My cat… squawks…?

A)  Yes, indeed… do all cats do this?    It sounds like she’s chirping at the birds she sees outside of the window.     Those of you that own cats and/or know cats… you mind explaining to me what this sound is?  Or is my cat psycho?  It’s really, really weird.  o.O  If I imitate her, she’ll squawk right back at me!!-  This morning we squawked for five minutes straight!  Tee-hee!
B)  I’ve been losing at Solitaire like an incarnate bitch- last night my score was -1500 something.  Ugh.  Stupid game.
C)  Kelly leaves tomorrow for CA.  Tomorrow I also have a predetermined date to go shopping with my mother (an amazing rarity).  I don’t know if I’ll see him before he leaves!  Zoh crap– I have to think of something.  He came over two nights ago and we chilled.  We rented movies- I must say, I have to add Donnie Darko to my list of favorite movies.  It’s a real fucked up movie- I’ve seen it three times and still have little idea of what it’s about.  I have to watch it again before I return it.  Maybe tonight because I have no life.   
Happy New Year, anyway!!
After Kelly left, it was 0245 when I was getting ready for bed when on the outside of my bathroom wall I heard a plaintive "Scrape Scrape Scrape."  I stood there for a moment in the dark of my bathroom, staring blankly at the wall and thinking, ‘What the hell?  There’s no trees outside that wall.’
I’d raised my eyebrow, thought briefly about a giant 6 ft. rabbit and shook my head in bewilderment.

D)  As for the questions I posted on my last entry regarding the really nifty picture.  I have no idea the specifics on the picture… I found it on Google and it flipped my lid so I had to post it.  ^_^
HOWEVER (my totally unprofessional but opinionated opinion):

  1. AT-AT vs. Hummer:  There is no way in hell that Hummer can prevail against one of them Juggernauts.  A Hummer can reach speeds that an AT-AT can’t but the walker has a longer stride- as well as the ability to crunch any traffic that happens to get stuck underfoot.  O: )  A Hummer has the power to move most vehicles out of its way but it would take too much time to careen through the chaos that would be occuring on the Golden Gate Bridge during a hostile takeover.
  2. Millenium Falcon vs. Star Destroyer:  Sorry Millenium Falcon.  Unless you have back-up on the way, the odds are horribly arrayed against the success of the suicide mission it appears you are running.  Let’s just hope Han is flying the ship- Corellians seem to be a good race for beating the odds!
  3. Would San Fransisco be the 1st city attacked by Imperials:  Doubtful.  I personally believe that the Imperials would go after Russia first.  (But didn’t say that    )
  4. How many AT-ATs would it take to crumble the Golden Gate Bridge by weight:  After a lot of research and comparison… I give up.  It would take a lot- That bridge is pretty damn sturdy.  If you want to ballpark your own figures (*Random snicker*), here’s SOME of the most pertinent info: 
    ~The Golden Gate Bridge can withstand a weight of 4000 lb. per square foot. 
    ~An AT-AT is 20 m long, which is approximately 65.6 ft. 
    ~Unfortunately, I do not know the weight of the AT-AT… if you do, let me know.  But I’m guessing around 3/4 the weight of a Boeing 747 (w/o passengers, because that is an unpredictable variable)??


Wearing::  Deep blue, velvet pj pants with stars, white sweatshirt that says ‘CheerPower Championships: Happy New Year’ on the front and ‘Grand Championships: Grand Champion’ on the back over a blue collared shirt that says (Oh, weird) San Fransisco, CA.
Last ate::  Nachos and a chocolate piece.  Really healthy… go me!  And I can get over this chocolate kick annny time now!
Feeling::  Satisfied.  Except for that stupid ass chocolate craving. 
Reading::  Might as well start this category because I’m reading a hell of a lot right now.  I just finished ‘Salem’s Lot’ by Stephen King.  Pretty stupid book- shame on Stephen King.  However, I’m about to start ‘Close Encounters of the 3rd kind.’

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December 31, 2006

Cats do chatter at birds outside windows. No one knows why, but it is normal behavior for a cat.

December 31, 2006

I wish I had a cat. Unfortunately, my dad is strongly opposed to the idea. Donnie Darko is insane. Apparently, when the engine hits his house, it opens up a rift in time because he didn’t die. So the bunny guy comes back and has to help him close the rift – by being there when the engine hits his house, and thusly being killed. Or so the producers say. o.O

No cats here. I couldn’t tell you. But Happy New Year..or Felice Anno Nuovo! 🙂

December 31, 2006

donnie darko is awsom, my cat makes weird noises too ô.o i stopp asking why lol

December 31, 2006

random; My cat squeeks like a chew toy if it makes you feel better. Have a good New Year

ryn: thanks, and a happy new year to you also. also donnie darko is one of my all time favs.

December 31, 2006

If you’re Donnie, can I be Gretchen? =)

December 31, 2006

RYN: Are you giggling because of the Donnie Darko thing or because of the Imperial-II thing?

December 31, 2006

Thanks for commenting on my journal. I didn’t think anyone would actually read it. Still kind of odd that someone did lol. Anyways yes cats do make weird sounds. Usually when they want attention or if there is a bird or a bug around that they are “taunting”. You might have one of those talking cats =P lol that would be really cool. Anyways Happy New Year. Hope you have a good night Aubrey Anne

December 31, 2006

Now when you cat “squawks”, does it sound like a very sharp, “M-ah-w!”? Because our, well, my mom’s cat, Norman does that when he wants to really make his point. He gets real insistant sometimes. As for the Falcon v. Star Destroyer, I never took into consideration the squadrons upon squadrons of tie fighters. Tie Fighters aside, the Falcon would win. Even if I were to pilot her. Happy New Year!

December 31, 2006

RYN: hey 🙂 sorry i haven’t been on to update my life but i’ll be back but my christmas was pretty normal…nothing special….but i got to see my grandma 🙂

December 31, 2006

ryn: Yep, I saw it. 🙂 It was pretty interesting – it’s been a while, though, so I don’t really remember. And Kafka is… really hard to explain. xD On the surface, it’s about an old guy who can talk to cats and a boy who runs away from home to live in a library. But that’s not really what it’s about. Btw – HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🙂

December 31, 2006

the Imperials picking on Christina Aguilera…hahaha. That would be classic. I love cats. I miss mine so much! Mine didnt squawk but he didnt know how to retract his claws so he also sounded like velcro when he walked around the house. LOL

January 1, 2007

our kat loves to speak to them..she is so loud and she looks like a nut cracker when she speaks to when shes outside she likes to get right up at them and speak to them face to really does seem like they are tryin to talk to each other?!

January 1, 2007

Oh yes my kitty l0o0o0oo0ves to speak to us..specially when she really wants to head out the door but most of the time she likes to cuddle and her way of saying ” hey give me some attention now and while your at it..your pillow and bed” she likes to sleep at my feet at night lol

January 3, 2007

My ghost-cat used to make a weird sound when she say birds. It was like her jaw spasmed or something…