I was… tagged. *Faints*

Kelly left.  Umm.  That’s it.  : ( 
Oh, and I was too late to buy my AT-AT ornament.  Apparently everyone in the world went to Hallmark after Christmas to purchase a big hunk of Star Wars machinery for the Christmas tree.  O.O

I don’t have time right now to go to Rage_Bites diary and copy the "YOU WERE TAGGED" message… because I’m starving and we’re in the middle of a nifty rainshower and the dog is standing with her front paws on my seat demanding to be saved from it.


1.  I can pop my coccyx. 
2.  I’m more likely to talk to someone I don’t know than someone I know-  I talk to the people around me on airplanes, ALWAYS.  And most people around me…  Period. 
3.  My favorite Disney movie is Aladdin. 
4.  I am hyper-sensitive to caffeine.  Right now I’m shaking from the 6 ounces I drank two hours ago.
5.  I have ONE major phobia– it is not extremely common (i.e. spiders or heights), nor is it rare (i.e. skin disease, the color yellow).  Wanna guess?  : D
6.  The predominant color in my bedroom is light pink.  UGH.  (I haven’t had money to update it since I was little.    )
7.  My dream pets for the future are a giant black poodle and a big ass snake– type TBD



I won’t mark anyone as tagged, either- this entry is in too much disarray to begin with.
  But consider yourself pointed at, anyway.  O.o

Hehehe!  (She giggles in glee!)

†   INMATE   †

Wearing::  Navy blue pj pants with stars, long white short sleeved shirt with the American flag on it, and nifty white sweatshirt I bought at Old Navy 2 days ago!!
Last ate:: 2 1/2 tortilla chips with salsa and cheese.
Feeling::  HUNGREH!
Reading::  A compilation of American short stories.  Classic literature…  o.O  My withdrawals from education is showing.

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January 3, 2007
January 3, 2007

You’re afraid of water. =)

January 3, 2007

You’re afraid of clowns! No. Hm. I’m not sure.

January 3, 2007

Hmmmmm….your a friend of being naked… i don’t know you just tell us…hahahaha….lmfao no worries…if i stepped in to your bed room his summer… i would blend in to your walls…-=blinks…=- pink dresses scare me lmfao XD

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m not tagged! I already DID this whole thing, so nyah! 😛

January 3, 2007

What’s a coccyx? I too like to reminisce with people I don’t know. I’m afraid of anything with 5 or more legs & I’m not as afraid of heights as I am “IMPACT”! As for your “dream pets”, would you feed the Poodle to the Big Ass snake? Furthermore; Do snakes have asses? If so, do they have BIG ones? Nice chattin’ widg-yah! Much clown luv!

January 4, 2007

hey thanks for all the advice, it wasnt depressing, its just opened my eyes to things a bit more nice to meet u xxx

question 5…….hmmm its either Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia or Metathesiophobia or mine which is Isolophobia. bty i have an AT-AT forsale, it needs an oil change and a paint job but runs great. =P

January 4, 2007

Im really sensitive to caffeine too. Whats this Beyonce auction you speak of?