
Time:: 7:54 pm
Listening to::  Whatever’s playing in the dance rooms.  I’m up at the dance studio.
Wearing:: Baggy black pants, this tiny black dance top with the American flag that says ‘United We Dance’ underneath it, and my brother’s dark grey sweatshirt that’s three sizes too big for me.
Woke up:: 8:16 am. 
Last ate::  Uhhh… Graham crackers w/peanut butter, Boost shake, orange, & a protein bar  -Supper!

I don’t have anything really great to say today, but I teach adult hip hop Thursday mornings now.  I don’t care too much for teaching it, but I think I will get used to it after a while.  Most things are like that.  ^_^
So that… and I’ve been thinking.  It’s time to play with my weight again.  I weigh in at 136 pounds (typically- I’m 5’2 and 1/2.  The 1/2 is very important when you’re short.), and I’m exactly 25% body fat.  I’m a very… largely accented female, so I don’t want to diminish my body fat so far that I deplete those attributes, but I’m thinking 20% body fat would be great for someone like me who dances as much as I do.  If I lose 16 pounds…   I’ll have 30 pounds of fat on me, whereas now I have 33.  That’s not very impressive unless I convert the weight I’m losing into muscle.  Uhhh… I’m guessing that if I lose 8 pounds and convert the last 8 into muscle… my results will be more desirable.  Right?  Hmm… I think so.  Word.  I need to buy some tennis shoes for dance, because the ones I have are so busted they hurt my feet- especially with the crazy ass shit that I’m doing for my hip hop solo.  Wait… I was talking about something before I went ADD.  Uhh… oh yea.  I was thinking of buying this supplement called Ultra GTX that has a lot of the green tea in it, the EGCG crap, and I’ve been working a lot.  My diet needs some help, unfortunately, because I can’t seem to get my meals in right.  I wake up at eleven usually and leave for dance around 12:30-3, stay at dance , and then come home at ten.  So the biggest issue is that I don’t have time for a meal inbetween there and I don’t have a microwave, either.  And I’m dancing at least half of the time, so I’m trying to figure out what I’m supposed to eat in the middle of that.  Maybe a salad.  And a protein bar.  I guess.  But that’s a long time for my ass to go without eating a meal.  LOL.  I guess some things are gonna have to change.  I know I can lose weight if I really want to, but the thing is that I don’t really care… maybe if I convince myself that I care…
Anyway.  That’s too confusing.
I have class in five minutes.  Today’s my late night, I get home at 10:30.  I like thursdays though.  I teach at 5, and then tap is at 6.  I’m finding I really like tap class and it’s getting easier for me to do and I really like the teacher.  The teacher is my hero.  He’s leaving in February to do a production in New York, so I’ll be without him for a while.  It will be hella lonely.  But he’s finding us someone cool to sub for him… but still.  It’s not going to be the same.  He’s got crazy crazy crazy talent and dedication and some really wicked looking eyes.  Anyway. 
I’m supposed to be paying taxes now.  I have to go through all that crap and it’s going to drive me crazy.  I’d rather go try to pick up an elephant.  And I would go try to play with an elephant, so I guess I have to work out all these damn taxes. 
Now I’m listening to ‘Sea Cruise.’  Heh heh heh.
PZ Mothafacko.


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May 9, 2007

Taxes suck. I hate ’em. lol. Especially with companies & business expenses…ugh. Your meals are definitely unique here. Peanut butter & graham crackers? Sounds like your schedule was/is pretty damn hectic, so yeah, it’s tough to have a good meal schedule on that. Sometimes even when doing athletic & calorie burning activities, you can still eat very wrong because of a crazy schedule. I see the

May 9, 2007

beginnings here of how you became protein queen. 😉 You definitely sound like someone who would be fascinating to track in a DAY or WEEK in the LIFE OF…. that should be a new TV series. 😉 I tell ya…all it takes is one good idea to make $. There’s gotta be something in here{tilts head & shakes it up & down to see if any good ideas fall out….} lol

May 9, 2007

p.s. What’s UTLTRA GTX & EGCG I know green tea is good for you. I have my vitamins I take with work outs that get absorbed easier. I take them about once every other day. I’m out of MOVE FREE & have been for a while. It restores cartilage(sp?). As a wrestler, that was essential. Prolly destroyed my body working out with heavy weight sets, too.