Poof-I’m good as done&I haven’t even started *Edit

I sent out Xmas e-mails today.

Sheldon somehow managed to fuck up my whole …



All of my dance contacts… the ones that dance for everybody else, agents, choreographers, everyone high up…

From my Xmas e-mail, he replied to all of them and said things that weren’t too personal but still too personal for anyone to hear. 

Let alone people that I’m trying to get to respect me and land me jobs.


There is no more Sheldon in my life.

I should have done this a long azz time ago.

I’m so sorry I allowed him to put such a setback into my career.

This is my whole life.  If I don’t dance I have NOTHING.  I am unable to attend college, I have no work experience.

Your attitude and appearance is everything in the world of dance and mine has gone down a looooot of notches.

I don’t know how to fix this.

I’m so frustrated and I’m in tears and AGGGGGH!

Poof.  There goes everything Inmate has worked soooo fucking hard to achieve.

In one fucking e-mail.

And worst of all, he did it purposely.  There’s no other way it would have gotten to all of them AND me.

What have I done…


****EDIT****  I’m going to lay low and pretend it didn’t happen.  The majority of my contacts have so much going on right now they probably thought it was spam.

I know my dance director did. 

I get to talk to Sheldon tonight.  Ick.  NOT looking forward to that conversation at ALL.
He’d sent me an e-mail this morning saying he was sorry and didn’t mean it but…

It’s time I fully moved on and DON’T let him back in my life.

  I hate being a mean person…
I guess I’m not being mean though if he started it?  I don’t even know…

::shrugs::  I’m a completely free girl again though. 
Life is fun.  : )

My Xmas vacation starts on Saturday… so I probably won’t be noting much until January.  Sorry, but I’ll have limited access to a comp. 
I’m going to try to keep writing, at least. 
((Just so y’all don’t think I hate the world after this entry, lol.  I still love everyone.  ::hugs a globe::))
Writing gives me something to do since the SIMS broke down.  ^_^


(Wow, I’m such a dork.  LOL)

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December 20, 2006

holy fcku ROAR lets go mess him up …i can’t even desribe howangr this makes me

*tight huggles* Pull yourself together and contact those people personally. Calmly explain your mistake of letting someone so “unqualified” handle your business and that you’re calling “writing?” personally to remedy the situation. You CAN bounce back from this…and you’ll be BETTER. MUCH better. I believe in you.

December 20, 2006

Hey hey hey. Calm down, honey. Now, he’s a jackass, and he’s proved it. So now you can take a necessary step and excise him like bad tissue. That’s a plus. Secondly, most of those contacts know you for your talent, not for your idiot friends. Third, you have many MORE contacts in your future, because you’re talented. Fourth, I’ve got a shotgun, a shovel, and five acres behind my house. He will not be missed. =) Cheer up, honeychild. You’ll rebound. Your future is too bright to be extinguished by one email. *hugs*

December 20, 2006

It is doubtful that anyone would bring it up, especially if it’s not about them directly.If it’s nothing 2 personal, I doubt they’d recall anything @ all. IF they do remember,given the amount of people they undoubtedly C @ any given time,I’m sure U could sluff it off & deny the whole ordeal. “You must have me confused with someone else.”It’s 99% confidence/1%bullshit. Believe me, I know “people”.

December 20, 2006

I hope you are doing okay. That is a big set back only if you let it be. If you allow someone else to stop you from reaching your goals you might as well have never set them to begin with. If deep down you KNOW you have talent then nothing should stop you from doing it. If I would have stopped everytime I hit a wall, I would not be where I am. Keep your head up and your feet moving. ~DK

wow….that really sucks.

December 21, 2006

RYN: I’m just glad my words helped. *returns the hugs*

December 21, 2006

RYN: You are very welcome. I think that with the advancement in AI we are compromising our own intelligence by allowing machines to make decisions for themselves. We are allowing programs to learn instead of learning for ourselves. Sure a few scientists will learn new things, but the general population will not, thereby decreasing the average IQ of mankind. Do you have another topic? ~DK

December 21, 2006

Wow. He sounds like a bastard. DevilishlyInnocent has some good advice though. You can redeem yourself, and they’ll probably respect you all the more for it. I guess it’s a good time of year for breaking contacts that only cause you harm. 😉 But don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be fine.

December 21, 2006

Ok, so it didn’t help, but it may not reflect so badly on you. Sometimes people’s sabotage attempts only sabotgae their own reputations.

December 21, 2006

If my insomnia would alleviate, that would be a marvelous thing. =) I think anyone who would jeopardize your dream like that deserves to get cut. I don’t know the story of you and Sheldon, but you deserve a fresh start. And to shoot for the stars. *hugs* Merry Christmas, Miss Kara!

December 21, 2006

<3333 yay good be meanto him let him have people don't do thing then say sorry they didn't mean to with out truly knowing what it will do cause and effect

December 21, 2006

Enjoy your vacation. I wish you a very safe return. ~DK

December 21, 2006

Heheh, hugging a globe. That’s a hobby I need to adopt. Don’t be afraid to be “mean,” because when actions with finality are called upon then they oughtn’t be classified that anyway. That’s something I had to learn the hard way this year. :/ I’m glad it didn’t hurt too much, anyway. 🙂

*stabs Sheldon repeatedly yet again* *huggles* Merry Christmas.

December 21, 2006

Im not sure why us girls do that…I totally quit my career and now Im starting over ALL for a guy. But you know what, at least you can say you tried. Now its time to get back to you!! Hang in there…someday you will find a hot storm trooper to take your breat away! SMOOCH

i know what you’re going through. good luck. i had the same experience, but i didn’t break it off soon enough.

December 22, 2006

RYN: I work for a mental health care facility called hamilton center. I work in a group home supervising mentally ill adults with a variety of mental disorders. it’s a cool job but there’s a lot of stress that goes with it. 🙂

TwistedFaith says: Don’t worry to much about it Kara my dear, perhaps they will think it’s funny, or if they didnt know you could say it was all a lie, someone trying to make you look bad because you turned him down or something -=^.^=- Don’t contact all of them and draw attention to it, let your attitude and reputation and dances speak for themselves and you’ll be fine =D