I hate the superbowl

I read these two funny articles on two men that actually HATED the superbowl. I laughed when I read the articles. If anyone wants to read them. The links are below.




For most women the superbowl is the worst day because we very rudely get ignored for 4 + hours. I’ve seen how my boyfriend acts when the regular football comes on and at times I look at him if he’s the most ignorant person I know. For those 4 hours, you sit there bored while they yell at the fucking tv as if the players can actually hear them.
Who wants to watch a bunch of men in skin tight pants run around trying to catch a ball thats no bigger than a notebook? They run back and forth between goals and thats it. That’s the object of the game. Yes, they have all these words to go with football. Touchdown, punt, whatever. Its still a useless thing. Goes to show you how small men’s minds are. The stupidest things get them excited. That’s why I’ve decided to wait til after the game is over to go to my boyfriends. I don’t feel like sitting there while he cheers and whoops and basically tries to tell me what the fuck is going on in the game every 30-40 minutes. He does that when he texts me on the phone. Big whoop. He knows I don’t like football so why does he decide to tell me when I really could care less?

My mom had  the same problem with my dad. She said he used to hold the remote in his hand so she couldn’t change the channel. Yeah…can we say ignorant and rude? My boyfriend does the same thing. He has 3 TVs in the living room. ALL 3 are on Football on the weekends. I’m starting to get sick of the weekends because of football. I don’t think men realize how bad they make their women feel when they totally ignore them. To me, if football is what you wanted to watch, why drag your girlfriend over to watch it with you knowing how she doesn’t care for it?
Well I guess I’ll be downloaded music/movies for the next few hours til this crap is over.
Later folks.

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January 18, 2009

I am a chick who loves footall, but really, I only care about the Steelers. Otherwise, I don’t care about the Super Bowl. So if the Steelers lose today (*knocking on wood that it doesn’t happen*), I won’t be watching the Super Bowl.