I didn’t fall on tv. WHAT ABOUT IT!? Hehe.

Wearing::  Long boy forest camo shorts, black rhinestoned muscle tank, Nikes and rhinestoned camo wristbands.
Eating::  Corn.  Last ate::  Cherries. 
Feeling::  Content with life.

What I’m wearing right now I wore at 5:30 this morning.  Yea you’re fucking right that I’ve been up at the dance studio for twelve hours and still counting.  I love it though, don’t get me wrong.  I’ve done a lot today… HA Just wait until you hear… 
I got to the studio at 6:30 this morning  and wow… following was the most fun/insane/lunatic/creepy/hilarious/uncontrollable/unpredictable couple of hours of my life. 
The adult hip hop teacher is a clown, dawg, he is a CLOWN.  He is hilarious, especially that early in the morning and he has amazing energy (when his coffee kicked in).  The news girl and cameraman and our director was probably about to strangle the shit outta the both of us because we kept dancing around and laughing and cracking jokes and making fun of life.  The two of us are A LOT to handle in the morning.  Anyway, what the hell we were doing was… Fox News was doing a segment on hip hop (it’s a tie-in with So You Think You Can Dance!) and they selected our studio to demonstrate.  Myself (the age 8 and up hip hop teacher) and the adult hip hop teacher (here on referred to as TAHHT heh heh) were to demonstrate our skillZ and our director was just going to teach a combination to the news lady and define some styles of hip hop.  I demonstrated locking (Ack, TAHHT demonstrated popping (which I’m better at, and I didn’t do so I probably looked VERY white, AHEM), and we both did a stunt to represent breaking.  The news lady learned the combo fairly well… probably better than me and TAHHT but we were laughing so hard at each other that everyone just thought we did this all the time.  Well in reality, me and TAHHT have never talked before.  He’s a new teacher and as a matter of fact he is very overbearing and slightly intimidating.  Except for the fact that I am blacker than he is (I am told we looked really funny chillin’/dancin together because he’s 6 ft I’m 5 ft, he’s black I’m white, he’s male I’m female, he’s rail thin I’m a little heavier, he’s gay I’m straight).  o.O  But the third segment we filmed (It was live, mind you, and also mind you that I have a habit of falling on my head during important times but HA I stayed off it!) was a battle between me and TAHHT.  I have never battled before in my life- me and choreography are buds.  You give me any kind of choreography and I make it look great.  I make up choreography and make it look great.  Freestyling is not so much-it’s ok but still not so much.  But I managed to hold my own.  The news lady finally turns to us after a minute or so (probably long after the segment had ended) and goes "CUT!"  The two of us just fucking crash on the floor and start laughing our asses off.  The news lady and the camera guy just stared at us and said, "Wow."  Then the camera guy smiled and said, "Y’all definitely woke me up!" 
Well, me and TAHHT were rollin on the ground still.  I don’t remember what was so funny but we were exhausted.  Not exhausted enough for me to choreograph the best hip hop dance ever for my Adv. hip hop class at 6 pm (or a jazz dance for my beg. jazz camp at 11:30) to Michael Jackson’s ‘They Don’t Really Care About Us.’  That song BUMPS like NO other, man.  The beat is downright PHAT and it speaks to me on many levels.  It’s just really personal and the beat really enables me to throw moves that I otherwise would hesitate trying to execute.  Maybe I can use the choreography to create a full-fledged dance sometime.  That would be awesome. 
Me and TAHHT got to know each other fairly well (we’ve become impromptu and odd friends).  Apparently he was watching me choreograph (unbeknownst to me) alone in one of the dance rooms and whenever I would come out he’d holler my name and I’d go see him and he’d tell me something really random.  One time he said, "When I grow up I want to be just like you."   (Which is funny because he’s six years older than me.)
I was like, "Uhh… why?" 
And he said, "I’ve been watching you dance in there all by yourself and-" 
"So," I interrupt.  "Watching me fall on my face, were you?"  (I really wasn’t/am not kidding.  I do fall.  A lot.  I’ve come to realize that this is just part of my creative/expressive process.) 
He laughed and said, "Yea.  And then you get right back up, muttering to yourself the whole time and then try the same move again." 
It was my turn to laugh and say, "Yea, that’s just how I roll."
The girls and parents keep coming in all excited about how I was on the news.  One of the parents smiles at me very knowingly and I go, "WHAT!?"
She says, "You two looked like you had trouble concentrating.  Goofing off, weren’t you?"
I go, "ACK But we were on good behavior for the camera!  You should have seen our downtime!"
And she shook her head still grinning crazily and walks off.  Harumph.
I haven’t seen us on the news yet.  I’m sure I look like an idiot but that’s okay- it’s all over with -and I choreographed an awesome dance today and soon I can go home!!!  A long shower and going to the bathroom for a long time a long sleep and some food calls me… no, it beckons me… ::drifts away… like a rabbit…::


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July 28, 2006

RYN: this is true. i hadn’t thought of the protein powders. good suggestion. =)