Spring Break.

I finally made it to Spring Break!

Yay, go me!

So far I’ve cleaned hte house.  Yep.  I haven’t seen one homie this Spring Break, or talked to one homie.  Well, I called people for dance and they’re all homies but it was for business.  TOO MUCH SHIT TO DO!  ARGH! 

And it’s already Saturday, which means I have two days to cram in the rest of the crap I have to do.  Of course, I have had some time between 11:30 and 12:30 at night and usually from whenever I wake up to 2 in the afternoon to myself.  I’ve had a chance to write, to play on the computer, but there’s just so much I need to do.  Oh yea, I’ve had time to get a partial suntan.  : )  That’s kinda cool.  Ooooh and I went to the mall with Jeana on Saturday before she went to Indiana to play with her insane relatives and her really cute niece and nephew.  I’m jealous.  O.o  My brother’s going into the Air Force, not getting married and having kids!  Well… anway, I think that’s good for him.  Kids are sucky.  LOL.  Most o fthe time.  Hmmm… my brother’s leaving in 8 days.  And I went to the mall and I spent all my money on my pants and shirt.  Yep.  It was hella exciting.  ^_^

But I’m no longer bitter about my stress level.  THis has been enough of a rest to wipe away my bitterness and make me step with the wrong foot forward again- with eagerness!

My family should be moving into an apartment here in a few weeks.  We can’t afford this house any more.  I’m like, Well, fuck.  ::shrugs::  I’ve lived the majority of my life with half of my stuff- the other half always being in storage.  I lived half my life with money to buy things, too.  It just goes to show. 

But eatin out of trash cans’ll make you stronger, homie.  Word.



-Inmate-   Dude, check that!  Ha!  It’s a bomb.  Ha!  Fuckin a!  I didn’t know there were smiley faces…

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May 8, 2007

bomb? lol. Eatin’ out of trash? 🙁 do tell. Sounds like you all are doing good now, I hope. Struggling sucks. At least you have/had each other & suffering builds character. Tough times. I know it’s expensive taxes in your neck of the woods, cutie. And you made it to the Mall! YAY FOR YOU! 😉 Stress seemed to minimize. Spring Break was your medicine, baby. 😉