
Wearing:: Black cut off sweatpants & a home-made hot pink muscle tank (There is a major story behind the fact that I’m actually wearing a pink shirt) that says FIERCE on the front and Gangsta (what I’m called behind my back, apparently) on the back.
Feeling::  Satisfied/content/pleased with the way things are. 
Last ate::  An apple, some almonds, walnuts, peanuts, & sunflower seeds and a string cheese. 

Sheldon called me yesterday and we’re cool because he didn’t bring anything up (See previous, angry entry, lol) that we talked about two days ago.  I still don’t know what came over me except that I’m getting so fucking frustrated about dating someone who lives five states away from me.  As a matter of fact he was almost arrested again and he’s a great storyteller so it was just plain funny. 
And I was installing SIMS ‘Superstar’ game on my computer… It worked for a little while but then it got an error message and my computer locked down.  This new computer doesn’t really like the SIMS and I’m really mad because the SIMS and REd Alert:  Command & Conquer are the only games worth playing on that piece of junk anyway.  No SIMS?  Inmate doesn’t need a computer then.  >.<  So I’m a little grumpy about that.
I have a dance convention for the next two days- I have been dancing like a freak for the past couple of weeks.  Boot camp last week, adv. jazz camp this week, classes every night… my muscles have been sore for two weeks straight.  My hamstrings have been touched by death.  And I have seven hours tomorrow and the next day to make it through and then I resume teaching and taking class at the studio from 11:30-8.  O.O  Life is kinda good, it could be more hectic.  I have a long break in my day between camps and classes so I just chill on the computer.  If I could drive I could go somewhere but I can’t so I just kinda chill here.
For a week I’ve been a little miffed because my body feels great and it looks great, but… I weighed myself this morning and I gained two pounds.  But then I realized that my body fat went down 2% and I was like Oh.  That’s okay.  So now I’m at 22.5% body fat which still isn’t great… but it isn’t bad, either.  It’s almost down to where it should be- at 20%. 


P.S.  Thanks to all the people that actually read the nonsense that I write and take the time to note.  It means a lot that y’all take the time and it never goes unnoticed.
And this is a quiz I took on they’ve got some pretty bitchin’ quizzes.


***You’re an Passionate Kisser***

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone’s hot, you’ll go in for the kiss – end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug – your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

What Kind of Kisser Are You?

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July 20, 2006

ryn: I use the just add water stuff. But it ends up hella good. So really the only cooking stuff is stirring and removing it from the oven, which is fine by me.

=] You seem pretty cool. Werd. Glad things are ok. *huggeh* –

July 20, 2006

RYN: Yeah, a dead body. I’m a firefighter/paramedic so death is something I run across quite frequently. 🙂 kristen (I’m PHATass…signed into my other diary at the moment though)

July 20, 2006

RYN again: LMAO I actually just READ your note! tee hee! it was mushroom sauce, I swear! kristen

July 24, 2006

you think i am an amazing person for what declaration? yes i have already goen through them tonight but there is sooo many of them throughtout the day. maybe you could help me out if you see any of them that need help and tell them about me? it would be greatly appreciated!