Hip hop rut… hip hop score!

I’m currently strangling my hip hop solo, and that’s all I’m going to say so I don’t lose my mind and throw the computer through the window in front of me. 

I managed to get my speech teacher to like me today.  I guess I presented a good presentation or something.  But I’m not that great at presenting.  I never used to get nervous about presenting before I walked into this speech class, so it’s really weird, but I get out of breath real quickly.  But whatever.  She wants me at some hip hop club thing… I guess Bowie is starting a hip hop dance team… I don’t know what’s going on, I never know what’s going on.  But I think I’m teaching.  Or something.  Yea.  Word.

I have fifteen weeks of school left.  I think.  I don’t remember that, either.  Figures. 

Did I mention my ex is coming home from Iraq?  Probably.  I’m excited. 

I got my ass chased around school today.  Something about a squirt gun, and hitting a few people in the face, and very well-timed comments.  I’m great if you ever want to get pissed off at someone and chase them around.  It’s pretty entertaining.  See… I may be smaller than you, but that doesn’t mean you can catch me because YOU and your long legs cover more ground… Being small just makes it easier to weave through crowds and people and poles and obstacle courses.  Heh heh heh.  And people around you all say curiously, "What just brushed against my knee?"

I don’t understand this damn English assignment.  It tells me to identify kennings, but I don’t know what kennings are or how to identify kennings, so I’ll just turn this in and… pretend I wrote it in invisible ink or something equally as retarded.

I busted my ribs today, lol.  I have a ball on the inside of one of them and it hurts like fuck if I try to move it.  I’m like BWAHHH.  It’s great!





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May 9, 2007

Ugh. How did you bust your rib? Damn you could be a wrestler with all of these injuries. Sheesh, girl. And yeah, lots of girls say they can outrun me, but we never find out. And even if a girl was quicker & could get away at first, how long can you keep it up? Doesn’t stamina count? I’d like to chase you around the Grand Canyon. lol. We’d see who’d run out of breath first. lol.