My day in public places.


I went out in public today.  HOLY SHIT I know.  ^_^

James arrived at my house at 1100.  I was like "Unnnh… you’re supposed to be here at 1230…"  He said "Well UNNNNH I went to the early service!" 

Whatever.  At least I’d had enough time to put some pants on. 

Me, Jeana & James had left at 1300 (AFTER I’d gotten ready)- we went to eat at a Chinese buffet.  I haven’t had Chinese for about a year and a half so I was excited.  Let’s just say that the employees thought we were hilarious but breathed a sigh of relief when we left. 
I think they thought I was going to eat them out of house and home.   
Which is odd, really, because I’m smaller than both Jeana and James but I eat like a motherfucker.  Surprises people sometimes.  ^_^ 

And my friends tried to convince me that the meat on the stick was rat.  I refused to eat it until one of the employees came by, saw me staring doubtfully at the stick and said, "That chicken.  Eat!  It good!" 
And I stuck my tongue out at Jeana, relishing in my immaturity, and said "HAHA!  Not rat, chicken!"  So I ate it and it was delicious.  : D 

I love egg rolls, too.  They always bring me back to sophomore year, integrated physics and chemistry.  I sat with Kelly, Lackey, and Ryan for the most part… the other times I would be in the back corner, in time out/detention.  They always got me in a LOT of trouble, haha.  : ) 

ANYWAY.  I always used to do the science work and let Lackey copy– I charged him in egg rolls.    His mom made the best egg rolls- completely authentic too!!

Oh, and we were driving down the freeway and James tried to kill me… I asked Jeana why the hell the overhead light was on.  She ignored me for the most part (she was driving) and so enough time passed to make me realize that I’d forgotten I’d asked.  

James reminded me as he suddenly opens his frickin door.
Mind you, we’re in a truck and since I’m small, I’m in the immigration seat (backseat). 
We are in the middle lane, going a little over 60 mph.

I felt the wind pulling on my back and holy shit, I almost had a heart attack.  Jeana doesn’t notice what happens at first until I start yellin, "Oh my GOD shut the FUCKING door, James!" 
So he shuts it and says calmly, "It’s not the door that’s keeping the overhead light on."

Sigh.  We got to the mall and spent ten minutes in the parking lot unlocking, relocking, playing with knobs and playing ring around the posy around Jeana’s truck until the damn thing turns off. 

Gezis Christ!
But it’s okay, cuz I had ice cream at the Chinese place (before Jeana pulled me out the door) so now I’m skipping around in circles singing, "I’m powered by ICE CREAM!" despite five inch heels. 

We wandered around the mall.  They gave me coffee (I’m broke, unfortunately, so now I owe them both money…) WOO-HOO against James’s better judgement. 
We decide to watch a movie.  I wouldn’t have minded seeing Casino Royale, but that isn’t a Jeana movies.  Jeana wanted to see Flicka and me and James said "Hell no."  So we finally agreed on Open Season.  ::rolls eyes::
Not my kind of movie but it was pretty funny.  It was odd though.  The three of us were usually the only people laughing.  Umm.  Yep.  Yay for the easily amused!  ::throws arms up and dances:: 

I watched part of Saw 3.  The five minutes I saw before the mother figure (Jeana) returned me to my right theater were pretty stupid… but it was only five minutes or so. 

After the movie, I played rubber band with the thing that prevents entry to the bathroom while we waited for Jeana to empty her bladder.  It caused me to forceably hit the far wall and I laughed so hard I fell over.  Then James tried to play "Rubber-band" and snapped the thing off the wall and that’s when Jeana walked out and dragged us BOTH out saying "Oh my GOD I can’t bring you two ANYWHERE!"

PEACE!  ^_^

Then we went home.  And I got all sullen like I always do- it was the end of a good day.  
Jeana and James had to go back to their colleges.  Jeana actually wanted to get back- James decided that his video games had duly missed him over the weekend.  Heh. 

I don’t think I could ever take a friendship bond for granted.  Everytime I get the opportunity to chill and hang out with people

that I love it just feels so good.  I don’t have the opportunity to hang out with them as much as I used to and the comfort zone with them just makes me smile and value the moment. 

I know I’ve lost a few friends along the way but Jeana and James I know I can always count on.  And they haven’t truly left me distance-wise yet.  : ) 
Kelly’s done with BASIC in two weeks so he’ll come back to me for Christmas and New Years… but then he’s being trained for infantry and being shipped out to Afghanistan or something equally as uggggh. 

My ex (and one of the best friends I have) moved away four years ago and has come on leave ONCE.  I remember the last time I saw him.  ::smiles softly::  It was right before he shipped out to Iraq.  But I didn’t fear for him the way I’ll fear for Kelly when he goes. 

Maybe I feel something different for Kelly, I don’t know.  But I know if something does happen to him, I’ll always be here for him and I’ll know that he was doing something he believed in- that would have made him happy
Juggalos are like that.  : )

But I’ll see James & Jeana again on Friday!  ; )  It’s Jeana’s birthday (19), so I have to plan something fun to do.  What a nightmare… I have no idea what to do or what to get her.  UGH!

Sheldon (dude from MN) still calls me almost every night (my parents, after a year and a half, have finally stopped complaining about it).  He’s planning on coming down in January to visit me despite the fact that I told him we couldn’t live together and we couldn’t date.
It makes me want to both smile and cry because he still tells me he loves me and that he WILL make things happen between us. 

ACK!  My entries are so fucking long, sorry!!
Peace and Health.


Wearing::  Jeans (that actually FIT me!  AMAZING!  Typically my ass is way too big to fit in a pair of jeans- it will render the waist a good six inches too large for my stomach.  But these… I bought yesterday… and they fit… I’m so excited…) and a black and gold lettered ‘Baby Phat’ short-sleeved shirt.  I wore tall shoes today because both Jeana and James are tall.  I always look awkward with them when I’m 5’2 and Jeana (the shorter of the pair) is 5’9. 
And I’d crimped my hair and wore heels and everything but there was no one to tell me that I looked cute.  THAT I miss about dating… the looking cute for someone other than yourself. 
Last ate::  Mocha Ice Storm and a free chocolate sample and Chinese food.  I don’t even need dinner… I’m so wired… I walked around the mall with two cups of coffee- I felt like such a junkie.  Haha!
Feeling::  Successful, pleasant but a little wistful.

P.S.  And Friday night I got the shit scared out of me-

I was sitting in the living room sofa reading STEPHEN KING of all things when I hear a door slam.  ‘It’s nothing, you’re just too into your book,’ I tell myself and resume reading.  Then there’s a knock at the door.  I’m home alone and NO ONE is supposed to be knocking on the damn door.  No one ever comes to our door!

So I sit there- two yards away from the door, my mind muddled by ‘The Stand’ by Stephen King and think, ‘If I sit here, maybe they’ll go away.’  Then I realize that all of the fucking lights are on and anyone at the door can probably see me in the reflection of the tv that’s on-there’s no way whoever is at the door will go away.  It’s obvious I’m here and it’s obvious that I’m probably chillin’ in the living room.

There issues forth another soft knock and I resolutely get my ass off the sofa.  First I debate going get my bro’s bat or one of my wrenches that I keep in my room, but then I decide the bat by the door will have to do.  I didn’t want to leave the door unguarded in case someone wanted to bust through it. 

I go to the door.  The porch light is out- I’m in my PJs lookin’ like shit cuz I hadn’t done NOTHIN all day but my body’s all corded and tense, feelin’ good.  I was ready to whale on some ass!

Allllll I see through the door is a very, very large man with a dark hat hanging over his eyes.  For some reason I think, "Shit… the mafia at THIS hour?" 

Then the figure waves over-dramatically and I realization dawns on me as I flip the light on.

Yep, it’s James, in town for the weekend…   
I let him in, scolded him (as my heart beat and adrenaline starts to recede) and warnedhim  to call next time (apparently he’d forgotten his cell).  Then I remembered I looked like crap and I was like Aww, GREAT!   : /

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Glad u had a great time!

November 20, 2006

lmfao holy crap weoth were out side our houses lmfao with other people…the world is ending

November 20, 2006

thank you… your kind words help.

November 21, 2006

i agree but then again i wouldnt go near me or bak to being me if i veiwed me from the outside

November 21, 2006

lol You have the funniest things happen to you! Or maybe you know how to make the mundane funny. Or both. Either way, very funny entry. 😛 “Shit, the mafia at this hour?”

November 21, 2006

i like that name.. james.. reminds me of me

November 22, 2006

Glad you got out for a bit. Its nice to just let loose and have some fun with friends from the past. P.S. You really need to get over your fear of the dark…LoL

November 22, 2006

RYN: I have not seen Session 9, but it is at the top of my Netflix list. I also enjoy watching a good slasher film, as long as they portray it as such and not try to pass it off as something else. Thanks. ~DK

December 1, 2006

What a day. XD <3 Glad you had a good time. :3

December 5, 2006

Jesus! You had me afraid at who might be visiting on that Friday night. As for the rat on a stick? Don’t ya know “EVERYTHING TASTE’s LIKE CHICKEN”? I’m sure it was chicken, though. For arguement sake. Peace…!