Dance teachin’ Update. : )

First off, let me tell you that I just almost broke my neck today.  No, I’m not kidding or even over-exaggerating.
Not much scares me anymore.  I have fallen on my head more times than I can count, lived on painkillers cuz I’d done something stupid, sprained about half of my body… but nothing ever scared me like this moment did…
I was practicing my back extension roll not to a handstand… but a headstand.  (Major dangerous point, ahem- I’m not even a gymnast and have no spotters.)  Well, my head got caught on the floor and so I landed on my neck which was bent at a funny angle from the roll.    I sat on the floor, dazed, practically yellin’, ‘AHHHH AHHHH AHHH’ before I realized that I was in one piece. 
WHEW!  Holy shit.  I definitely prayed thanks to God  for my life.  I stopped working on the roll since I was scared shitless (Paralysis NOT good)… but I’ll be back to practicing it in a few days cuz I want to put it in my hip hop solo to ‘Subnoize’ by the Kottonmouth Kings.   

***Note:  my style of hip hop is ANTI-COMMERCIAL; I like to go back to the roots and the FUN of hip hop!  I vehemently protest this whole booty-shakin’ craze… it’s embaressing.  Females are capable of so much more than that so fuck that and don’t ever let the industry tell you what to do!  ::goes stand on head in corner in protest::  YEAH!! ***

  • Mondays I teach Adv. Hip Hop ages 14 & up.  Amazingly, I have 14 people in the class… I started off with only 4 and within three weeks I had 10 other people enroll.  YESSS!!  
    The only thing about the class is that there are all levels from ‘never danced before’ to 2 members of our competition Elite team.  It definitely keeps it fun and challenging for me as well as the kids!  ((Today’s routine is choreographed to ‘Pull Over Remix’ by Trick Daddy.))      I keep getting a lot of kids transferring from the 10-13 class taught by a different teacher… the kids are complaining the 10-13 class is too easy and too rigid, so they get into my loose, relaxeclass and have a heart attack. 
    Everything I teach is very loose yet intricate and I don’t use counts- intimidating for an intermediate dancer.  In my opinion though, hip hop is ALLLL about confidence- and if you’re older and in my class, you’re gonna get it before you leave…

You can have the moves and/or pick up choreography really quick but, unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you can hip hop. 

  • The hour after that I teach Adv. Turns & Progressions 14 & Up; it’s like leaps and turns across the floor.  It’s strictly a technique class that doesn’t do recital or routines or anything.  It’s pretty relaxed but it’s a lot of fun.  I’ve got a lot of drill teamers in there and I hate drill team style so it’s a lot of give and take.  The 10 girls are great!
  • Tuesday I teach Adv. Tap ages 7-9 (there’s 6 kids enrolled) and this is my hardest class because I love teaching kids starting at age 10.  : /  I dislike teachin little kids because they adore me too much; they drive me up the freakin’ wall!! 
    For example, I subbed a class once (never before taught it) and within the first 15 minutes, I had four little midgets stretching and warming up on top of me.  It was ridiculous and the director made fun of me.  A lot.  Well, cuz I guess it was kinda cute.   
  • Thursday I teach Beg/Int. Turns & Progressions ages 10 & Up.  I have some characters in that class, let me tell you.  I have about 16 girls enrolled and it’s one of the largest classes at the studio- right next to the director’s Adv. Jazz class and the Adv. Ballet class.

No pics yet.  I have to change their files from .bmp to .jpg to post them on here.  Sigh.  It’s a lot of work but I will get them up here eventually!!



Wearing::  Tight camo pants (Remind me of emo pants, lol) and a long black sports bra.  And my hair is wavy!!!  o.O  I’ve started crimpin’ it lately… It takes 45 minutes to crimp though… ICK!
Last ate::  Soup, a cheese stick, a piece of bread, and blueberry yogurt.
Feeling::  Tired.  : /

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October 9, 2006

Hey thanks for the note! Daaang landed on your head? That must of sucked. Yeah I am planning on living in Austin until I have enough cash to go to Texas State in San Marcos!!! Wooo! I assume you live in Austin. : ) : )

October 9, 2006

-=hugs back=- thanks i’m not too down…take care of your self lmfao we don’t want you to fall and really get hurt…i agreee women are capable of more then just shaking their asses…i have no rythem i have so much respect for you because you do…and you milding like dead guys?? iehh each trheir own i’ve heard alot worse lmfao XD-=guys=-