Niggaz in Chains: pre-competition jitters.

Time:: 4:05 pm
Listening to::  My hip hop solo- mix of Dr. Dre’s instrumental Bitch Niggaz & Limp Bizkit’s Intro/Outro on Chocolate Starfish Hotdog Flavored Water.
Wearing:: Dark gray cut off sweat pants, lime green razor back tank, and my bro’s giant sweatshirt with a bunch of sparkly competition accessories.  LOL
Last ate::  Chicken, corn, salt & Vinegar pringles.

I have my first competition this weekend; it starts on Saturday.  I’m pretty excited.  The cool thing is that I’m nervous right now (dress rehearsal is in just over two hours) so that means I will be not very nervous when I actually compete.  I think I’m just so excited to compete and these will be my last competitions that is just making me so spastic.  Also the fact that I have no idea how my feet are going to react, so it will be interesting to say the least.  I compete my two solos (hip hop & a lyrical) on Sunday.  The only thing I’m really nervous about for my solos is the opening to my hip hop.  Because, knowing Inmate as well as I do LOL, it just goes without saying that the opening is going to be absolutely crazy.  And yes, it is.  I walk on my hands all the way across the stage before I start LOL.  So it’s going to be absolutely awesome if I get it, and if I don’t… well I don’t think I won’t.  If I fall out of it (I’m not a gymnast, I’m completely self-taught) I think the rest of my solo is balling enough so that it will make up for the short entrance.  ; )  I’m not really nervous for my lyrical.  I don’t know why, but I’m not.  So that’s good, because my lyrical is first and that will break the stage in for me before I do my hip hop.  that way, too, I iwll know that I am warm for my hip hop so I won’t hurt myself.
I got whiplash the other day from a back walkover in my hip hop solo.  I was so pissed; it was mildly embaressing.  I didn’t know it was possible to get whiplash from dancing, but now I’m living proof.  : /  I realized then that it was very very bad when you try to muscle over a back walkover with your neck.  ::smiles brightly::  So I hope it won’t happen again.  And then the only other trick I have is completely up in the air like a flip of a coin.  I don’t often fall out of it, so that’s the good news, but I really want to be able to hold it there for a few seconds- it shows more skillz then just popping out of it.  Shows more control, and I have the control and I have done it… but I don’t know if the adrenaline is going to make me give it too much power.  Adrenaline is something no one really accounts for when they’re thinking of disaster scenarios- that I’ve learned.  Adrenaline gives you the extra energy you need to get through tough situations, but it will often force you to overreact and give you too much energy at the expense of control.  After 10 years of performing, predicting my adrenaline hasn’t become any easier.  : / 
Alright, I’m gonna go stand around in the dance room and listen to my music and find my focus.

Wish me luck.  Pz… mcl.


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May 9, 2007

Good Luck, even tho it’s a year & 2 months late. 😉 Again, I can’t say enough how cool it would be to see you bust the moves. And I can see how extra adrenaline can affect your control. You competing has to be so incredible & surreal. & doing the stuff I know you must do, it has to be completely dangerous & hard on the body. From everything I’ve read just from you alone, it takes a tough person

May 9, 2007

mentally & physically to deal with the pressure & physicality of the nature of your art & craft. Especially on extra tough days where you are hurting sore & have to tough it out. You have to have that extra resolve & rely on your heart to push you thru to do what you know you are capable of, but your body is having trouble cooperating with. I can’t express my admiration enough. 😉