I turned 18 on Good Friday.

Time::  11:49 am
Wearing::  Gray/maroon/white athletic pants and an oversized bright yellow shirt that says PowEred with the sleeves cut off
Last ate::  Vanilla Vibe Decaf with a miniscule piece of chicken and ham and a few slices of Colby cheese.  : )  Snack.

Happy Easter!  My family and I went to the sunrise service.  I was up for 19 hours yesterday- 0600 goin to church, and 2330 doing taxes.  It was pretty bad.  But I’m kickin and ready to go today.  …Kinda.
My birthday, which was on Good Friday mind you, was cool.  It was pretty intense.  Jeana picked me up and made me wear a tiara and, without telling me what the hell was going on and me relying on a few handwritten clues, we went bowling with Kelly (who was lurking in the alley before he found us) and James (who was sitting on the side of the street before he found us).  I won the first round and Kelly won the second, but the funny thing is that I won the first round with something like a 90.  None of us could bowl worth a shit.  Erm… Then we went to McDonalds and ordered some fries and finished off parts of the cake that Jeana and James had smuggled into the bowling alley.  And I kept going up asking for forks and the lady behind the counter thought we were all real fuckin weird, because we’d ordered french fries and kept asking for plasticware.  I was using the forks to eat my french fries, but the rest of them ninjas were just using forks for the cake.  Weird.  I know. 
But James had bought me Star Wars Risk (the board game), and so we all trooped over to my house after that to play.  It took us an hour to get set up and be able to play a limited version of the game.  Apparently I had an innate talent for the game and Kelly pretty much didn’t.  Kelly had to leave, so he left, and Jeana took over Kelly’s pieces however few of them he had left (because we were playing two person teams- I was with James) and she was still losing horribly (and we were already allowing her to cheat even though she was screaming at me the whole time because she thought I was cheating.).  So I turned on James, and holed James up in the center of the galaxy, and then the battle went between me and Jeana again becuase James refused to budge out of his part of the galaxy.  Wimp.  LOL Then everyone had to go home and we called it a draw. 
I’m going to prom with Kelly now instead of Greg thank God, so now I’m actually kind of looking forward to it.  Jeana and James had some drama goin on about prom because the two pricks like each other but refuse to do anything with each other and I don’t know… it was a mess.  ::shrugs::  James swore that he asked both me and Jeana (weirdo) to prom the beginning of last year and we said no, so he figured that Jeana didn’t want to go a year lateR?  When I had told him that she wanted to go with him??  I don’t know.  It was pretty messed up and it made me sad, because Jeana and James are almost perfect for each other.  Jeana tries to strangle him every once in a while, but overall he’s not that bad.  They get along well.  Hell, their first names both start with J’s.  : /
… And that was about it.  OOOH Jeana gave me this green stuffed frog that’s dressed all ghetto and he’s blingin out… you press his foot and he dances and he sings Usher’s Yeah.  It’s so fucking hilarious.  I almost died when I first played it.  And everything else I got was Star Wars- except for flowers and blackberries.  I’m such a loser and life is grand.  And Saturday and Sunday my dad and I waded through taxes. 
So… 18 is so far neutral territory.  It’s alright.  I don’t suddenly feel ten times older, so I think we’re okay.  I have this fear of aging.  I think it’s so extreme because sometimes in the morning it hurts so bad to get out of bed… what’s going to happen when I’m 50?  My parents find it as hard to get out of bed as I do.  My feet are already diagnosed as being advanced age of like 90.  Getting older is just scary.  Get all grey and pop wheelies on a power chair with flabby arms and a croak of a yell… fuckin hell.  It’s just scary. 
Pz out, fools.  ((Pz up A-town… Yeah Yeah Yeah… ::dies laughing::))


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May 9, 2007

April 14th, eh? Alright. I’m going to bookmark w/ this one, cutie. I’ll come back & read this one & resume. 😉 A little over a year to go. 😉 Hope U R having sweet dreams & a good night. I’m beat. Eyes tired & even more exhausted after working out & bench pressing. Nap time. Then repeat the cycle, wash, rinse, work, repeat. At least the Cubs & White Sox both won. I hope the Bulls can Win tomorrow

May 10, 2007

Just say no to flabby arms. 😉 lol. Getting old sux & the more wear & tear you put on your body, hun, the worse it’ll be, trust me. Tho, a good massage partner can help ease those bad days. Tho, I wouldn’t know anything about that, since nobody wants a massage from me…hmm, well I should say nobody like RECIPROCATING one. lol. Star Wars Risk? I wanna play, even if you kick my azz. lol.

May 10, 2007

& I suck at bowling, too. Damn, I think my best game was around 150 & maybe hit it once or twice. I think I’m happy if I clear 100. lol. I have no form & lots of anger when not launching it right. My thumb easily blisters & I want to destroy something. Yeah, but it’s fun to get together & play. I usually play on trips back to IL & me & my friends go. They get a kick out of watching me, at least 😉