Bashing arms and, well, kharma.

Time::  6:32 pm
Listening to::  ‘Ain’t Yo Bidness’ by ICP
Wearing::  Black sweatpants with red arrows down side of the legs w/ matching sports jacket, and a gray tee that says "If dance were any easier, it would be called football."  And a butterfly beanie baby on my head.  Don’t ask.
Last ate::  Uhhh… lunch.  Ham, baked potato, peas, and dill pickle potato chips.  : D
Woke up:: 9:29 am

So, if I’m supposed to find something to do with my life besides dance… I got a big job ahead of me.  I desperately want something to do with dance, but I have so many interests.  Providing I can afford to get my ass to college.  I am going to need the biggest scholarship on the planet because I can’t afford to pay for SHIT.  But anyway.  I really would like to get into something like Criminology.  I think that would be really awesome, and knowing me, I would shine with a degree like that.  I don’t want to be a cop… I’m too dirty to be a cop LOL… but I want to know why people are the way they are, you know?  Sometimes it would just be great to understand things, rather than just accept that some people are the way they are.  There are always consequences and driving points. 
Like the other day, I got mad.  I would call it, in private, and in this diary thing, blind rage.  I was dancing (CORRECTION: I was marking the choreography, not even doing anything difficult.) when my feet wouldn’t work anymore.  Before I even realized what I was doing, I was in the bathroom at the dance studio, shaking.  I started crying, because it was then that I remembered how I’d left the dance room and I was literally astonished that the studio was still standing.  I mean, reputation is everything to me, as you can guess from my profile and everything.  Reputation is EVERYTHING!  The better you can hide your emotions, the better… and I just about punched down the entire studio with people watching.  It was horrible.  I guess it was almost funny, except for the fact that it was just horrible.  I was so fucking pissed. 
And then the next day, was playing the SIMS and trying to relax when my mom declares that she’s lost half of the costumes for one of the dances I’m teaching.  So I’m pissed again, and go back to playing the SIMS with this ignorant, happy smile on my face.  Lo and behold, the smile wipes off of my faces, simultaneously with the SIMS screen, and suddenly I’m staring at my desktop of Twiztid & ICP.  So there went three hours of hard work down the drain in THAT house.  But I was ok, I’d learned my lesson on anger yesterday, and besides it was just a game.  So I shut down my computer and went into my room to relax and throw some darts, and my fucking cd player starts skipping.  It just randomly skips and I don’t know what the hell is wrong with it because the cds are just fine.  It skips randomly and at different parts at different places every time.  But anyway.  I wound up throwing darts at my cd player, but I stopped… I love my cd player too much.  It’s bumpin (when it works).  It’s getting old, I guess.  So I was looking for a cd that might not skip, and bumped a cd case down.  It lands behind my bookshelf, dead center behind it.  I’m like FUCK, because that’s my Twiztid ‘Freekshow’ cd and my autographed Marz ‘Against All Odds’ cover.  So I try to move my bookcase, and holy hell, the bookcase is stuck to my carpet.  So I remove my stereo speaker, put it on the floor to keep it safe, and start rockin the bitch to get it unstuck.  Well I unstick it, put my hand behind it to reach and I can’t quite reach it because I have short arms and legs and everything else… and get my fucking arm stuck.  So I’m stuck there for a while and I can’t feel my arm because the weight of this 4 1/2 foot full bookshelf is on it.  Anyway, whatever, it turns out okay and I get them both out and they’re okay so I was happy.  Then my mom comes in and she says she found the costumes.  So I guess good things do come from everything.  Then just a little while ago I had to go move all the books off my other bookshelf and move that one.  My poor arm. 
I went up to school this morning to order and pay for graduation shit.  I don’t think my mom understands the reason I graduated school early- it was so I WOULDN’T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH ANY MORE HIGH SCHOOL.  I probably wrote this last time I made an entry, but high school ruined my life, and now I have to pay them a hundred more dollars as a reward?  They might as fucking well pay me 39 cents to mail me my damn diploma, huh?  Bastards.  Anyway, I was up at the high school today and I almost puked.  I felt like watching my back and running every time I saw authority.  I felt like I was skipping.  It felt kinda weird too, considering everyone else was in class and I hadn’t been up at school for two months.  O.O  That was the coolest feeling in the world.  The worst will be seeing all of the assholes that I have to graduate with again.  I hated high school.  …Ugh.
Except today I learned that kharma does come around to you.  This girl that I knew from school that I hated with all of my guts was murdered/committed suicide last night.  I believe she committed suicide- it was probably an accident.  …If someone murdered her, they need a life, fool.  That chick was not worth it.  But whatever.  I’m almost half anticipating the cops to show up at my door.  I didn’t exactly hide the fact that I hated the chick.  She was a whore.  But I can’t talk bad about the dead, man; I hope she can rest now. 
Alright, I’m outta this bitch.


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May 9, 2007

I definitely believe in karma. I don’t like to mess with it. I totally feel you on the diploma thing. It must have been a great feeling to head there & be free, tho. 😉 I dunno. Some days it’s like our hormones are out of whack, because I am a very zen person & try to be drama & stress free, but I know high blood pressure & anger could be there if I ever let it. I used to get mad @ video games

May 9, 2007

& bite controllers. lol. I still get peeved if I play one sometimes, but I laugh at myself. Wrestling was good therapuetic release for all that, but as I got older & wiser, things aren’t worth it. We also can’t bottle things up. We all need a therapuetic release somewhere. Sorry, i did chuckle when you were stuck, but only because I know you got out. 😉 U still looking at criminology?