YOU! Read this, then vote! : D Please?


  1. Who will win?  The Hummer H3 or the AT-AT??
  2. Who will win?  The Millenium Falcon or the Super Star Destroyer?
  3. If the Imperials attacked, would it truly be San Fransisco that goes down first??
  4. How many AT-ATs, combined with normal traffic, would it take to crumble the bridge from weight overload??

(I’ll give my theories after I tally votes, hehe.)




I don’t really want to write.   Not feeling too well.   

I always get sick when I have a break from dance.  I guess my body is so used to physical exertion that when I take it easy, my body goes "WAAAAAHHHH!"  (  )
And then I’m like… "Ooof."  (  )

Despite this, in typical stubborn Inmate fashion, today I came into dance and danced for 3 hours straight. 
Not smart but pretty much unavoidable.  I will be even sicker tomorrow but, again, in typical Inmate fashion I will say, "It was worth it!"

Well, Christmas went good.  I woke up at 1140 and spent the next two hours cooking and setting up the food.  Total hours of cooking:  seven
Not bad at all!
We don’t have a Christmas dinner, exactly… we have a smorgasbord of foods that we munch and eat allll day long.  It’s GREAT.  Our counters are always PACKED. 

My dad bought me a huuuuuge jar of pickled okra for Christmas.  The thing is around 4-5 pounds, no joke…  It is the flat out shit.

Christmas was small this year and without my brother it was a little sad.  I pumped up my obnoxiousness a little and it cheered my mom up. 

This morning I woke up and read a book on different etiquettes in countries around the world.  It was very, very interesting.  I am definitely a more worldly person for purchasing and reading it.  Who knows, maybe I’ll even need that sort of thing in the future??


FYI, It’s illegal to chew gum in Singapore.  Customs won’t even let you bring it into the country.  UH-OH!

And by the way, Tech N9ne’s new CD Everready rocks my socks.  ‘I’m a Beast’ is the best song; I don’t know, I just connect with it. 

Aight.  I’m exhausted.  I’m going read another book or something.  Peace.

†  INMATE  †

Wearing::  Dark blue cut-off capri sweats, white athletic top, dark blue Nike wristband, black/gray jacket.
Feeling::  EXHAUSTED and sniffly.  Hehe.  There’s a roll of toilet paper on the desk next to the monitor.  Just in case you wanted to know.
Last ate::  Tuna salad.  That was my lunch, actually.  I was dancing and I forgot to eat, so I ate at 1820.  : /

P.S.  Check out my absolutely awesome new profile picture, too, while you’re at it.  LOL.
(It won’t last for TOO long- I like my Psychopathic one better…)

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December 26, 2006

That’s not a Super Star Destroyer. That’s an Imperial-II Star Destroyer.

December 26, 2006

a jar of pickled what? lmfao pickled anythig scaresme and pictures of what?

December 26, 2006

-Profile Pic-Cool, but U need one of a clown using an Axe. 2birds,1stone!-I cant go2 Singapore.If I can’t chew gum, my fingernails suffer.-My Xmas was okay. Quiet. Watched ‘Cars’, kind of alright. Quiz: 1.AT-AT would beat an H3, but not the H1 or H2. H3’s 2puny! 2.The Falcon-much more agile! 3.Yes!As per StarTrek4,that’s where the Nuclear Wessels are. 4.Approx.57 if concentrated on one point.

December 26, 2006

P.S. Please don’t hate me because I like Star Trek. 🙁

December 26, 2006

If Triumph The Insult Comic Dog has taught me anything, it’s the wedge between Star Trek fans & Star Wars. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m NOT one of those nerds who wear the ears & go to conventions, grilling the guest speakers on inconsistancies between episode 9 & 14. NERDS! I’m merely a regular fan of the show. AND I think the Enterprise would totally kick as in the Star Wars universe. 😉 -Cya

1: H1 not the jeepish 2:The Millenium Falcon 3:If the Imperials attacked, would it truly be San Fransisco that goes down first(define “goes down”) =P 4:How many AT-ATs, combined with normal traffic, would it take to crumble the bridge from weight overload?? depends on which year of manufacture the AT’s were produced,i hear that there was some labor issues at the Kuat Drive Yards in the..

begining that AT’s produced on fridays and mondays were missing various armor plates (later recalled on warranties) causing those AT’s to weigh significantly less than specified. secondly…are those AT’s fully loaded?

I LOVE to dance, even though I don’t consider myself good at it. 🙂

December 27, 2006

Thanks for the c omment. I was sick over the holidays lol but i went back to work back to playing with bleach again..kinda took all the rest of the sickness out of me lol. Is that your pix on your profile? If it is .. wonderful 🙂 Happy Holidays!

December 27, 2006

the first alarm was at my apartment complex..i’ve only experienced one alarm since i’ve been working at the courtyard…

December 30, 2006

i want to see new kitty n_n

December 30, 2006

This was funny! Who will win? The Hummer H3 or the AT-AT?? H3 all the way baby! I used to drive hummers for a living, So Im particial to them. Who will win? The Millenium Falcon or the Super Star Destroyer? Do you even have to ask this? The Millenium would rock the super star destroyer.

December 30, 2006

If the Imperials attacked, would it truly be San Fransisco that goes down first?? Ummm nawww I think they would go to LA first and take down all the super stars. How many AT-ATs, combined with normal traffic, would it take to crumble the bridge from weight overload?? 8?!

December 30, 2006

Hey chick….it was good to hear from you too! Hope you had a great christmas. I’m getting ready to go party and i am pretty sure it will be posted by tomorrow…lol! But have an awesome new years and take care!

December 30, 2006

RYN: weird pcikles man… i likedededded when the girls jiggly dance dance

December 31, 2006

RE: It’s slightly smaller than the original, and the Command tower is modified. =)

December 31, 2006

Smaller than an Imperial-I, that is. The Super Star Destroyer would obviously be bigger. Heh.