-** EGAD! PICTURES (of me) GALORE!!!! **-

The pics SHOULD show up this time.
~So now you have a face to put with my entries, hahaha~ 
Enjoy, y’all! 
(Umm… all of them are dance.  It’s not my fault, dance is all I do!)


I’m upper left in the hot pink and black.  Apparently I look good in pink… I don’t know, it’s a little vibrant for me.  ^_^  Anyway, this was in Las Vegas the tail end of June.  This was my ninth hour of dance that day.
By the way, the reason I look short is because I am a little… I’m 5’2 1/2.  

Sorry this is sideways… I can’t fix it, so you’ll just have to crane yer neck a little.  I’m hot pink and black, still taking class. 

I’m on the right (God knows what I’m doing though, LOL). 
This was at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade downtown Austin BEFORE it
started pouring down rain. 
All of us and our costumes were soaked but it was SOO much fun.  My dad ran around (keep in mind this is downtown) in front of our float directing traffic IN THE RAIN.  It was ridiculous fun and funny, hahaha!
After we all went our separate ways, my parents decided to go to the Farmer’s Market and this really nice man gave me a cup of mint tea from his booth (probably seeing that I was drenched and from the parade).  
  Bless his heart!
(Of course, when I’d went back to my parents with my coveted tea they’d made fun of me.  Jeana will say later with a dramatic roll of the eyes that I’m
always getting free stuff…)

This was me at competition; it was a modern to ‘Adam in Chains’ by Billy Idol.
It was pretty wicked.  Haha, and you CAN see the floor about a yard under my feet.  ; ) 
This took home a 2nd overall in Starlight competition and I just nicked the overalls in Las Vegas, Encore nationals.  Just barely! 
(My modern was .3 points away, and my hip hop was .5 away…)

agency pic.jpg
This was actually a loong time ago (you can see my hair is still really long).
This was my Matrix move- I wanted to see if it was possible without wires.
Guess what?  It is. 

This is part of my grossness.  Of course, this was 3/4 years ago so I’ve grown a LOT more flexible since then. 
This competition solo was to a mix of Twiztid’s ‘Green Book,’ ‘Bobby’s Dad’, and ‘Darkness’.
It was fierce, I guess.

HAHAHA!  This was two years ago.  My comp. hip hop solo to ‘New York’ by Ja Rule.  It was off the chain, no lie.  And yes, those are my feet over my head.
I remember it drove one announcer out of his mind when he was adjudicating- his exact words were "I have no idea how someone can move like that!"
And this solo was also when my entire dance team decided that I’d been
‘Bleached at birth.’
Indeed, my own father insists that I should never stand in the rain because "all of my whiteness will wash off."

Everyone likes this picture because it shows a lot of emotion.
I think it looks a little funny but okay.  ^_^

Because without ballet a dancer cannot be truly technical.
I have been called an amazing technician.  ::blushes::
I think the judges were being silly!
This was two years ago, my competition ballet solo to ‘Sanctuary’ off of the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack.  : P

lakeway dance instructor, kara gossen
And that’s my professional headshot that I use for all auditions and stuff.

Alright, leave me love or hate if you want.  ^_^
Peace and health and DOOBIES!


Wearing:: Gray/white/maroon guy’s basketball pants and a white muscle tank and white rhinestoned sweatband.
Last ate::  Some crackers and chicken noodle soup.
Feeling::  Tired.  Despite my 26 g protein cappacino I drank four and a half hours ago. 
Nail polish::  Fingers- Kiwi      Toenails- 1000 Watt (It’s bright, bright pink/purple)


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November 13, 2006

cool pics! your quite the performer :^)

November 13, 2006

cool pictures.. have fun dancing! random noter

November 13, 2006

Aww thanks. i know tubes are evil. nice pics!

November 13, 2006

dude…lmfao i’m trying to not sound liek a complete homo but your so pretty in those picture XD

November 13, 2006

Thanks! The waiting game sucks though, lol. I’m from TX too! Nice pics btw. 🙂

November 13, 2006


November 13, 2006

thanks for the comment, that meant alot. I should listen to that song, it would probably be good, haha. BYTHEWAY, your pretty =]

wow. you’re amazing. i couldn’t dance if the hounds of hell were at my heels, see. so i admire you. ryn. i’m glad you noted that entry because – i had no idea what it was doing there. so strange. i’ve fixed it though! things to see! x

Wow you look really talented doing all those moves!! Geesh! And thanks for the comment. yea trains are really expensive, but I really want to get it for him! 🙂

November 13, 2006

thanks for the note. I want to take dance lessons.

November 13, 2006

i like your photos. you got some air in that one picture! amazing! i could never bend like that. well, im sure i could EVENTUALLY! haha. thank you for your note. *we last ate the same thing* hehe. take care

November 13, 2006

i didnt expect you to look like that. dont ask me what i thought youd look like, kind of a blank slate but not exactly that. and i’m really impressed. i can barely touch my toes 🙂

November 13, 2006

Zomg you’re such a babe. D: <3 xDD

November 13, 2006

😀 Wow at zee dancing~

November 13, 2006

Nail polish:: Fingers- Kiwi KIWI??? WTF??? what do you do to those poor birds???

November 13, 2006

Thats for that idea, I think Ill actually do that =)

November 14, 2006

Wow… those pics are stunning! RYN: I’m not really the survey Queen… I just had a LOT of spare time! The reason why I am always asked if I’m alright is because for some reason I always look sad, when in reality I’m probably thinking, or just daydreaming. Oh, and the person who always asks me questions is the over caring sort… so yeah… go figure. I am yet to find that toilet toothbrusher!

ryn; We were supposed to take a bite of the cookie and see how close it came to being a parabola. It was good!

wow cool piccys! thanks for the note..lol

November 14, 2006

thank you ^-^ You’re very pretty <33

November 14, 2006

ah thank you for saying something nice. interesting pictures <3

November 15, 2006

You’re so pretty! 😛 That made me laugh, though, because people say I’m flexible. Compared to you, hardly.

November 16, 2006

wOW!!! To answer your last note to my little page… It’s not that cold here. Perhaps by most it is, as I’m always catchin’ “heck” for wearing shorts and T-shirts out in the wintery days and nights. I don’t feel the cold. What can I say? Talk at ya later.

November 26, 2006

Those pictures are phenomenal! If you ever need someone to light design for you, I’ve got theater experience, and I love making dancers look like they’re floating. =)

December 3, 2006

*leaves some love, in a small basket, with a red ribbon on it… and some ketchup*

December 4, 2006

wow…you’re good:) i used to be on my dance team when i was in high school….we did everything: ballet, modern, hip-hop, kick, jazz….i loved all that…and i’m really flexible too, but i just don’t think i could do that back bend to the “Twiztid mix”…awww…looking at all this really makes me miss dancing… 🙁

December 10, 2006

God damn you have a huge fan club. But sexy women normally do. I love how flexible you are, makes me wonder about somethings though. Your love interest must be a lucky man…

December 13, 2006

Wow. Those are amazing pictures, and you must be an amazing dancer. Wow. Im speechless.

December 14, 2006

Well I must admit I am a typical male in many was, so when I went to your page and saw promises of pictures of your rear I was forced to look. I must say though I was very happy to see pictures of you dancing. I am a very big fan of dance myself, though I move like a epileptic with down syndrome. You however seem very talented. ~DK

December 14, 2006

Holy crap…I would LOVE to be that limber. I started to get there when I was taking bellydancing, but that mostly just taught me how to move my body in weird ways.

January 4, 2007

Thats awesome. You are so talented. I wish I could do that!

Wow. I wanted to be a dancer up untill I was 13, and I pretty much got told I was to tall, and to fat. But I just love to watch any type of dance. And your absolutly awesome at it, it seems!

You look fat in some of those.

February 23, 2007

Hi just came across your diary from another. So are you trained in all kinds of dance? Did you go to So You Think You Can Dance? lol. I live in Australia and watched it. Anyways, be careful with the flexibility stuff. I was a gymnast, and its screwed my back up majorly.

March 1, 2007

Very flexible. Great pics. 😉

Hey u look great, and i can see you have a passion for performance which is great! keep it up, and the hiphop dancin looks fun. 🙂

March 10, 2007

These pictures are amazing. Oooohhh, what I would give to be graceful and flexible and stuff. *le sigh*

March 15, 2007

I lightened up a couple of you in pink….. DAMMMMMMMMN is all I have to say. U may not want anyone to see, but wow, definitely pink looks good on ya. And I’m a fan of Pink & Black from the Hart Foundation, so definitely-super cute. 🙂 I fixed the pics if you ever want to see them, I can e-mail them to you. Makes me wish I was 18 again. lol. Glad you are home safe. If you have myspace, add me.

March 20, 2007

I could never do any of that! You’re so pretty! RYN: Thanks, but I don’t think I have a good ‘go-get-em’ attitude… I’m just more confident than usual today because the work out was what I needed Thanks for stopping by though 🙂

March 22, 2007

Love your pictures.

April 25, 2007

just letting you know i was here… why does my body suddenly hurt after looking at these pictures?? lol!! you are somethin’ else!!! (that’s a good thing where i come from!) ♥

May 6, 2007

Head shot!!!! 😉 I can’t wait to draw. 😀 I didn’t remember this many photos last time I read this entry, so now that I’m drawing more, I got lots to choose from. 😉 Did I mention you are a cutie lately? 😉 And what a phenomenal dancer & performer you are!Completely awesome shots & Unbelievable flexibility. 😉 And the rain story was pretty funny. 😀 At least you get rain over there. lol. ttyl M

June 20, 2007

Ohmy, they’re awesome. 😀 xx.

August 2, 2007

nice pics! it’s amazing how you can move.

August 23, 2007

Wow. Yer cute!

November 26, 2007

Wow I wish I could do something like that backwards Matrix thing! I used to dance, but tap was my specialty.. you dont get very flexible with that.

March 27, 2008

right on girl thats awsome keep it up. sarah

you absolutely rule. and now i wanna move to texas. need a job. fluent in spanish. professional artist. bound by the neck by 2 teenagers…but we’re due for a change of scenery. you seem like so much fun! you have a myspace? all my pics are over there!

April 21, 2008

i caught you on Merri’s diary. oh my gosh..my back would literally break.