Dream reading.


I’m going to delve into my dreams.  Like really, really go into my dreams.

((Ohhh, by the way, if you haven’t seen my pictures yet, they’re the last entry.  GO to it!))

I’ve always had crazy dreams.  I’ve had nightmares ever since I can remember… and I’m not talking about "Oh, my boyfriend dumped me and then I crashed the car" kind of dreams.

I’m talking about disturbing dreams.  Umm… more like being eaten alive or killing everyone kind of dreams. 

Basically, I have two kinds of dreams:

     A)  Completely linear, only they involve a lot of carnage and I wake up paralyzed and/or twitching.

     B)  Completely unlinear, with nothing making sense.  Like me beating stick people with plastic spoons and then cracking open panther’s jaws under tutilage of a Buddhist monk on an 8 foot wall.  (True dream, by the way.  I don’t consider this a bad dream, either, except the shock that runs through your hands when that jaw snaps??  ::shudders convulsively::)

My dreams obviously mean something, otherwise I wouldn’t have them like I do.  They’re trying to tell me something.

I’m going to figure out what the hell they mean! 

I’ve kept a dream journal for what, seven years? 
But that’s NOT enough for me anymore.

At my better times, I have dream realization (which is REALLY cool by the way- well, most of the time… sometimes it can just make things scarier).  Like, something’s happening and I’m scared to death and I think, "This is a dream.  Wake up."  Or, "This is a dream.  Walk away."  Or, "This is a dream.  Go, Inmate, throw that first punch!!" 

I’m going to start meditation (my ADHD ass?  I wonder how long this will actually last…) and work on my subconscious awareness. 
Maybe if I’m more aware in my dreams, I can pick up the little things that will help define my dreams.

Lately I’ve been dreaming of tornados.  Lots and lots of tornados.
And I don’t particularily understand it because my life is going really smoothly.  Heh.  Maybe that’s the problem…

And no, I’ve never had a dream where I’ve flown.  I’ve had a dream where I was a chickadee being chased by cardinals with mini machine guns, but THAT was definitely not enjoyable/recognizable as flying. 

If you have any input/tips, feel free to let me know!  : )

Anyway.  I’ll probably write more on this subject later.  I got ballet.
Peace and Health, jumper cables!


Wearing::  Dark gray jazz pants, black leotard, and black denim crop jacket.
Last ate::  Count Chocula (tastes like hot cocoaaaa…) and frozen vanilla yogurt.
Feeling::  Mmm… now that I think about it, I think I’m apathetic.  Maybe a lil hurried?

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November 15, 2006

I once dreamt of beig adopted by a dysfunctional family that lived in a trailer. I killed them all and put their heads in a trash bag and into a rusty trunk in the middle of the forest. Their heads pressed against the plastic before the bag floated into the trunk. D: TRES SPOOKY. Then I was in a swimming pool in the middle of the desert, and some kids I was swimming with were making fun of me so

November 15, 2006

I willed a twister to fall from the heavens and swallow them whole. But I freaked myself out so I tried to drown myself. Dreams like this make me wonder. o.0

November 15, 2006

And last night I dreamt I was put under a scanner — surgeons were checking for problems. I got like 345435634 pop ups. So I had tons of things wrong with me. Suddenly a doctor goes, “OMG U GOT AIDS! LOL!” D:

November 15, 2006

Have you ever had dreams where all you do is cry?

November 15, 2006

ryn: I like Austin! Then again, I’m of age and a musician, so I am able to take advantage of what Austin has to offer: drinking and music! lol. But I live in Tyler (East TX). It’s alright, but I would like to live closer to Dallas or another big city.

November 15, 2006

I have wierd dreams, but I don’t remember them that often. One time I had a dream where I went on a fieldtrip and then my classmates and I got held hostage my clowns at a rest stop. Another one involved swimming in a pool in the middle of the highway and turning into a blanket. And martians – whose space ship I take over. And I’ve had dream realization before. Just not in a long while. 🙂

yea maybe. BUT my family dont think so. they dont want me moving out of state for college. they dont want me moving away out of the house. they want me to an arranged marriege. which i think is stupiddd. as helll. and otehr stuff..

November 15, 2006

Tornoados arent bad, I was chatting to my mates missus a week or 2 ago & shes been dreaming the same thing. I’ll ask 2nite if I remember. I find theres messages in dreams. Some I see things in the future (no sh*t) but they never make sense at the time. Be sceptical of Vampires, I cant remember exactly why but they’re not good

November 15, 2006

RYN: I’ll have to fight off the sick with large volumes of alcohol & juice to mix it with.

November 15, 2006

I like any type of music there is, trust me.

November 16, 2006

It is said that if “you” die in a dream, then you die in reality. That’s nonsense. There was a period where I died in my dreams every night. Be it a fatal gunshot wound, knifing, grenades, OR Falling rollercoaster car. I’m still here… Of course on closer analysis…, I AM a Juggalo! Juggalo’s can’t die… Son of a gun! My dreams can get kinda crazy too. No nightmare’s, really. See ya!

November 17, 2006

RYN: Peace and chicken grease. . . xDD That’s new <3 Peas, mate!

November 18, 2006

thanks for the comment, although that was a really long time ago. i’ve had some pretty odd dreams myself. it sounds like you have a lot of subconcious fears. you also seem very observant and this can freak you out sometimes. meditating would do you a world of good. hope this helped!!

December 8, 2006

hey i found something that talks about what tornadoes mean in a dream, you can go to this website to find it..i used this website for a project, for psychology and it was really helpful.. :)[dreamdoctor.com]it really helped me. and nightmares are basically a way for your mind to warn u about something that’s going on in your life…you just have to figure out what ur brain’s TRYING to tell you.

December 10, 2006

I have bad nightmares especially around this time of the year. But they are getting less and less frequent. All dreams are is a way for your brain to unwind. Dreams were explained to me as your brain taking a vacation from reality. Without dreaming you can go clinically insane, which is why sleeping pills are bad for you, cuz they also put your brain to sleep. Dream of me…