z-I-W-T!"
****  ‘We Don’t Die!’  offa Freekshow

3) Dark Lotus

Tales From the Lotus Pod
**  ‘Headache’
***  "I stare into space through my cell gate
For 80 years I’ve been known as inmate
Walls can’t confine me, on the noose every week
And when the guards take me for my shock treatment
I be leaving out the space in my head
To control the minds and unearth the undead"
****  ‘Juggalo Family!’ offa Tales From the Lotus Pod

4) Godsmack

* Awake

**  ‘Voodoo’ or ‘Serenity’
***  ‘
I’m doing the best I ever did
I’m doing the best that I can
I’m doing the best I ever did
Now go away’
‘Voodoo’ offa Godsmack

5) Tech N9ne

**  ‘I’m a Beast’ or ‘I’m a Slacker’
***  "Insanity at it’s finest. Fire starter, riot maker, moon stricken, animal need, bad seed, untaimable beast!"
****  ‘Serial Killaz’… offa Twiztid’s album ‘The Green Book’

6) Cypress Hill

Temples of Boom
**  ‘Dr. Greenthumb’
***  "Memories they haunt me (they haunt me) they follow me
To the day I die (got to do what I got to do out her so I can survive)"
‘Insane in the Brain’ (Of course) offa Black Sunday  But then I joined the tribe 

7) Prodigy

*  I don’t have one, honestly… my bro randomly burned all their songs onto a few cds for me.  o.o  I’m a bad fan, I know!
**  ‘Smack my Bitch Up’ or ‘Spitfire’
***  "If I were in World War II I’d be a {Insert loud obnoxious noise here} SPITFIYAH"  ::dances!::
****  I don’t remember… : /  Maybeh ‘Smack my Bitch Up’?

8) Blaze ya Dead Homie

‘Colton Grundy’
**  ‘Shotgun’ – another great song to scream at the top of your lungs alone in your room.  : D
***  "Niggas kick the anthem like this-  Juggalos up in this bitch, up in this bitch!"
****  1 Less G in da Hood

9) Eminem

*  ‘The Marshall Mathers LP’
**  ‘The Real Slim Shady’  or ‘My Name is’ 
***  ‘Cause sometimes you feel tired,feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.  But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.
****  ‘The Real Slim Shady’

10) Marz

Against All Odds</font>
**  ‘Champion’
***  I don’t remember ’em right now and I can’t find the lyrics… but they’re off ‘Back a Da Klub’- I know dat much!!
****  I heard Marz first offa Tales of the Lotus Pod by Dark Lotus.  FYI… I can’t stand ABK as part of Dark Lotus on that cd.  He’s fine on Black Rain… but NOT on Tales of the Lotus Pod.  : /

11) Soulfly

*  Either ‘3’ or ‘Soulfly’
***  ‘Umbabarauma homen gol’  I have no idea what this means but it sounds really fuckin’ cool, lol.  It’s in Latin… if you know Latin, feel free to translate for me.  ^_^

****  ‘Eye for an Eye’

12) ABK

‘Dirty History’
**  ‘Hollowpoint’  
***  "Hope you’re my friend, cause I see you wearing some shit I don’t like; I’m shutting your cranium down with a lead pipe!!"
****  ‘Gang-Related!’

13) Snoop Dogg

‘Tha Last Meal’
**  ‘Snoop Dogg’
***  "Drop, drop, like it’s hot!"
****  Oh geez.  I don’t even remember…

14) Billy Idol

*  ‘Cyberpunk’
**  ‘Shangri-La’
***  "
Love labours on
Back thru time, I know
I’m a wanted man
Oh momma, I know
Gave me grace, not to lose
So I’m gonna get up–cleansed
Face the morning rain"
‘Cyberpunk’  BAAALLIN album!

15) Limp Bizkit

Embaressingly enough… ‘Chocolate Starfish & Hotdog Flavored Water’
  ‘Break Stuff’
"I hope you know I pack a chain saw, what!!…
A chain saw, what!!…
A motherfucking chain saw, what!!…
So come and get it!"
****  ‘Break Stuff’  LOL.

And of course I LOVE and know all the words to all the classics, like the Beatles, the Who, Steppenwolf, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson… but I don’t so much know their cds or titles of songs- plus, I’ve listened to them ALL my life since I was a baby, so I don’t remember the first song or anything…  Just know that I note them here and I love them.
Until I write something worthwhile…



†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Red sweatpants, black leotard, red sprts bra and black and red track jacket.
Last ate::  A mug of coffee (I make better coffee than Starbucks, tee-hee!) and there were chocolate chips left at the bottom and it was a tall mug so now my entire hand smells, rather ignobly, of coffee.  ^_^  WOO-HOO!
Feeling::  Hyper and like I need to pee.
Fingernails::  Black creme w/ Blazes of Blue glitter topcoat.  : D

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January 10, 2007

Fun! Im so stealing this! I like the one ICP song.. cant remember what its called..oh, yeah, How Many Times. =] And um, *thinks* Southwest Voodoo maybe?

January 10, 2007

RYN: You’re not supposed to understand all of it. That’s part of the fun! Does that mean you’re interested enough to come up with a Discordian holy name and join the cabal? =)

January 10, 2007

I’m definately stealing this later! Probably tomorrow, because my little brother is leaning over my shoulder. Since he won’t let me write this note properly (he keeps deletin things), I ought to go now.

January 10, 2007

Insane Clown Posse I listened to a CD of theres back in highschool and they are some scary f*dgin folks!

January 10, 2007

RYN: i’ll Never comform! Everrrrrr lmfao i’mma try to atleast where soem kick ass earing lmfao and /or kick ass heels and florida can be very nice lol

January 10, 2007

I admire your ability 2 recall all titles, all artists, all lyrics & what they all mean 2 U on a personal level. I haven’t that ability. I once made a tape & called it “Anthology Of Me”. A collection of songs that reflected certain moments of my life. Memento’s frozen in time. What U’ve done here, is inspiring. RYN: Days ago, I 2, was wearing shorts outside. I wear shorts year round though.

January 10, 2007

The first ICP song I’d ever heard.., that is listened to AND HEARD, was “Take This”, the entrance theme they did for wrestler VAMPIRO @ WCW. In reality, months earlier the Psychopathic duo worked 4 the WWF, & did the music 4 the Oddities, a group of misfits & jobbers. The song, I used to have saved from Napster, simply entitled “Oddities”. I’d listened, but never “heard”. Peace out, friend!

January 10, 2007

Ok, I was going to do this. After I got to the sixth one and had to keep looking up CDs, songs, lyrics, etc.. I gave up. haha. But, I did remember a bunch of songs that I want to dl. =] How long did this take you anyways?

January 11, 2007

RYN: We’re not cannibals! We don’t even eat hot dog buns! =)